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So, Hi guys. It is my first wargame, so I ask you to forgive my little poental Errors.

So, here are the backstory and rules:

In october-november 1931 in USSR started big riots due to the anti-popular and authoritarian rule of Bolshevik Communists. In the night of the anniversary of Great Revolution a coup was organised by Nationalists from different Republics, and anti-communist powers and the USSR was disolved. Karelia joied Finland, while Murmansk was very occupied by Finland without any resistence from the Locals. Baltic States formed an Union. Belarus and Ukrain Proclaimed their Indeppendence. Still RASSM, populated in it’s majority by Romanian natives joined Romania. The fight between Communists and anti-Communists continues in Ukrain, Belarus and Russia, still the civil population is on the side of ant-Communists.

The World seems to recover from Great Depression and first signs of economical growth are seen.

In Germany this summer will be elections for the Reichstag. This event if followed by whole world, as the results of the pool may change the history.

Next Year in Spain we will also have a very important pool which will without doubts will have a great Role not only in the history of Spain, but of the Whole Europe.

1. Be Realistic.
2. Declarations of war are not allowed untill 1938. In order not to wait like 24 turns to be able to declare war first 4 turn will be 1.5 years each. Fter that turns will be 3months. Why I decided to do so you will se in next points.
3. You all start with 0 army and military tech. But because of 6 years of peace you will be able to prepare strong armies.
4. As we are in the last part of Great Depression you should reinforce your economy.
5. In the end of the post you will have a blank with how your turn should look like.
6. There will be a zooho doc where I will insert your armies. Still, for instance even if there is only one Topic for „Heavy tanks” this doesnt mean that I will consider Italian Heavy Tanks as good as German ones. This is just for numbers, not for quality.

Here you have time Required to Produce military tech:
1 month= 200tanks for superpwers; 100Tanks for Middlepowers, 30 Tanks for Smallpowers.
Germany can produce 250tanks each month.
Fighters/Interceptors: 1 month= 500 for supperpowers. 300 for Middlepowers. 50 for Smallpowers.
UK can produce 600 each month. Germany 550.
Bombardiers: 1month= 100 superpowers, 50 Middlepowers, 10 Smallpowers.
UK= 130. Germany=115.

I wont give stats for NAVY cause it will be too complicated. Still you should say how much you want to produe and I will decide if it is realistic or not.

A good RP can encrease you production capacity.

7. Well, it is not a rule, but still, I hope I wont see more than 2 superpowers in same Alliance, it is not forbiden, but still.

Here it is for now. Have fun.
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