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Dear Reader,

Hello. My name is Joe Schriefer.

Today I’m going to show you a LIVE demonstration of a mysterious and misunderstood financial maneuver/transaction that could generate hundreds of dollars in INSTANT INCOME in three minutes or less.

I’ve made it my personal mission to show you that absolutely anyone can generate INSTANT INCOME from the financial markets.

And I plan to prove it to you today LIVE on the crazy streets of Baltimore.

My goal is to show random strangers how to execute this mysterious financial maneuver/transaction so they can quickly generate hundreds of dollars in INSTANT INCOME…

Even if they know nothing about the financial markets…
Even if they ’re homeless or don’t have a job…
Even if they never graduated from high school…

This simple maneuver/transaction is so safe I’m even going to allow these complete strangers to use my own personal brokerage account.

And this simple maneuver/transaction is so instant… so simple… and so lucrative that I’m going give them a stack of cash equal to half the INSTANT INCOME they generate.

I’ll keep half since it’s my account.

They’ll keep half since they’re the ones executing the maneuver/transaction.

That’s why I’ve got a big wad of cash in my hands. And I’m prepared to give it all away…IF I succeed in teaching these strangers how to generate INSTANT INCOME!

Can I successfully show complete strangers off the streets of Baltimore how to generate hundreds of dollars in INSTANT INCOME?

Or will I fail miserably and look like a complete fool?

You'll have to Watch the video below to find out…

But here’s why you should be interested in my outrageous social experiment…

If I do succeed and pull this off, then I’ll take it one step further and share this simple financial maneuver with you…

That means, just moments from now, you could begin generating hundreds or even thousands of dollars in INSTANT INCOME from the financial markets by taking advantage of the same secret I’m sharing with random strangers today.

There’s no telling what could happen or what kind of strange people I’ll find on the streets today. I’m a bit nervous. This could get wild and crazy!

Let’s see what happens…
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More Income in 3 Minutes than Most
Americans Earn in an Entire Day…

The LIVE demonstration you’ve just witnessed provides indisputable proof that anyone can generate INSTANT INCOME from the markets.

Even if they are practically financially illiterate…

And here’s the thing…

We generated this income WITHOUT ever buying a share of stock… WITHOUT day trading… and without buying risky options.

In total, I showed these three random strangers how to generate a total of more than $500 in mere minutes.

Most Americans don’t make $500 from a full day of hard work. Yet I’ve just shown three complete strangers how to generate more than $500 in INSTANT INCOME from the markets in 3 minutes or less…

So, you’re probably wondering…

What is this mysterious financial maneuver?

It’s a simple transaction you can complete in as little as 60 seconds anytime the financial markets are open. Let me explain…
Safe, Simple, Steady Income…

This simple transaction does not involve buying stocks, bonds, or any other conventional investments…

As a matter of fact, this simple transaction can be even safer than buying stocks. This type of strategy is so safe the US government even allows you to use it in your retirement accounts.

You can use it to generate INSTANT INCOME whether the markets are moving up, down, or sideways. It doesn’t matter.

And perhaps best of all, the safe, simple transaction you’ve just discovered is repeatable. You can use it to extract a steady stream of INSTANT INCOME any time the financial markets are open provided you meet…
Just 4 Basic Requirements…

You’ll need 4 things to start collecting INSTANT INCOME. And if you’re watching this presentation, I bet you already have all of 4 of them.

Here’s everything you’ll need…

A personal computer (or other electronic gadget)…
An Internet connection…
An online brokerage account…
60-seconds to complete this simple transaction…

That’s it!

If you’ve got those 4 things, you could be collecting your first INSTANT INCOME payment later today…

Collecting INSTANT INCOME is not reserved exclusively for random strangers on the streets of Baltimore.

We’ve shown people all over the world how to generate INSANT INCOME from the markets with the mysterious transaction I’ll reveal in a moment.

Of course no investment is completely risk-free. However, we’re convinced this is the safest strategy for consistently generating INSTANT INCOME from the markets.

This is about as close to a sure thing as you can get. In a moment you’ll see an audited track record that shows an AMAZING 98.44% success rate –all thanks to this little-known transaction.

First though, I want you to meet a man named Tim...

Tim is an American expat whose been living in Ireland now for seven years.

He sent us this live video recording of his online brokerage account.

Now, we’ve had to blur out certain details within Tim’s account to protect his privacy...but please watch it closely, because it shows you that this secret can be used by everyone. No matter of where you live, work or relax.
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You just saw Tim make an easy $59 in less than two minutes...

Now, is $59 a lot of money? Maybe not in the grand scheme of things, but consider two things:

First, over 92% of Americans don’t even make $59 per hour,much less in two minutes.

