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PeteHow are you?
Aishagood and you?
PeteGood too thanks, where you from?
AishaRiyadh. And you?
PeteManchester in England
PeteSo what brings you on this website?
Aishai was just bored
PeteMe to lol
AishaWhat's your name ?
PetePeter but my friends call me Pete, you?
PeteNice name
PeteSo what age are you?
Aishaand you?
PeteI'm 18
PeteSo are you still in school?
PeteWhat is your favourite subject?
AishaBiology , English
AishaAnd yours?
PeteI liked biology too and I'm at college studying Poetry
PeteYeah bit lame for a boy but oh well
Aishano that's awesome actually.
Aishai love poetry
PeteWell thanks but not everyone is as kind as you
AishaAww thanks.
AishaSo what type of poetry do you like?
PeteWell I like lots of 18th century poetry but Shakespeare is my favourite, you?
AishaI like mirza ghalib
PeteI've don't think I've ready of their work, will definitely have to look into them
PeteI've read any of *
AishaYou won't understand it.
AishaIt's in Urdu language.
PeteWell im sure you could translate for me
PeteOr I could just get Google too
AishaYeah sure.
PeteSo what's your favourite unit in biology?
AishaI just started it.
AishaAnd yours?
PeteI see, well I found plants the most interesting
AishaWhat are your hobbies ?
PeteI like to play football, go out with friends, just the usual stuff I guess, what about you?
AishaI like watching movies,Reading,Music just boring stuff.
PeteWhat music do you like?
AishaIt usually depends on my mood. But i love twenty one pilots and Halsey and Melanie Martinez
AishaAnd what about you?
AishaAre you there..?
PeteIve heard a few songs from twenty one pilots but my favourite from them is the cover of my chemical romances' song cancer, and I love a bit of everything but it depends on my mood aswell
AishaIt's my favorite song . Awesome.
PeteOmg yess
AishaWhich one do you like better the original or the cover ?
PeteThe original definitely, I love my chemical romance
AishaI just started listening to their music. They are really great.
PeteYeah I've been following them since 2004, it's a shame they broke up though
AishaYeah . The guitarist frank got hit by a bus .
AishaI heard that . Is it true?
PeteI know I heard that today, hopefully he recovers quickly
AishaYeah i hope so too.
PeteYeah it is completely true, gerard way conformed it on his instagram
AishaYeah he is seriously hurt ..
PeteYeah he is,hopefully he pulls through, his solo music is amazing
PeteI'm so glad I got to speak to you, your such an awesome person
AishaMe too. You are sooo nice and sweet.
PeteAw thank you, it's refreshing to talk to someone who is into the same stuff
Aishayeah . Most people here are very odd or are into weird stuff.
PeteYeah exactly
AishaIt's good to find someone who's good.
PeteYeah it's an amazing feeling
PeteSo what are your plans for today?
AishaIt's night time here.
AishaSo i think i am just gonna watch american horror story or something.
Aishaand what about you?
PeteI've watched every season of American horror story except the new one
PeteIt's amazing and I love how they have a new theme with every season
PeteI'm probably just going to watch some Netflix
Aishayeah . Most people think i am weird cause i love that show.
PeteWell I am weird to so you are not alone
Aishawhich season did you like the most?
PeteProbably Covent or I think that's what it was called
AishaYeah it was nice . But the ending was okay.
PeteYeah, theres been no better ending than the first season
AishaGod..I love the first season.
AishaThe character's were awesome. Especially Tate.
PeteYeah tate was great, every time I rematch it I see it from a different perspective
PeteRewatch it *
AishaYeah. It's always exciting to watch.
PeteIt is, so what other tv shows do you like
AishaI start watching Game of thrones
Aishaeveryone was talking about it.
Aishaand i love bob's burger.
PeteI've watched it all, im sure you will love it and bobs burger is something I've seen advertised but never watched it
AishaWhat character did you like the best?
