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Status #openobjectX leioX
[18:58] <leio> so yeah, I guess I could theoretically test this in practice too instead of blind, but I haven't really been in odoo development mode, so haven't context switched beyond blind suggestions :P
[18:58] <leio> entering what I consider billing territory otherwise, lol
[18:59] <leio> but you start getting me wondering how it's supposed to be done :D
[18:59] <leio> I mean, if to hack it up via qweb, instead of that computed field
[19:00] <tkonto> I tried both suggestions (just finished) but none gives an output. Thought that in "invoice" there is a capital i but checked with the field values in debugging mode it is with lower i
[19:00] <tkonto> Also none gives an error
[19:01] <leio> yeah, I looked at the selection list in base module that it's 'invoice' as value with "Invoice" as the UI display name
[19:01] <tkonto> so no error (so something gets calculated) but it gives null
[19:01] <leio> it actually write null in the PDF or?
[19:01] <tkonto> how about adding something in there to see what it calculates to?
[19:01] <tkonto> no sorry by null I mean it writes nothing on the pdf
[19:01] <leio> try the version with "next"
[19:02] <leio> and instead of '' put some readable default value
[19:02] <leio> <t t-esc="next(( for partner in o.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.child_ids if partner.type == 'invoice'), 'List is empty')"/>
[19:02] <tkonto> Now that I think about it...
[19:02] <tkonto> ok let me run that test and share what I thought
[19:03] <leio> you don't have any contacts with type==invoice? :D
[19:03] <tkonto> :D
[19:03] <tkonto> LoL
[19:03] <tkonto> ROTFL
[19:03] <tkonto> I do
[19:03] <tkonto> assuming it calculates to nothing.
[19:03] <leio> for that invoice recipient
[19:04] <tkonto> we should see an extra empty line on the pdf between the lines I have added the t-esc for this.
[19:04] <tkonto> there are no extra empty lines
[19:04] <tkonto> (I have added both versions of t-esc actually to work in parallel and see which on will work)
[19:04] <tkonto> I have added them between two existing lines that DO create output
[19:05] <tkonto> so if the new t-esc result to nothing, at least should we not see two extra empty lines on the pdf?
[19:05] <leio> not necessarily any extra lines; there's no <p> stuff in there
[19:05] <tkonto> the test did not worked out
[19:05] <tkonto> no output still
[19:05] <leio> should at least give List is empty...
[19:05] <tkonto> it did not
[19:06] <leio> you don't use CRM or whatever thing that saves the PDF in attachments and then later just gives the saved PDF instead of re-generating? :D
[19:06] <tkonto> I remove the attachment before re-printing to avoid that.
[19:07] <tkonto> (it works for something like 123 re-prints already ) :)
[19:08] <tkonto> should the res.parnter somehow be included?
[19:08] <tkonto> s//res.partner
[19:09] <tkonto> the object and the relation is with res.partner
[19:09] <leio> slightly preoccupied with work work right now
[19:09] <tkonto> sorry
[19:09] <tkonto> :)
[19:10] <leio> so my answer will be delayed now; just something just came up
[19:10] <leio> so you know :)
[19:10] <leio> some field missing report nonsense after a server migration
[19:10] <tkonto> I feel you :)
[19:29] <leio> who what [email protected]
[19:33] <tkonto> did not catch that. a question?
[19:33] <leio> I didn't understand your res.partner question
[19:34] <tkonto> o sorry.. I was trying to figure out how we know when to address res.partner and when o.partner_id
[19:35] <leio> res.partner is a model
[19:35] <leio> o.partner_id is a reference to an entry/object of that model
[19:35] <leio> because o is an account.invoice in that context
[19:35] <leio> not the model class, but an instance of it
[19:35] <leio> or well
[19:35] <tkonto> got it
[19:35] <leio> and account.invoice model has a field called partner_id
[19:36] <leio> which is a many2one of res.partner
[19:36] <leio> so o.partner_id IS a concrete res.partner
[19:36] <leio> (unless it's not set, which shouldn't be possible, as partner_id on account.invoice is required=True)
[19:37] <leio> is the database row ID of that res.partner entry
[19:37] <leio> the database table is by default with dot stuff smashed to _, so it's res_partner table ID column
[19:37] <leio> for .id
[19:37] <tkonto> so we are trying to get the name of a partner if that partner type == invoice and that partner being a child_id under a commercial_partner_id under a partner_id
[19:37] <leio> in turn res.partner has a computed commercial_partner_id field
[19:38] <leio> which is also a res.partner
[19:38] <leio> openerp/addons/base/res/ has code for that
[19:38] <leio> 'commercial_partner_id': fields.function(_commercial_partner_id, type='many2one', relation='res.partner', string='Commercial Entity', store=_commercial_partner_store_triggers)
[19:39] <leio> this is old v7 API (it's not ported to new API yet in odoo v8, should be in v9) relation='res.partner' says
[19:39] <leio> that it's also a res.partner many2one (type= said that)
[19:39] <leio> it ends up via some indirection in def _commercial_partner_compute function in there
[19:40] <leio> the store_triggers are old API way of doing @api.depends
[19:40] <leio> needed because it actually caches the computed value in database