And second, this secret is not something Tim — or anybody who uses it — does just once. You can do it over and over again.

In fact, new opportunities to exploit this transaction open up every single morning...

And here’s the thing...

Tim is not a professional investor. In fact, I think he’d tell you he’s quite average. And he doesn’t have years of experience...

Yet even with almost no experience, Tim was able to send us a live video showing how he used this little-known income strategy to bag $59.34 from a safe brand-name blue chip stock, American Airlines (AAL), in less than 1 minute and 43 seconds...

But that’s just the beginning...

Meet Andrew. He lives in Rockford, Illinois, and his day job is a mobile network consultant.

In this video he sent us — a live recording of his brokerage account — he shows how he used the same transaction to collect $74 in 1 minute and 59 seconds ...
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I’m sure now you can see why I call this…
Our Most Powerful Income Generation Secret...

Remember, this simple transaction is repeatable so you can collect INSTANT INCOME over and over again.

Many people I’ve shown this secret to, who also executed my recommendations, are collecting incredible amounts of INSTANT INCOME using the safe, simple transaction…

$150,000 in only 10 Months!

Paul Nondorf of Marietta, Georgia, sent us a thank you note telling us he made in excess of $150,000 over the past 10 months – that’s an average of over $15,000 per month.

More Than $10,000 per Month…

Ron Simpson of Charlotte, North Carolina, could hardly wait to share his experience. Here’s what he said…

“This simple transaction is fabulous! I call it supercharging my income. My best year I made $130,000.”

He made $130,000 in a single year! That’s an average of over $10,833 in extra income every month!

I trust you’re tingling with excitement thinking about how much INSTANT INCOME you could generate…

And I want to make one thing crystal clear:

This is NOT some crazy new investment fad or “trick.” It has nothing to do with day trading, commodities, or currencies.

This is a safe, simple, investment that’s not likely to keep you awake at night. Once you execute the secret transaction and collect your INSTANT INCOME, there’s no need to constantly check the markets.

As a matter of fact…

One former insider calls this mysterious transaction…
The “Holy Grail of Investing”…

Barron’s says this transaction:

Bloomberg Businessweek claims this is :

Wired Magazine Says it’s :

This type of simple income-generating transaction is even…
Safe Enough for Warren Buffett...

This strategy is so safe even the famed “Oracle of Omaha” himself, Warren Buffett, uses it to generate INSTANT INCOME.

His company – Berkshire Hathaway – has reported collecting as much as $7.6 Billion in INSTANT INCOME from the financial markets.

In a moment, I’ll show you how to use this kind of transaction to put INSTANT INCOME in your own account.

And I’m so confident this secret financial transaction will put money in your account that I’ll even GUARANTEE that the first time I show you how to try it you'll discover how to make INSTANT INCOME… or my team and I will “work for free.”

More on that in just a second. First…
I Have a Confession to Make…

I didn’t discover this mysterious financial transaction.

And neither did any of the people you’ve seen in this presentation.

The brains behind our INSTANT INCOME system is a man named Zachary Scheidt – Zach for short.

He’s one of the sharpest investment analysts I know – especially when it comes to generating income.

And he’s an expert at extracting MAXIMUM MONEY from this secret transaction.

In fact, he has an incredible success rate of 98.44% on a series of 128 closed plays over a long time period of more than two years. I’ll show you his audited track record for that specific research service in a moment.

To start collecting INSTANT INCOME, all you need to do is ask to claim Zach’s 14-page “starter kit”…

After you see the easy-to-follow INSTANT INCOME instructions, you’ll have everything you need to get started.

Then wait for some easy-to-follow INSTANT INCOME instructions that Zach sends directly to your email box every Tuesday morning.

Then log in to your brokerage account, click the mouse a few times to execute the simple transaction, and the money is transferred to your account in an instant.

The money is yours to keep and spend as you wish.

And I’ve already shown you that it’s easy enough for random people on the streets of Baltimore… with no previous knowledge or experience about this misunderstood financial transaction… to collect INSTANT INCOME.

What’s important to realize is this:

49 out of every 50 plays that Zach closed in one of his audited model portfolios could have added money to your account.

Let me explain why Zach has such an amazing success rate…
Why Zach Gave Up His Job As A Highly
Compensated Hedge Fund Manager…

Zach has been obsessed with making money in the markets since 1998. He cut his chops working in a variety of roles at a large hedge fund in Atlanta, Georgia…

His clients were required to have a minimum of $1 million in investable assets just to open an account. And by the time he left he was managing $40 million…

Zach used the exact same transaction I’m sharing with you today to help his wealthy clients safely and consistently generate millions of dollars from the markets…

Zach loved working at the hedge fund. However, life sometimes throws us a curveball and that’s what happened to Zach.