PeteDefinitely Jon snow
AishaI like Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow
PeteYeah Tyrion is good too
PeteI also like Jamie
AishaMe too
PeteWe have so much in common
PeteSo when is your birthday?
AishaIf don't mind can i have your Facebook id name? I would like to talk to you again.
Aisha8 May
Aishaand your's?
PeteI don't have Facebook any more , I deleted it because of getting bullied
AishaOh i am sorry.
PeteAnd 14 April
AishaMy brother was born on April.
PeteAw thats cool, I have 2 older brothers
AishaI have one sister and one brother . Both younger then me.
PeteDon't apologise to me, I don't use any social media because I've never really fitted in so that's why I go on site like this to meet people who won't judge
PeteThats nice
AishaYeah. Okay. I understand.
PeteSo where abouts is Riyadh?
AishaIt's in Saudi Arabia .
AishaIt's a nice place but not the best.
PeteDo you still live there
AishaHow's England like?
PeteThats cool, your English is amazing and it's horrible as usual, lots of political problems
PeteSo what did you do during the summer
AishaI visit Pakistan in Summer .
PeteWas it nice?
AishaYeah . It's a nice place.But people there are not very nice.
PeteHow come?
AishaWell some of them are cool . But a lot of people are racist and rude.
PeteThats horrible, I absolutely hate racism
AishaMe too. They judge people by skin color.
AishaAnd it's a very horrible thing to do.
PeteThat is one of the worse things any hangover being could do
PeteAny human being *
AishaI know. My family is in Pakistan so i have to go there for 2 months.
AishaEvery year.
PeteHopefully people treat you and your family with respect
AishaThey do. My father's mother and sister is a little crazy but everyone in my family is nice.
PeteThere's always a few crazy members in every family, my brothers are crazy
AishaHaha They are hopefully not the type of crazy i am talking about.
PeteYou don't want to know how crazy they are
AishaMine one's are like abusive crazy. They are like shouting and cursing . And blame all the things on me . That i was the one talking shit.
PeteThats not too bad, my brothers are always in trouble with the law and stuff like that
AishaI am talking about my father's mother and sister.
Aishaohhh thats worse then mine.
PeteSurely your father tells them to leave you alone and to stop giving you a hard time? And I guess that's the fun of family
AishaMy father loves them more...
AishaMy family is just weird.
PeteI'm sure he loves you more because you are his daughter
AishaMy father is Awesome but when he is with them . He is just completely changed.
AishaHe thinks they are always right.
PeteYeah people do that and it's not a good thing to see happen, I want people to act they way they want and not change how they are for other people
AishaYeah. That's the only thing i hate about him.
PeteI'm sure if you spoke to him about it he would change
AishaYou think i haven't tried that?
PeteSorry I know I'm jumping to conclusions
AishaHaha don't say sorry. Just it's not like your normal family
AishaYour not Desi so you can't relate that much .
PeteMy family is anything but normal lol
AishaMy family used to abuse me . A lot.
PeteAbuse you in what way?
AishaThanks to them now i hate people who talk loud to me and i absolutely have fear of dark now.
AishaYou know like hitting and shouting
AishaForget it. Sorry i just start talking about my personal issue's. It's boring.
PeteThat is completely unacceptable, if I was with you I would be telling your family exactly how they should treat someone as amazing as you
PeteHonestly I like hearing about other people's lives, distracts me from my own
AishaNot everyone is as sweet and kind as you.
PeteAw thanks and not everyone is as great as you
PeteYou are honestly such an amazing person and you shouldn't let anyone treat you different because you deserve better
AishaAre you really real..?
AishaMost guys are never this sweet.
AishaYou are almost a dream guy.
PeteI promise you I am real, and you are almost a dream girl, i sometimes wish I was like other guys cause I always end up getting hurt in the end of everything
AishaNo. Never be like those type if guys..Guys like you are rare. Anyone one would hurt you are actually very stupid . Who would even think so hurting your feeling?