[19:40] <leio> and it tells when it has to recompute
[19:41] <leio> but what the value is, is just the code in that compute function
[19:41] <leio> """ Returns the partner that is considered the commercial
[19:41] <leio> entity of this partner. The commercial entity holds the master data
[19:41] <leio> for all commercial fields (see :py:meth:`~_commercial_fields`) """
[19:42] <leio> in practice, a commercial entity is a res.partner that has is_company set, or a non-company that isn't just a contact of some company
[19:43] <tkonto> could be just a person, with no affiliation to any company.. yes
[19:43] <leio> based on that it does accounting stuff against the commercial entity, instead of a contact inside a company
[19:43] <leio> so if you invoice a contact partner, it should invoice the company instead, etc
[19:43] <leio> I'm not familiar with how the partner_id gets set on account.invoice
[19:43] <tkonto> it does but reporting still references the contact not the company
[19:44] <leio> MAYBE it already is assured to be a commercial entity and we don't have to go via commercial_partner_id there
[19:44] <leio> guess not then
[19:44] <leio> that's why I put that inbetween
[19:44] <leio> because you probably want to find an invoice type contact of the company, not the contact
[19:44] <tkonto> I THINK I tried without comercial_partner_id... let me check once more
[19:45] <leio> it's business logic, I don't know what you need
[19:45] <leio> I assume you want to search all contacts of the company for an invoice type contact
[19:45] <tkonto> exactly that
[19:45] <leio> so you need commercial_partner_id in there
[19:45] <tkonto> and just present the name of it on the report
[19:45] <leio> nothing assures only one such contact exists
[19:45] <leio> so my code just more or less randomly picks one
[19:45] <leio> would need slightly different code to list them all
[19:46] <leio> however itd be simple
[19:46] <leio> instead of the next() trick, we'd instead create a string from the list
[19:46] <leio> via string join metho
[19:46] <leio> method
[19:46] <leio> put commas inbetween and voilǎ
[19:46] <tkonto> now you lost me completely... method like python method?
[19:47] <leio> or you might want to list the same contact you are invoicing in there IF he is already a type==invoice
[19:47] <leio> yeah
[19:47] <leio> and only go looking for other contacts if he himself isn't invoice type
[19:47] <leio> that depends how the logic has to be
[19:47] <tkonto> if it will work for one, I might be able to amend to that scenario
[19:48] <leio> if you want to list all of the invoice types simply separated by commas
[19:48] <leio> you could do this supposedly:
[19:48] <leio> <t t-esc="', '.join([ for partner in o.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.child_ids if partner.type == 'invoice'])" />
[19:49] <leio> for example if the company has two partners marked with type=='invoice' named Foo and Bar
[19:49] <leio> this should output "Foo, Bar"
[19:49] <leio> if there are none, it will output empty string
[19:50] <leio> if there is only one, it'll just output one
[19:50] <leio> except there's some problem going on in here that shouldn't be fixed by this, maybe by coincidence :P
[19:50] <leio> as the previous versions didn't work either
[19:51] <leio> btw, there's a nice module called "shell"
[19:51] <leio> which allows you to type command line python against a database
[19:51] <leio> nice for debugging
[19:51] <leio> I'd use that to figure out what the heck is going on
[19:51] <leio> it's builtin in v9
[19:51] <leio> for v8 there's a backported module by OCA
[19:51] <leio> in its server modules
[19:51] <tkonto> I wonder if the lines I have all four versions of t-esc right now, do not show up on the pdf for a layout related reason... at least one of them should work
[19:52] <leio>
[19:52] <leio> the shell module in there is what I talked about
[19:52] <leio> oh, 8.0 branch
[19:52] <leio> 9.0 doesn't have it - odoo has it on its own there
[19:52] <leio>
[19:52] <leio> then we could double-check via that if the data is right
[19:52] <leio> if it works outside qweb
[19:53] <leio> you would find out what invoice ID you are printing
[19:53] <leio> it should be in the URL of the invoice form
[19:53] <leio> like id=1 and model=account.invoice in the URL bar of browser
[19:54] <leio> you could take the ID
[19:54] <leio> open this shell
[19:54] <leio> and debug there
[19:54] <leio> o = env['account.invoice'].browse(1)
[19:54] <leio> (where instead of 1 you'd put what ID it is
[19:54] <leio> and then you can test if it works in python
[19:54] <leio> ', '.join([ for partner in o.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.child_ids if partner.type == 'invoice'])
[19:54] <leio> by just launching that
[19:54] <leio> see if it outputs something or also empty string
[19:55] <leio> this assumes you figure out how to launch odoo from the command line
[19:55] <leio> you probably would make your odoo user possible to log in
[19:55] <leio> su into it
[19:55] <tkonto> I am ok with that... my main job is related to system/services admin
[19:55] <leio> and then run with the same arguments the service is doing
[19:55] <leio> probably some --config arg mainly
[19:56] <leio> but putting shell in front
[19:56] <leio> so like shell --config...
