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Barry: Dr. Math!
Barry: Why are you trapping us?
Dr Math: You kids never understand!
Barry: What?
Dr. math: People like you don't care about me!
Barry; Why is that?
Dr. Math: Many people don't like math...
Barry: I love math!
Dr. math: ...
Barry: I really do!
dr. Math: Ha! You think you LIKE math?!
dr math. (laughing)
dr. Math: Prove it!
dr. Math (jumps away)
Barry: Oh no!
Barry: Dr. math is escaping!
Barry: *hears from distance*
(dr. math): I'll trap all of your little friends!
Dr. Math: To prove to them that math is good!
Barry: I'm sure they like math-
Barry: nevermind, too late..
Barry: i swear that guy makes no sense
Barry: We all like math! Right?
Barry: All well, I guess I just have to save the day..
Barry: After I get out of these bonds of-
Barry: *shudders* painted toilet paper...
Barry: *runs swiftly*

-THE DOORS OF ADDITION- (background) LVL 1
barry: What?! These are locked!
Barry; wait a minute...
Barry: These are math problems!!!

(Help Barry (The flash) unlock the doors
by figuring out the problems)

Barry: hmm...
Barry: What's 10 + 10? 20

Good: barry: nice! *inputs code*

Barry; What's 6 + 15? 21

Good: Barry: *inputs code*

Barry: What's 18 + 12? 30
Good: Barry: great..

barry: Now we have to add all of the sums!
Barry: What is 20 +21?

Good: Barry: what's 41 + 30? 71

Barry: 71! *inputs code*

Door unlocks-

Barry: Yay!-
Barry: You've gotta be kidding me

- Subtraction Sensation - (Background) LVL 2
Barry: Dang!
Barry: Where does he even get these doors?!
Barry: A microphone!

Barry: What is 57 - 4? 53

Good: *Barry* 53!!!

Barry: .. this one's a question..
Barry: What is a minus sign?
(X) (=) (-)

Good: barry: Great job!
What is 1 - 1/2?

Good: Barry: 1/2!

*Doors unlock*

Barry: Yes! Finally!
now we must...

Barry: NO!

- Multiplication sensation!- (Background) LVL 3
Press Here if you need help
solving multiplication problems:

Barry: What is 6 x 1? 6

Good: Barry: *inputs code*
Barry: Why does everything have a code?!

Dr. Math; Getting closer!!! (background of all four doors 1v 1m 1s 1a

Barry: Dr. Math! Stop this instant!

Dr. Math: Nope!
*Runs off!* (Background of all four doors!)

Barry: *sighs*

barry: 3 x 3! 9

Good: 7 x 6! 42!

Good: Last one! 11 x 2! 22

Good: *Doors unlocks*

Barry: No more doors!
Barry: Phew!

Barry: *turns*
Barry: gah!

Barry: Let go of my friends!

Dr. Math: These are stuffed animals.

Barry: doesn't matter!

barry: I want them back!
barry: they are my toys!

Dr. Math: what are you?
Dr. math: a kid?

Barry: yes! I want them back!

Dr. Math: In order to get them back,
Dr. math: Solve my math problems
Dr. math: (eerie) By yourself!

Barry: What?!

Dr. Math: that's right!
Dr. math: You had someone help you!
Dr. Math: No more!

-Dr. math's big 'Problem"-
dr. Math: see what I did there?

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Regards; Team

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