He married his high school sweetheart. Then in October of 2008, Zach and his wife were expecting twins while America was in the midst of a major financial crisis…
The Life-Changing Events
Of October 21, 2008…

Midway through the trading day, Zach found himself in a hospital delivery room with one hand stroking his wife’s forehead and the other hand glued to a cellphone…

He was barking orders into the phone yelling, “SELL…SELLL…SELL!” one second, then turning to his wife and encouraging her to “PUSH…PUSH…PUSH!” the next…

By the end of the day, the market had suffered a brutal selloff…and Zach was the proud father of two beautiful twin girls…

It was at that moment that Zach realized he wanted to enjoy all the once-in-a-lifetime family moments without the hectic and sometimes stressful life of managing $40 million at a hedge fund…

In addition to the lifestyle change, Zach decided he wanted to share his knowledge about how to safely and consistently generate INSTANT INCOME from the markets with normal, everyday people…not just the wealthy clients he had been helping for 8 years…

So he walked away from his dream job – a multiple six-figure position as a hedge fund manager – and he hasn’t regretted his decision for a single second…

Just because Zach left the hedge fund world doesn’t mean he lost his passion for investing. He’s as obsessed with making money in the markets today as he’s ever been…

Best of all, he’s dedicated his professional career to sharing these moneymaking secrets with readers like you.

Here’s exactly how this mysterious transaction works…
How to Collect

Zach explained the simple transaction to me like this:

Consider a solid dividend-paying blue chip like McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD)...

Most people recognize McDonald’s as a trusted brand name – a world-class business that dominates its industry. In other words, it’s a safe stock income investors would want to own.

The typical investor buys shares, holds them long term and collects a 3.5% dividend annually.

Not bad...Yet you can do better…MUCH better…

Zach showed me how its possible to use this misunderstood transaction to collect a few hundred dollars instantly, with LESS RISK.

And WITHOUT even buying the stock.

By taking advantage of this simple transaction, you could collect as much as $310... $620 ... even $1,240 in INSTANT INCOME in a single transaction from big, safe stocks like McDonald’s with very little risk.

In other words, it’s entirely possible to generate more INSTANT INCOME from McDonald’s stock than you’d receive in dividend payments…without ever buying the stock.

In fact, if you follow the instructions in what Zach calls his "starter kit" — you could collect INSTANT INCOME as soon as the market opens tomorrow.

Collecting INSTANT INCOME is much better than collecting a small dividend check every 3 months.

Wouldn’t you agree?

So that’s the first thing — you can collect INSTANT INCOME without even owning the stock. That’s one of the reasons why your risk is so low.

Remember, no investment is completely risk-free. However, after you get your hands on Zach’s starter kit you’ll see the odds are stacked heavily in your favor. That’s the power of a former hedge fund manager calling the shots.

You have a great chance of making serious money when you follow Zach’s starter kit – remember, his audited record sports a 98.44% win rate. I’ll show you one of his audited track records later in this presentation.

Zach’s background and experience help him avoid the common mistakes he sees investors (and, unfortunately, many investment advisers) making that are costing them a lot of money…

Remember, I showed you in the video how a financial professional I found on the streets of Baltimore wasn’t even aware of this INSTANT INCOME transaction.

If they don’t even know about this mysterious transaction, then they certainly don’t understand the simple system Zach has created, developed, and perfected.
Zach’s 3-Step Risk Reduction System...

Here are the three simple steps Zach follows – the same steps that have allowed him to achieve a near perfect success rate over such a long period of time.

Step 1: Zach starts with the safe blue-chip stocks of big companies with long histories of treating shareholders well. With his lifetime of financial experience, he knows what to look for and he sees things others don’t.

Instead of looking at earnings or ratios (which can be manipulated), he digs deeper and looks at the operations of the company, searching for rising revenue and any potential risks...

If, after Zach’s deep analysis, he decides the stock falls short of his high standards — he stops right there. Only the best stocks make it past this point and move on to...

Step 2: Next, Zach determines exactly how much he believes the company is worth. Even though this mysterious transaction does not involve buying stocks…

It’s still extremely important to understand the stock’s value in order to execute the simple transaction safely and in order to generate the maximum amount of INSTANT INCOME…

Step 3: After Zach has completed his exhaustive, in-depth research and analysis, he pulls the trigger on the transaction.

Zach’s starter kit outlines the full details.

Anyone who can read an 14 pages and follow instructions can see how to collect INSTANT INCOME…

Just like you’ve seen the real people in this presentation doing.

It’s really that simple. In a moment, I’ll tell how to get your hands on a FREE copy of Zach's starter kit so you can start collecting INSTANT INCOME.

First though, let me explain…
The Little-Known Secret
Behind the Transaction...

