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WHAP 1st Semester Study Guide

Name: Kongmeng Yang Date: 9/8/16
Be thorough with your answers. DO NOT try to give one word/phrase or even one sentence answers on most questions.

(Who, What, Where, When) (Significance)
(3points) (2 points)

Gilgamesh - Gilgamesh is an early king of Uruk in Sumer and he was the 6th king). He is best known for a time called “The Epic of Gilgamesh” whose roots are before 2000 B.C.E. The Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia. Dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur (2100 BC), it is often regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature. Also, Gilgamesh is supposedly a hero of Mesopotamian epic.

Hammurabi - He ruled over Babylon when it was gaining political and cultural ascendancy over the southern plain. His rule was during the 17th and 18th century. Hammurabi wrote a famous Babylonian law code and it was named “Hammurabi’s Code.”

Hammurabi’s Code - Hammurabi’s Code is a preserved Babylonian law code of ancient Mesopotamia. It was created by Hammurabi. Also, partial copies exist on a seven and a half foot stone tall stele and various clay tablets. The code was one of the longest deciphered writings of significant length.

Mesopotamia - Mesopotamia was land between the Tigris and Euphrates River. Mesopotamia is where the first agriculture and civilizations started to emerge. Even though agriculture was very common, it emerged at random times. Mesopotamia emerged during 5000-3500 B.C.E. The Sumerians were the first to emerge with a society in Mesopotamia.

Sumeria - Sumeria was the southernmost region of Mesopotamia. It is sometimes considered the cradle of civilization. Sumer is located where Iraq and Babylonia used to be. The sumerian civilization emerged in around 4000 B.C.E. During this time their societies worked differently from others.

Cuneiform - Cuneiform is a type of writing system in Mesopotamia, specifically that Sumerians used. It is a type of writing where you carve out symbols into a clay tablet. People who learned cuneiform trained for many years to become a scribe and that becoming their job/duty in their society. Around the time of 3500 B.C.E is when Cuneiform was invented. Cuneiform gave people a way to document and have another way of communicating with people.

Hieroglyphics - Hieroglyphics are symbols of writing for Egyptians. Hieroglyphics were a religious form of writing which was meant to obscure what the author was saying. This type of writing emerged in about 3300 B.C.E. Hieroglyphics were known as holy writing so that the gods could read it and were sacred to the people.

City state - City states are self-governing urban centers and the agricultural territories they had/controlled. City states formed in early Mesopotamia, Archaic, and Classical Greece, Phoenicia, and early Italy. City states led to more complex societies during early Mesopotamia.

Confucius - Confucius was a philosopher who lived in China during 500 B.C.E. Confucius emphasized personal and governmental mortality. He also emphasized correctness of social relationships, justice, and sincerity. He withdrew from public life after unsuccessful efforts to find employment as an official adviser to several rulers of the day. Confucius edited texts such as the Book of Documents, the Book of Songs, the Book of Changes, and the Spring and Autumn Annals.

Short Answer

What is the “Out of Africa Theory?”
The “Out of Africa Theory” is that humans/homosapiens left Africa to go and started farming, religion, inventing, and social hierarchy.
Describe the Paleolithic era
During the Paleolithic era, hunting-foraging bands of humans gradually migrated from their home in East Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas, adapting their technology and cultures to new climate regions. The Paleolithic area is also known as the Old Stone Age. During this time, people used fire as one of their main adaptations.
What was the importance of fire for early humans?
Fire was used for many thing such as aid in hunting, foraging, protection against predators, and it helped them to adapt to cold environments. With fire they invented many new tools specifically used for their environment.
What type of tools did early people develop? How were they used?
They developed tools such as pickaxes, shovels, hammers and etc. Many tools were used to help with agriculture and hunting. They would even use the tools to help them forge other tools.
What was the Neolithic Revolution?
10,000 years ago, the Neolithic Revolution led to the development of new and more complex economic and social systems. During this time they were also farming around the River Valleys and gave way to civilization.
What types of social changes were brought about by the Neolithic Revolution?
The Neolithic Revolution brought upon hierarchical social structures and had patriarchal forms of government such as Pharaohs and Kings. Many other things changed as well such as Pastoralism, Domestication, Irrigation, Environmental Impact, Population Increase, Specialization, Agriculture, Trade, Transportation, and Stratification.
What is pastoralism and where did it develop?
Pastoralism is a branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock. It developed in Africa and Eurasia.
Where did the first cities develop?
The first cities were developed in Mesopotamia, the Americas, and in Eurasia.
What crops and animals were domesticated during the Neolithic Revolution? Where were they domesticated?