AishaI am not a dream real.
PeteWell your one in a trillion cause every other girl wants the other guys
AishaI hate those type of guys. That's why i am weird .
PeteYou're not weird you just amazing and better than the rest of the average standard
AishaAww thanks. You too.
PeteThanks, I honestly can't tell you how great it is to talk to someone as caring as you, normally I don't open up about my problems
AishaMe too. I am actually really thankful that i got to talk to someone as understanding as you.
PeteWe're both very lucky, so tell me more about yourself, what colour is your hair?
AishaMy hair is long and blackish brown.
Aishaand your's?
PeteNice and my hair is kinda short, not had a hair cut in a while but my hair is brown and I have brown eyes
AishaI have brown eyes too.
PeteI love brown eyes
AishaMe too. Brown eyes are very warm and welcoming .
AishaLike very friendly .
PeteThey are, they can also be very seductive
PeteRelaxing even
PeteSo are you tall or small
AishaNot very tall.My height is 5'6
AishaAre you tall or small?
PeteCool and I think I'm just under 6'
PeteYour perfect height for cuddling
AishaI don't know about that. I have never cuddle with anyone.
PeteWell ill be on the first flight to Riyadh to change that
AishaHaha that's cute
PeteYeah, bit chesey but oh well
AishaIt's not chesey . It's actually very cute.
PeteWell thanks, I'm glad you think so
AishaWelcome. Well i will be silly if i thought that wasn't cute.
PeteWell you are anything but silly, I don't think I've ever spoke to someone as kind and as smart as you
AishaAww you are the perfect guy . I haven't talking to anyone like you.
PeteWell you bring out the best in me
Aishahaha really?
AishaYou are so amazing.
PeteYeah, I don't talk to many great people like yourself so I never get to show people how I am
PeteYou are also amazing
PeteSo what are you doing this weekend then?
AishaMy test are coming so probably just studying .
AishaAnd what about you?
PeteWell make sure you don't get distracted with your phone or laptop because I did when I was studying and my results were not good and probably just have a quiet weekend
AishaIt's a very important test so i so i pass this one with good marks.
PeteI'm sure you will, you seem very smart
PeteNot many 16 year old like poetry and watch great TV shows and have amazing music taste like you
AishaAnd Not many 18 years old like poetry and are as gentleman as you. And are different in a good way of course.
PeteAw thanks it means alot to hear that x
AishaWell i just told you the truth
PeteAnd so did I, you truly are amazing
AishaAnd your perfect.
PeteAnd so are you in every way
AishaAww it would be a tragic thing to not able to talk to you again.
AishaYou are just sooo nice.
PeteDo you have an email address and I can email you, I know it's not the quickest way of messaging but I can't be bothered making new accounts on social media
PeteIt will just show the bullies that I am available again to be tormented
AishaI have email address you i forgot the password.
Aishai can't open it now.
Aishabut i *
PeteI'm the same when it comes to passwords
AishaI forget password easily .
PeteMe too, well I guess this is just a conversation we will need to appreciate while it lasts x
AishaYeah . I guess so.
PeteSo what's your favourite colour?
PeteI know it seems silly but I just want to talk to you for as long as possible
AishaMe too
AishaI am actually very scared that i will do something stupid and cut the tab accidentally or etc and will never be able to talk to you again.
PeteOmg me to, I know all things come to an end but I'm not ready to lose you just yet
AishaMe too.I was really scared that i will sound tooo creepy if i say i wanna talk to you again.
PeteI felt the same, all I want to say is incase I end up ending the conversion or something by mistake just know that I feel very lucky to have spoke to you and know that I'll never forget you cause you truly are amazing
AishaNow don't make it more difficult for me. I feel so lucky that someone as amazing as you would talk to someone as boring as me .
AishaThank you.
AishaFor being who you are.