So how can Zach collect INSTANT INCOME from the markets — with very little risk?

And in many cases without even owning the stock?

What’s the secret?

Zach is able to safely and consistently collect INSTANT INCOME by exploiting a little-known anomaly in the markets. He’s simply accepting payments from the people who make risky bets in the options market.

I understand the mere mention of the word options strikes fear in the minds of some people. There’s a lot of misinformation floating around so there’s a widely held (and mistaken) belief that options are risky…

What most people don’t realize is that options were actually created to reduce risk.

Yet just like fire and handguns can be deadly when used inappropriately, options can be hazardous to your wealth when they’re used with reckless abandon.

Zach’s strategy is so safe because he shows you how to collect money from the people making risky options bets...

You see, most options investors are greedy and undisciplined. Most of them don’t have a clue so they have no business in the options markets to begin with.

Yet, they risk their money buying options with wild dreams of making a fast fortune. They’re really no different than gamblers at a Las Vegas casino.

Unfortunately, according to a Chicago Mercantile Exchange study 76.5% of all options expire worthless. In other words, people who buy options lose all their money 76.5% of the time. That’s why it’s so risky to buy options.

The GOOD NEWS is on the other side of the transaction. Every options transaction involves a buyer and a seller. So if the buyers lose 76.5% of the time, it follows that the sellers win 76.5% of the time.

If you think of the stock market like a casino, the options seller would be the house while the options buyer would be the gambler. And we all know the odds are stacked heavily in the house’s favor.

So when it comes to the options market, if you want to be on the side with the odds stacked heavily in your favor, you should be selling options.

The money you collect from selling options is the INSTANT INCOME. And while the average options seller wins 76.5% of the time…

Remember, you have an unfair advantage with a former hedge fund manager's starter kit. With his lifetime of experience in the financial markets…

Zach is not your average analyst…kind of like Michael Jordan was not your average basketball player.

With Michael Jordan on your team, you’d have an extraordinary chance of winning. And with an experienced hedge fund manager like Zach outlining everything you need to know in a tell-all starter kit, you have an extraordinary chance of winning in the options markets.

You’ve now discovered something I’d bet 99% of investors will never know – something I consider the most powerful secret we have for safely and consistently generating income from the markets.

And I’ve proven throughout this presentation that you don’t need any experience or specialized knowledge to do it.

As I mentioned to your earlier, all you need is:

a computer (or other electronic gadget)…
an Internet connection…
an online brokerage account…
and about 60 seconds to make the INSTANT INCOME transaction

With the odds stacked so heavily in your favor, it’s nearly impossible to lose. And you can amass a fortune in a short period of time.
How Would You Like A
98.44% Probability of Winning?

The only real “risk” – if you want to call it that – is that occasionally you might be required to purchase shares of a great company at a big discount to what it was trading for when you placed your bet.

And while no stock is guaranteed to make money, Zach only recommends doing this trade on big, healthy, low-risk companies.

I should mention that on the rare occasion that this happens, Zach’s starter kit also includes another safe, simple options selling strategy designed specifically to deliver even more INSTANT INCOME directly into your brokerage account!

But get this…

In one specific independently audited test, where Zach recommended plays using this strategy, he recorded an amazing 98.44% win rate.

So on average, in that past example (for one of his track records),, a “loss” happened LESS than once per year – LESS than once every 52 transactions.

Let me explain.

Zach has had a long, lucrative investment career. He’s got three financial degrees hanging on his wall. He’s worked directly for a hedge fund.

In a stretch from 2013 to 2015 Zach recommended a closed series of trades using this strategy and saw a 98.44% win rate.

During that time he had an audited success rate of 98.44% on his closed series of 128 plays over a long period of more than two years. This was verified by a CPA from Alpha Performance Verification Services.

Here’s the report so you can see for yourself…

That’s the 98.44% success rate I’ve been telling you about.

But look, I want to make one thing clear. That 98.44% win rate is a testament to the power of this strategy. It’s an example from real-life recommendations. This wasn’t cherry-picked.

And while that past performance will not guarantee future results, the key behind that eye-popping success is the little-known financial maneuver.

As I said it’s safe, conservative, and VERY LOW RISK.

That’s why I regularly use the same simple transaction I’m showing you today to generate INSTANT INCOME in my own accounts.

That’s why I shared this secret with my semi-retired father.

That’s why I’m able to prove it to you today by showing how even random people on the streets of Baltimore can generate INSTANT INCOME.

That’s why I recommend this safe, lucrative transaction to everyone I know.

And that’s why I prepared the presentation you’re watching today…

Believe me – once you try this mysterious transaction…

Once you collect your first INSTANT INCOME payment…

You’ll NEVER want to simply buy stocks again and hope they go up.

Your life will be forever changed.