There were different types of crops and animals to be domesticated depending on where they were located. They had animals such as camels, llamas, goats, cattle, yaks, and sheep. They farmed wheat, peas, barley and etc. Yes they were domesticated and used for many things such as food and sometimes animals for labor.

What types of technology was invented during the Neolithic Revolution? Where were they invented?

They used wooden sticks, and had skins and mats woven out of leaves. They also invented pottery, plows, and wheeled vehicles.

What are the characteristics of a civilization?

They needed agricultural surplus, specializations of labor, cities and complex institutions, stratified social hierarchies, long-distance trade and economic exchanges, record keeping, and warfare with new tech and urban defense.

Why didn’t agriculture appear in Mesopotamia until 5000 BCE? What allowed it to “take root?”

They crops lacked water and rainfall and farming in hot, dry southern Mesopotamia was hard. Irrigation and floods were taken advantage of and that is how they got water to their crops. Sometimes though, floods were violent and ruined crops. After floods, people learned to use irrigation to water crops without many problems.

How/why are social classes created?
Social classes were created because of the Law Code of Hammurabi. It divided up people into 3 classes. Babylonia reflects social divisions that may also have been valid at other times.
Describe the social classes of Mesopotamian society.
The three classes were... The free, landowning class, high-ranking officials; the class of dependent farmer and artisans, whose legal attachment to royal temple, or private estates made them the primary rural work force; and the class of slaves, primarily for domestic service.

How/why did Egypt create a culture and civilization that was different from other river valley civilizations?

They had a different social hierarchy, they had a different religion, and they had different types of buildings. They created a different culture and civilizations because

What was the Mandate of Heaven?
The Mandate of Heaven is an ancient Chinese belief/theory that heaven granted emperors the right to rule.
What are the core values of Confucianism?
One is filial devotion or filial piety, the second is humaneness, and the third is ritual or ritual consciousness. Respect for one’s parents, filial piety is considered the most fundamental of the Confucian values.
What is Daoism?
A chinese philosophy, advocating humility and religious piety. The philosopher's name is Lao-tzu
What was the Warring States Period?
The Warring States Period because the region of the Zhou Dynasty was divided between 8 states. The states had wars until Qin conquered them all.
What was Egypt’s relationship with Nubia?
Egypt traded goods with Nubia. They didn’t just trade goods but they also traded cultural ideas, and technology.
What crops were domesticated in Mesoamerica by 350 BCE?
Potatoes, Fruit Trees, Wheat, Rice, Beans, Maize, and Squash.

What was the earliest and most influential Mesoamerican civilization?
The Sumerians because they invented social hierarchies, pastoralism, and etc…
What was the importance of llamas to Andean civilizations?
Who were the Hittites and what did they invent?
The Hittites had access to iron and had better weapons than others.
Who were the Hyksos and what did they invent?
Hyksos were princes of foreign lands. They invented advantageous military technologies, such as the horse-drawn war chariot, and a composite bow.
Who was Akhenaten and why was he important?
Akhenaten was an untraditional ruler who ascended the throne as Amenhotep. Some people credit him with monotheism (the belief of one god.) Akhenaten built a new capital at modern-day Amarna halfway between Memphis and Thebes.
Who was David?
David was a shepherd in the bible who defeated the Philistine warrior Goliath. After King Saul perished in battle David assumed the throne. David oversaw Israel’s transition from tribal confederacy to unified monarchy.
Why were the Phoenicians important?
The Phoenicians developed earlier Canaanite models into an alphabetic system of writing.

Identify each of the following images. Give the significance of each.

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