PeteDon't ever say that you are boring, your life is full of excitement and anyone lucky enough to have even a second of your time will feel truly blessed, thank you for just existing
AishaOmg that's the most nicest thing anyone have ever said to me....
PeteWell im sure throughout the rest of your life you will hear great things because you are just a great person
Aishawow....Your an angel. Are you even human? Nobody is that nice.
PeteI know this will come off as cheesy but I'm struggling to put into words just how perfect you are and thats coming from something that knows about 5000 more words than the average person
AishaIf i have a choice to talk or meet to anyone in this world i would always chose you.
AishaI am not even kidding..
PeteAnd I would choose the same, nothing would make me happier
AishaMe too.Nothing is more good then to find a honest and kind person.
PeteIt really is a great feeling
AishaYeah . It is a great feeling.
PeteI will definitely be dreaming of you tonight (hope it doesn't sound too creepy)
AishaYeah me too. And no it doesn't sound creepy.
PeteGood, its very hard to not sound creepy over messages because you can't hear the person tone and see they're face
AishaYeah you are right. If someone else have said that to me i would sooo creeped out . But it doesn't sound creepy when you say it.
PeteGood, I'm glad it didn't come off as creepy
AishaYeah..Don't worry. You can anything . I won't find it creepy
AishaYou there..?
PeteWell to be honest part of me is trying to imagine what you look like
AishaMine too. But i am on my laptop. I can't send you my picture.
PeteThis will definitely sound creepy but I'm attracted to you personality if you get what I mean
PeteI would never expect you to send me a picture, I could be anyone just like you could be too
AishaYeah . I find it sweet that we have talked sooo much but you haven't even once asked me to send my pic.
PeteThey're much more to attraction than looks, and you tick every other box
AishaYeah . Most of people give more importance to looks then personality .
AishaAnd i am happy your not one of them.
PeteExactly but the best people are the ones with the best personality
AishaLooks doesn't last that much . But personality stay's forever with you.
PeteIt sure does
PeteWant to play a game?
AishaYeah . sure.
PeteWhat about truths, we ask each other anything and we have to be completely honest
AishaBut what if you don't wanna answer something?
PeteI will answer any question you ask me and if I ask something to personal just say and we can move on
AishaCan i have your email ? I will maybe make a new one a text you from it?
Aishayeah that's gppd.
AishaI mean if it's okay with you
PeteYeah my email is [email protected]
PeteNo problem
PeteWhy don't you give me an email and we can pick the conversation up from there then
AishaI have to make one.
PeteWell we can talk as much as possible just now then
PeteSo anyway I'll go first with the game, how many boyfriends have you had?
PeteRemember we need to be honest, I can't believe that
AishaI actually liked one guy but he was a bad person.
AishaI am telling the truth
PeteI hate it when that happens
Aishathere is nothing to hide.
PeteOk your turn
AishaHow many girls have you dated?
PeteAltogether 2 and both were failures
PeteHave you ever fantasised about anyone?
AishaLike anyone?
AishaI have fantasised about actors. but no one in real life.
PeteI see, your turn
AishaActually i have fantasied about my childhood crush . But my best friend stole him from me . We never dated or talked that much but i liked him for 4 years.
PeteWow that's a long time
AishaHave you ever cheated on someone?
Aishayeah. it is a long time
PeteNo but my last girlfriend cheated on me so it's gave me a lot of trust issues
AishaOh that's sad..
PeteYeah.... Anyway have you flirted with a lot of people
AishaI have never flirted with anyone. I suck at flirting . Maybe tried it 2-3 times. But it never worked.
PeteI'm the same, I always end up being the one flirting cause people don't think about me in that way
AishaYou just haven't tried it with the right person
AishaHave you ever lied to someone close to you?
PeteHow do you know who is the right person though? And yes but only because they wouldn't be able to handle the truth
PeteIt was about a death in the family
AishaI mean if your can share anything with them but doesn't hesitate in telling it . then you will know thats the right person.
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