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* This going to be one longass chapter so get your popcorn and your snacks ready folks

Maya Hart

"Maya," Riley begins "Another party, don't you think this is kind of well.." She stops to retrace her words "bad for you"

I smile widely, revealing my two dimples "Riley, I'm sober aren't I"

She laughs a little "Yes, I know that but last time you were drunk, you threw up all over my favorite purple rug and I had to push you in the closet and pretending I was the one throwing up"

I scrunch my eyes nearly closed "And"

"Do you know how hard it is to act like there wasn't booze all over the floor, my dad technically grounded me for like 3 months saying 'That he's not going to raise a drunkass irresponsible teenager' "

"I'm so sorry for my uneducated childlike behavior I promise it wont happen again" I say sarcastically

"Yah right Maya, I know you'll be at another party by the end of this week"

Riley and I sit in dead silence for a couple of minutes until she started popping more unnecessary questions.

"So Maya this is kind of an odd question but you never told me, so who's throwing the party"


When I first got the invitation which was in my locker, it was signed Maddog. Not knowing who the hell Maddog was I thought the invitation was a mistake. But then I thought, What person in Manhattan doesn't want the Maya Hart at their party so I kept the invitation.

Later, when I fully read the invitation it had my name engraved at the bottom in metallic golden letters. Oh, did I mention that this invitation was fancy looking and when I meaning fancy looking I mean this person looks like there fucking rich.

Anyways, Riley has this strange but reasonable fear of people that pose as someone else. She thinks that one day someone's going to pretend to be Beyoncé and abuse her or something. She's stupid like that.

But if I tell her I don't know Maddog she's going to freak out and force me to stay home. I'm a girl that likes to party so nothing is going to stop me from going.

I flash back out of my thoughts and replied to Riley's question "Um, some guy named Maddog"

"Do you know him" Riley asks carelessly

There she goes again asking questions, ok I'm going to try and be truthfully.

"Actually I don't know Maddog but he left a party invitation in my locker, so I guess were going" I say confidently trying to hide my nervousness

She stop what she was doing and walked over to me, putting her face close to mine "Um, I guess were not, Maya are you insane this person could try and take advantage of you"

I scoff "Riley, I'm not that dumb"

"But you are when you're drunk Maya, I don't want to walk around school saying 'Hey Guys guess what Maya Hart, my best friend is pregnant"

"What is she having a single or a double" I say jokingly

"Maya that's not funny" She says, trying not to laugh "This is serious"

"If this was 'serious' " I say, making quotation marks with my fingers "Why are you laughing"

"I don't know, funny I guess but still Maya, don't go to this party for your own good" Riley pleaded, with sympathy in her eyes.

Then suddenly a idea rang in my head like a bell.

"What if I tell you that I won't get drunk tonight, will you let me go to the party"

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