You’ll finally have the keys to your own destiny – generating INSTANT INCOME on demand…

With Zach, a former hedge fund manager, giving you the full details on this financial maneuver in his starter kit, you’ll be ready to get started on your own.

If you’re like most people, you can’t wait to get started. So I won’t make you wait any longer. Let me tell you about…
Your “Instant Income Month Starter Kit”...

Zach and I are veterans of the investment world. We’ve seen about everything. And by our estimation less than 1% of people know about the mysterious and highly lucrative transaction you’ve just discovered.

In order to get you up to speed and generating INSTANT INCOME as fast as possible, Zach has created something we’ve dubbed the “Instant Income Starter Kit.”

First I asked Zach to prepare a detailed investment briefing to explain absolutely everything you need to know about this misunderstood transaction – specifically how to generate INSTANT INCOME.

The briefing is called The Secret Transaction That Could Generate HUNDREDS(or More) in INSTANT INCOME Month after Month

In the pages of this investment briefing, you'll discover...

Exactly how this mysterious transaction works...and how you could start generating hundreds or thousands of dollars in INSTANT INCOME as soon as the market opens...
How to collect INSTANT INCOME from the safest blue chip stocks (with very little risk!)…
The EXACT WORDS you need to know to collect INSTANT INCOME in just two minutes (you can call your broker and read it right off your screen — it’s that easy!)…
How to execute this simple transaction in ANY online brokerage account (and the critical steps you must take to ensure almost ZERO risk!)…
The three rules you absolutely MUST follow in order to collect INSTANT INCOME safely and consistently forever...
The three rules you absolutely MUST follow in order to collect INSTANT INCOME safely and consistently forever...

There’s more, too. It’s a comprehensive report yet it’s also a quick read.

Zach has a knack for writing in a clear, concise fashion. You’ll probably finish the report in 10 minutes or less and be amazed at how simple this is.

The second component of your “Instant Income Starter Kit” is a series of seven short videos.

It’s like having Zach – a former hedge fund manager – as your personal financial guru sitting right there with you at your computer and showing you exactly what to do to execute your own secret transactions step-by-step.

It’s actually even better than that though because through the videos you’ll have access to Zach anytime you want – 24 hours per day. And you can pause, rewind, or fast forward to watch any segment as many times as you want.

Considering how much money you could generate with this knowledge and the value of having a former hedge manager show you his most powerful moneymaking secret, I’m confident we could sell these videos for $1,000 or more and make a killing.

Yet because you’re joining us today, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to the “Instant Income Starter Kit” absolutely FREE. I'll show you how in a moment.

With these videos and the investment briefing I described earlier you’ll have all the information you need to start generating INSTANT INCOME immediately.

But there’s something else I have to share with you…
Now, This May Come as a Shock…

This may sound unbelievable, but…

Zach recently uncovered THREE ADDITIONAL ways that you can generate HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS in extra cash every single month.

Similar to the mysterious financial transaction I’ve just told you about – these THREE additional “loopholes” can substantially add to your monthly take-home.

With very little work – including:

A Sneaky Way To Legally “Tax Back” The U.S. Government For $1,720-$6,988 Starting This Tax Season According to stats from the Bureau of Labor Statistics the average American will have likely “worked” over 27 years for the U.S. government. That’s your hard work. Money you made. Only to hand it over to the government in the form of income tax. But what if you could legally “tax back” the U.S. government for as much as $6,988 this upcoming tax season? Better yet, there’s a sneaky way to collect as many as FOUR of these “tax back” checks per year. Talk about a life-changer!
How You Can Join Over 30,000 Americans Who Are “Piggybacking” Canadian Social Security….(Collecting Extra Monthly Investment Checks From $400 to $4,700 ) Have you heard about what we see as a potential loophole in the Canada Pension Plan? A loophole that allows thousands of Americans of any location, age or income level to begin collecting “work-free” investment income checks running from $400 to $4,700 per month. Incredibly this extra income doesn’t affect your regular Social Security in any way, shape or form since it has nothing to do with the government.
Your Chance To “Juice” The Dividend Payments on Your Favorite Blue Chip Stocks by up to 500% Most “small-time” investors don’t know this… but there’s a stock market “loophole” that allows you to collect $5,000, $15,000 even $50,000 or more in extra income… starting with only $50. You’ll never see this advertised in the mainstream news, and your broker will probably NEVER tell you about it, either. Best of all through a brain-dead simple application you’ll begin “juicing” your shares almost immediately!

These three income “hacks” could add up to the retirement you’ve always dreamed of… and deserve.

In a moment I’ll show you how to get all THREE of these bonuses absolutely FREE, as well. But first, here’s something you need to know…
Let’s Revolutionize Retirement

Everything I’ve shown you so far is part of what you’ll receive when you sign up for my investment research advisory called Lifetime Income Report.

