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Longest river in the world|
Over 4,100 miles long|
Located northwest Africa|
Flows through many different African countries including:|
Two major tributaries (a river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake) that feed the Nile:|
-White Nile
-Blue Nile
Flows north through Egypt and into the Mediterranean Sea|
Ancient Egypt was divided into two regions:|
-Upper Egypt
-Lower Egypt
Names come from the flow of the Nile River|
Most important thing the Nile gave was fertile land|
Most of Egypt is desert|
Along the Nile soil is rich and good for growing crops|
Three most important crops:|
-Wheat (main staple food)
-Flax (for clothing)
-Papyrus (uses - paper, baskets, rope, sandals and more)
Annually, around September, the Nile overflows|
Flood brought rich black soil|
Flood renewed farmlands|
The building material consisted of:|
-Mud from riverbanks
-Limestone (from hills)
-Sandstone (from hills)
River could be used like a major highway|
Boats constantly occupying the Nile, transporting goods and people|
Calendar build "around" Nile|
Calendar divided into three seasons:|
-Akhet (first season, flooding season)
-Peret (growing season)
-Shemu (harvest seasons)
The Ancient Egyptians called the rich black soil from the floods the "Gift of the Nile"|
Today, the Aswan Dam keeps the Nile from flooding modern cities|
The Ancient Egyptians called the Nile the "Aur", which means "black" and comes from the black soil|
The Egyptians measured the height of the annual flood using a Nilometer. This helped them to determine how good the crops would be that year|
The cause of the flood each year was heavy rains and melting snow to the south near the source of the Nile|
The Ancient Egyptians believed that the flood was caused by the tears of the goddess Isis as she cried for her dead husband Osiris|

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