[19:56] <leio> but also need to specify what database you want to shell into
[19:56] <tkonto> yeap
[19:56] <leio> so a -d <db_name> extra arg
[19:56] <leio> before all that you would install the shell module into that db
[19:56] <leio> then it works
[19:56] <tkonto> the config file is basic actually so no strange options... it should be strait forward
[19:56] <leio> this is a debug tool, so presumbly would do it on a development instance :)
[19:57] <leio> yeah, mostly for addons_path or so
[19:57] <leio> the one it auto-generates
[19:57] <leio> I like to comment out the log-file or whatever thing
[19:57] <tkonto> I have a container for playing and destroying.. I tested all your suggestions on that actually
[19:57] <leio> because the servce seems to be passing a logfile on command line anyways
[19:57] <leio> that way I can see the log in console when running from command line manually
[19:58] <leio> instead of having it hidden away in /var/log that I need to tail -f separately then
[19:58] <leio> but not important for the shell case
[19:58] <leio> for poking at it at shell, the main service itself can continue running even
[19:58] <leio> as if you do the shell thing, it won't go trying to open ports and stuff
[19:59] <tkonto> good to there something we could add into that t-esc to force it output something?
[19:59] <leio> not sure, it should be outputting it pretty raw
[19:59] <leio> with shell we could debug easier what's going on
[20:00] <tkonto> ok one moment
[20:00] <tkonto> is the following valid?
[20:00] <tkonto> <t t-esc="'TEST'"/>
[20:00] <tkonto> should it just output TEST?
[20:01] <leio> I think so...
[20:01] <leio> try :)
[20:01] <tkonto> it does not
[20:01] <tkonto> I think there is something else wrong... ok
[20:01] <leio> put it all inbetween paragraph tags to be sure?
[20:01] <leio> <p><t ...></p>
[20:01] <tkonto> let me try different div sections / report lines and come back... maybe your code is correct, and the layout does not show up the output
[20:02] <tkonto> will update you in a while..
[20:03] <leio> you can try to see if just raw text shows up or something
[20:03] <leio> like if <p><t t-esc="'TEST'"/></p> doesn't show up
[20:03] <leio> try just <p>TEST</p> in that location
[20:04] <leio> to make sure t-esc is working like we think it works :D
[20:04] <leio> I tend to make computed fields and use t-field, so I actually might just say some nonsense about esc :(
[21:01] <tkonto> As I thought
[21:02] <tkonto> The place I had the code in, did nothing to the pdf
[21:02] <tkonto> I changed it and it works
[21:02] <tkonto> and for reference, let me check all four versions of it.
[21:02] <leio> if you want to list all of them, the ", ".join(...) version is probably best
[21:02] <leio> so it would list them all
[21:03] <leio> if you want to avoid printing some label in front if there are no results
[21:03] <leio> you would probably save it in a qweb variable via t-set instead
[21:03] <leio> then you can t-if and t-esc on it not being empty
[21:04] <leio> without needleslly running the expression multiple times
[21:18] <tkonto> yeap very good idea
[21:18] <tkonto> results
[21:18] <tkonto> QWebException: ""'NoneType' object is not callable" while evaluating "next(( for partner in o.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.child_ids if partner.type == 'invoice'), 'TEST')"" while evaluating
[21:20] <tkonto> QWebException: ""'NoneType' object is not callable" while evaluating
[21:20] <tkonto> "next(( for partner in o.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.child_ids if partner.type == 'invoice'), '')"" while evaluating
[21:21] <tkonto> so it seams that his syntax has something missing or should be syntaxed differently
[21:22] <tkonto> s/his/this
[21:23] <tkonto> so what works is:
[21:23] <tkonto> <t t-esc="', '.join([ for partner in o.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.child_ids if partner.type == 'invoice'])" />
[21:23] <tkonto> &
[21:23] <tkonto> <t t-esc="[ for partner in o.partner_id.child_ids if partner.type == 'invoice'][0]"/>
[21:24] <leio> latter should break when there is no invoice type contact
[21:24] <leio> but the join is best anyway if you like the multiple case listing them all, comma-separated
[21:25] <leio> for the errors, it would be easier to figure out from using shell
[21:25] <tkonto> true it breaks
[21:25] <tkonto> QWebException: ""list index out of range" while evaluating
[21:25] <tkonto> "[ for partner in o.partner_id.child_ids if partner.type == 'invoice'][0]"" while evaluating
[21:27] <tkonto> So theoretically I could even create a new value on type.. one to show as invoiced addressed to and one to show as Attention to:
[21:27] <leio> or we don't need to care what's wrong if the best output that handles all cases works :D
[21:27] <tkonto> yes you are right.. the more generic is always good
[21:29] <leio> if you need something else, you can use the [0] version without [0]
[21:29] <leio> in a t-set
[21:29] <leio> to save the list of names
[21:30] <leio> and then work with that; but it's really just a random order, not sure how you would differentiate as the main invoice person from attention to
[21:30] <tkonto> and yes the comma works... all contacts with type=invoice are comma listed
[21:30] <leio> because it's random, might want to throw in some sorting
[21:30] <tkonto> now that I have the basic t-esc, I can do many things thank's to you.
[21:30] <tkonto> Really really thank you
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