I’m very proud to publish it both because of Zach’s amazing ability to show readers new ways to generate substantial amounts of income.

In fact, although this secret transaction is not a strategy Zach will be recommending and tracking as part of the Lifetime Income Report subscription… you’ll have the FULL details in his all-access Starter Kit to get started yourself. It’s just one of the many income generating ideas he will show you through this special report.

I fully believe once you have access to his 14 page starter report, you’ll have everything you need to know to execute this secret transaction on your own--- at a fraction of the cost of his other subscribers!

AND I love receiving notes and letters from people who tell me how the information Zach shares has changed their financial lives for the better.

And it couldn’t be much easier considering Zach does all the heavy lifting, finding these income-generating loopholes and dividend paying stocks for you. He’s a stone-cold financial assassin hell-bent on finding the safest and most profitable plays available in the markets each and every month.

In his monthly research letter, Lifetime Income Report, Zach shows you all the “insider” secrets and financial loopholes that he’s discovered throughout his career (and today!)

This is a revolutionary way to look at retirement.

I’m talking about the kinds of opportunities you’ll never hear about from the mainstream press… and the kinds of moneymaking secrets a broker will never tell you about (lots of the time because THEY don’t even know).

If you’re reading this today that means you’re serious about taking control of your retirement. And I want to do everything in my power to help…
Here’s My Promise To You…

I’ve shown you video proof that ANYONE – even financial illiterates I found on the streets of Baltimore – can use this financial maneuver to make INSTANT INCOME as soon as the market opens every day.

I’ve shown you video proof that other folks are using this simple transaction to generate INSTANT INCOME in just a few minutes.

I’ve shown you the audited track record from one of his research services that proves Zach’s experience and the 98.44% winning percentage on his closed series of plays applying the secret transaction is real.
365-Day Money Back GUARANTEE

Yet I’m so determined to limit your risk and place the burden to deliver results on my shoulders that I’m happy to extend a 365-Day Money Back GUARANTEE so you can give us a “test drive” and see the life-changing results for yourself.

That’s right. You’ll get access to all of Zach’s research, including his Instant Income Starter Kit, with a full money back guarantee.

In other words, if you are anything less than 100% completely satisfied…

Then I neither deserve nor want your money. I’ll work “for free” and my team will too. So, if you’re unhappy or unsatisfied for any reason whatsoever I insist you contact my office for a prompt, FULL refund.

Plus, you won’t have to send us anything back -- all of the special bonus reports and your Instant Income Starter Kit are yours to keep, no matter what.

With the INSTANT INCOME potential of what I’ve shown you, this 100% satisfaction guarantee is the least I can do to make sure you have a head start to living the wealthy retirement of your dreams.

I must warn you, though…

I don’t know how long I can keep this 100% RISK-FREE trial offer open. So you’ll want to move fast on this one.
Try Out Zach’s Research — Risk-Free —
For the Next 365 Days

Here’s everything that comes with your RISK FREE trial subscription…

MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #1 – OUR INSTANT INCOME STARTER KIT: This kit includes my brand new special report “The Secret Transaction That Could Generate HUNDREDS (or More) in INSTANT INCOME Month after Month” (a $199 value.)

MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #2 — FULL ACCESS TO THREE ADDITIONAL SPECIAL BONUS REPORTS: Including how to legally “Tax Back” the U.S. Government, “Piggyback” Canadian Social Security and “Juice” the dividend payments on your favorite blue-chip stocks for as much as 500% gains. (a $99 value.)

MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #3 — 12 FULL ISSUES OF MY MONTHLY RESEACH ADVISORY: For an entire year, you’ll receive Zach’s popular Lifetime Income Report monthly research advisory. It provides an in-depth analysis that covers many of the opportunities we’ve talked about today, including at least one new income-gushing recommendation each and every month (published price value of $99).

MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #4 — SPECIAL “MEMBERS ONLY” EMAIL UPDATES: Wondering what to buy, sell or hold? As a member, you’ll receive updates every single week on every important piece of news relating to the markets and any of the stocks I may recommend in the Lifetime Income Report members-only portfolio (a $99 value).

MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #5 — ACCESS TO THE LIFETIME INCOME REPORT SUPPORT TEAM: As a new member of Lifetime Income Report, you’ll receive complete access to my support team, which can be reached by phone or email between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (a $99 value).

All told, that’s more than $595 worth of benefits.

Yet complete access to this whole package normally costs just $99 for a full year. But today, you won’t have to pay anything near that price (more on that in just a second).
Eliminate Money Worries Forever…

As I’ve shown you throughout this presentation, within a few minutes the money will hit your account and it’s yours to spend immediately on anything you want.

