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Notes -

Income Resto
Agustus 2016

-Income 6 Agustus-
@sir_Awhitmore 46GOB
M-26148 15GOB
M-22521 15GOB
@sir_kaiparker 20GOB
M-253108 20GOB
D-25248 12GOB

Total: 128GOB

-Income 8 Agustus-
D-23587 230GOB
D-7655 10GOB
M-24554 48GOB
D-24328 27GOB

Total: 315GOB

-Income 11 Agustus-
D-12639 35GOB

-Income 12 Agustus-
21gob - by @Ms_LKirova
12gob - by M-26153
256gob - by M-25218

Total: 289GOB

-Income 14 Agustus-
@Lead_NDashkov 25GOB
D-26101 11GOB
D-26134 25GOB
D-18642 52GOB
Sir_KaiParker 100GOB

Total: 213GOB

-Income 15 Agustus-
@Sir_KaiParker 63GOB
@Lead_LZeklos 10GOB
D-26158 12GOB
D-23446 40GOB
@Sir_Zeklos 12GOB

Total: 137GOB

-Income 16 Agustus-
M-25211 64GOB
@Ms_LKirova 25GOB
@lead_Dawes 10GOB
M-26148 36GOB
M-26138 56GOB
M-24540 60GOB
M-16602 40GOB
M-23561 57GOB
M-25202 35GOB
M-22521 34GOB
D-26131 15GOB
@Sir_KaiParker 20GOB

Total: 452GOB

-Income 17 Agustus-
D-23587 80GOB
D-24328 124GOB
D-252124 15GOB
M-25220 27GOB

Total: 246GOB

-Income 18 Agustus-
D-25163 30GOB
M-24590 37GOB
M-26146 25GOB
M-25231 30GOB
D-21651 52GOB
M-24372 15GOB
D-253125 90GOB
D-24328 12GOB
D-16616 145GOB
D-25321 30GOB
M-23589 30GOB
D-126125 250GOB
D-253125 200GOB
D-26133 240GOB
D-26139 96GOB

Total: 1.282GOB

-Income 20 Agustus-
D-23319 27GOB
@Sir_KaiParker 49GOB
M-16602 11GOB
@Lead_JBelikov 12GOB
M-26153 20GOB
@Ms_HathawayB 35GOB
D-253125 140GOB
M-26138 36GOB

Total: 330GOB

-Income 21 Agustus-
M-23466 15GOB
M-24590 12GOB
M-8617 30GOB
M-22534 56GOB
M-26153 20GOB
M-253108 55GOB
M-16602 39GOB
D-253125 170GOB
M-25211 115GOB

Total: 512GOB

-Income 22 Agustus-
D-26134 50GOB
M-26146 25GOB
M-26116 18GOB
D-26139 210GOb
D-253125 99GOB
D-19632 60GOB
M-16602 117GOB
D-24344 85GOB
D-26188 117GOB
M-25220 47GOB

Total: 828GOB

-Income 23 Agustus-
D-25321 55GOB
M-24590 24GOB
D-24312 30GOB
M-23589 25GOB
D-26131 10GOB
@Ms_LKirova 40GOB
@lead_Aylesworth 15GOB
M-23589 145GOB

Total: 344GOB

-Income 24 Agustus-
D-26131 40GOB
M-26138 32GOB
D-26134 25GOB
M-25218 55GOB

Total: 152GOB

-Income 27 Agustus-
D-26131 50GOB
D-12639 50GOB
M-18612 241GOB
M-24422 157GOB
@Sir_KaiParker 40GOB
M-253108 22GOB

Total: 560GOB

-Income 28 Agustus-
D-21651 40GOB
M-26148 73GOB
D-26131 150GOB
M-26116 10GOB
D-25248 55GOB
M-25231 35GOB
M-126101 45GOB
M-26153 12GOB

Total: 420GOB

-Income 29 Agustus-
D-253125 20GOB
D-24544 67GOB
M-26246 37GOB
@Ms_Kirova 50GOB

Total: 168GOB

-Income 30 Agustus-
D-24544 47GOB
M-27167 25GOB
M-25357 21GOB
D-27149 60GOB
D-11646 33GOB
M-26338 42GOB
M-22534 100GOB

Total: 328GOB

Income Total Keseluruhan:
- 6 Agustus Total: 128GOB
- 8 Agustus Total: 315GOB
- 11 Agustus Total: 35GOB
- 12 Agustus Total: 289GOB
- 14 Agustus Total: 213GOB
- 15 Agustus Total: 137GOB
- 16 Agustus Total: 452GOB
- 17 Agustus Total: 246GOB
- 18 Agustus Total: 1.282GOB
- 20 Agustus Total: 330GOB
- 21 Agustus Total: 512GOB
- 22 Agustus Total: 828GOB
- 23 Agustus Total: 344GOB
- 24 Agustus Total: 152GOB
- 25 Agustus
- 27 Agustus Total: 560GOB
- 28 Agustus Total: 420GOB
- 29 Agustus Total: 168GOB
- 30 Agustus Total: 328GOB

Total Seluruhnya: 6.739GOB
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Regards; Team

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