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Frank Owens Limited Contractors - Review of Groundwork Services

Some people or companies love to do the dirty work. We refer to real dirt, of course. As kids, many of us spent a lot of time playing outdoors with others kids, digging and moving the soil either to set traps for birds or chickens or to make small hills from which to roll up and down tiny cars and trucks. The fascination with such childhood fun games continues on to adulthood, as a profitable source of living -- or as a fun way to make a living.

Many of our practicing engineers probably got their training building miniature structures or moving around sand and soil using toy trucks along with junk lumber and other scraps around the yard when they were kids. But when it comes to doing big-men or big-women’s contracting jobs involving real groundwork and building or civil works projects, one needs the technical training and excellent planning and management skills to get ahead in the business. The meticulous requirements and standards of engineering and the construction industry mean that a company must have the experience and the expertise to satisfy the technical and financial goals of project owners.

Frank Owens Contractors has been around for more than two decades in this kind of business, providing groundwork contracting and other utility service contracts in the Northern and Southern Ireland. As the word suggests, which has become a cliché, “groundwork” lays down the foundation for many kinds of endeavors, whether in engineering, economic or other non-material based activities. Heavy equipment provides the raw moving-power to push ahead with vital infrastructure projects needed by private and government companies to pursue their multifarious objectives.

Having the right kind of equipment to do the right job is a primary concern for Frank Owens, one which it has kept as a top priority in every project and to avoid being scammed. This helps Frank Owens provide assurance to its clients that their projects will have minimum, if not zero, equipment downtime and the costs are according to targets. Proper utilization, as well as efficient management of people, time, equipment and resources, is maintained all throughout the project until its completion.

Frank Owens aims to satisfy the utility services needs of clients with its long-established, fully-insured and certified methods of groundwork contracting. Groundwork is not kid’s stuff; but it would seem that way with Frank Owens Contractors when one sees how they do their job in highly-precise and well-coordinated moves, much like a ballet dance.

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Regards; Team

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