This is your chance to make those dreams a reality starting today. The additional income you earn could eliminate money-worries forever.

And you can pass this little-known transaction (as well as many others you’ll learn) on to your children so they never have to worry about money either. I’m not kidding…

Remember Paul Nondorf? He’s one of the gentlemen I told you about earlier. He told us he’s made in excess of $150,000 in the past 10 months alone using this secret INSTANT INCOME transaction. That’s more than $15,000 per month.

What could be even more incredible – and proof of how simple this is – is that he also told us he shared this simple transaction with his children and few close friends…

And they generated in excess of $15,000 in a short 90-day period. That’s an average of $5,000 per month in extra income generated by people who knew nothing about this mysterious transaction.

With everything laid out on the table, let’s go down to business.
How Much Is A Rich Retirement
Worth To You?

With the life-changing amount of INSTANT INCOME potential I’ve shown you so far, I could sell these reports for hundreds of dollars each. And probably make a nice living.

But I’m stone-cold serious when I say that I want to get the FULL information on this INSTANT INCOME transaction in your hands – as well as the additional income reports.

Now, it’s important to note… these special reports are NOT available for sale anywhere, for any price. They are only available to folks in the Lifetime Income Report community.

And they’re yours to keep as soon as you decide to start your trial membership.

Again, as soon as you take advantage of the no-risk trial membership to my research advisory, you’ll get your very own password that you can use to gain complete access to everything I’ve mentioned in this letter…

Keep in mind, I’m not asking you to make any kind of long-term commitment. I’m just asking you to check out my research to see if you feel like it’s right for you.

In other words:

Try out Lifetime Income Report for the next YEAR. (That’s a full 365 days!)

Get comfortable with the research. Read all the reports. Try my INSTANT INCOME maneuver yourself, starting as soon as the market opens.

If you decide — for WHATEVER reason — that Lifetime Income Report isn’t perfect for you, call my customer service team on our toll-free 1-800 number, and we will issue you a full refund.

Every single penny!

If you’re not completely satisfied, you can even keep everything you’ve received… every special report and every bit of research I’ve added to the site, my compliments.

Just to recap, here’s everything you’ll find on my new website… and everything you’ll receive when you take a trial membership to my Lifetime Income Report research service:

“Instant Income Starter Kit.” Which includes “The Secret Transaction That Could Generate HUNDREDS (or More) in INSTANT INCOME Month after Month”.
Three Bonus Reports: “A Sneaky Way To Legally “Tax Back” The U.S. Government For $1,720-$6,988 This Tax Season” … “How You Can Join Over 30,000 Americans Who Are “Piggybacking” Canadian Social Security….(Collecting Extra Monthly Investment Income Checks From $400 to $4,700)” and “Your Chance To “Juice” The Dividend Payments on Your Favorite Blue Chip Stocks by up to 500%”
12 Full Issues of Zach’s monthly research advisory, Lifetime Income Report Including members-only email updates and access to our in-house support team.


Add it all up and you’re looking at a full suite of simple financial strategies and loopholes that can increase your monthly income and pad your retirement accounts

Like I said above I normally charge $99 for a year’s subscription to Lifetime Income Report – and with the potential to increase your monthly income by hundreds or thousands of dollars, it’s one of the BEST deals you’ll find in the publishing industry.

However, to make sure you know I’m serious, there’s one more thing I’d like to offer you…

I don’t know how long I can offer a 100% RISK FREE trial subscription.

That’s why I want to do everything in my power to get you onboard now.

If you can make a decision and ACT QUICKLY, you’ll receive a $50 FAST ACTION DISCOUNT.

That reduces the price of your one-year membership to Lifetime Income Report to just $49 – a generous 50% DISCOUNT off the normal rate.

Let me say that again, you’ll receive everything we’ve talked about, including your Instant Income Starter Kit, for just $49.

You’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to everything I promised.

Is there a catch?

You bet.

And here it is…
We’re Only Accepting the First
1,000 People Who Act Today…

For anyone who is serious about generating consistent income from the markets this is an absolute no-brainer decision…

Here’s why…

I’ve shown you repeatedly how anyone can generate INSTANT INCOME…

I’ve shared several notes proving that everyday folks can generate in excess of $10,000 per month…

I’ve shown you one of Zach’s audited track records that verifies his nearly perfect performance – a 98.44% success rate to be exact. That proves how SAFE and RELIABLE this secret transaction really can be…

I’ve given you a generous $50 FAST ACTION DISCOUNT in addition to the FREE BONUSES including your “Instant Income Starter Kit” designed to get you up to speed and collecting INSTANT INCOME as fast as possible…

Plus you’ll get the three additional income-generating BONUS REPORTS I mentioned above.

And on top of all that I’ve placed the risk to deliver on my bold promises squarely on my shoulders with a 100% satisfaction guarantee…

I’m promising to return your money if you’re unsatisfied for any reason whatsoever – even if you don’t like Zach’s voice in the videos.

Remember though – I’m only accepting 1,000 new members today so if you delay you could miss out on a lifetime of INSTANT INCOME…

Why only 1,000 people?

For a couple of reasons.

First, we want to reward people who can MAKE A DECISION AND ACT QUICKLY.

As far as I can see this is a no-brainer decision for anyone serious about generating safe and consistent income from the markets.

We want to help people who recognize the tremendous opportunity in front of them right now…

People ready to pounce immediately and start collecting INSTANT INCOME today. If that’s you, then click on the button below and let’s get started…

YES! I Want to Collect INSTANT INCOME Starting Today

The second reason is that we’re as serious about helping you generate money from the markets as you are about collecting INSTANT INCOME.

Everyone who signs up gets UNLIMITED ACCESS to our in-house customer care team.

Question about your account setup?

Call our team.

Question about your membership benefits?

Call our team.

We’re here for you anytime you need us.

Because of our commitment to providing a high-level of service, we must limit the availability of this valuable research.

Your calls won’t be outsourced or routed to India where you’ll talk to a guy who barely speaks English.

Your calls will be answered directly by the dedicated support staff based on the first floor of our Baltimore, Maryland, headquarters.

We hire the brightest people we can find and train them to be knowledgeable enough to answer your questions.

The truth is that if you’re still watching, you find the idea of generating INSTANT INCOME from the markets every Tuesday at least somewhat appealing.

And I don’t blame you because I consider it our best-kept secret for generating safe and steady income from the markets.
The Defining Moment of Your Financial Life?

This could be the defining moment of your financial life. The day you look back on as the day you discovered the “the holy grail” of investing…

The most powerful secret for generating safe and consistent income from the markets and didn’t hesitate to ACT QUICKLY.

Or it could be a day when you squander a golden opportunity to collect hundreds or thousands of dollars in INSTANT INCOME from the markets in a single, simple transaction that few people even know about.

I hope you don’t regret the decision you make right now. With my 100% 365-day GUARANTEE, you have basically nothing to lose and a lifetime of financial freedom to gain.

Please don’t delay and miss out on such simple and safe way to generate INSTANT INCOME.

Just click on the button below to get started…

YES! I Want to Collect INSTANT INCOME Starting Today

By clicking on the button you’re not obligating yourself to anything. You’ll have the opportunity to review everything I’ve outlined in this presentation before you accept my invitation to join Lifetime Income Report.

If you click on the button and see a message that says: “Sorry, this invitation is now closed,” I regret to inform you that 1,000 people have already accepted my invitation.

If that’s the case, you’ll have missed out on your $50 FAST ACTION DISCOUNT and all the BONUSES today – including your “Instant Income Starter Kit.”

You may or may not have another opportunity in the future but I can’t guarantee when.

And I can confidently say you’ll probably be paying the full membership fee of $99 (or more.) We may never make an offer this generous again.

Go ahead and make the life-changing decision to potentially generate hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month in INSTANT INCOME for the rest of your life.

Just click on the button below to get started…

YES! I Want to Collect INSTANT INCOME Starting Today

Remember, by clicking on the button you’re not obligating yourself to anything. You’ll have the opportunity to review everything I’ve outlined in this presentation before you accept my invitation to join Lifetime Income Report.

Please send me your success story so I can add it to the growing mountain of notes from members safely and consistently generating hundreds or even thousands of dollars in INSTANT INCOME from the financial markets.


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial
March 2016

Hey, still with me?

Well ask yourself these questions...

WHAT IF there was a mysterious INSTANT INCOME transaction I bet less than 1% of investors know about that allowed you to safely and consistently collect large chunks of money from the financial markets in a matter of minutes?
WHAT IF this kind of simple transaction was so safe Warren Buffet uses it and the US government allows you to use it to multiply the money in your retirement accounts?
WHAT IF you could execute this misunderstood transaction with the confidence that there is an incredible chance of success?
WHAT IF you could repeat this lucrative transaction any time the markets are open to collect even more INSTANT INCOME?
And WHAT IF I let you test drive this simple transaction as well as other "loopholes" we've uncovered, absolutely RISK FREE?

If you’re like most people, you’d be interested in taking advantage of what I consider to be the most powerful income generation secret in the markets today.

Click on the button below to join the small group of people generating hundreds or even thousands of dollars from the markets in a single, simple, repeatable transaction.

Please ACT NOW though because I’m only accepting 1,000 new members today.

YES! I Want to Collect INSTANT INCOME Starting Today


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