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// General TODOs:
// Replace all setPositionTarget with moveFast once it is completed
// Function/line specific TODOs commented on their corresponding lines

// myState variables
float myPos[3];
float myVel[3];
float myAtt[3];

// otherState variables
// Currently not in use, uncomment these and their corresponding lines
// in the updateState function if needed
// float otherPos[3];
// float otherVel[3];
// float otherAtt[3];

float itemPos[6][3]; // itemPos[itemID][x/y/z coordinate]

float assemblyZone[3]; // x, y, z coordinates of assembly zone

float spsLoc[2][3]; // spsLoc[sps drop number][x/y/z coordinate]

void init()
game.dropSPS(); // drop SPS at spawn point

// Set SPS locations
// If there's a more consise way to set these please let me know - Kevin Li
spsLoc[0][0] = 0.15;
spsLoc[0][1] = 0;
spsLoc[0][2] = 0;
spsLoc[1][0] = -0.5;
spsLoc[1][1] = 0.3;
spsLoc[1][2] = 0;
spsLoc[2][0] = -0.36;
spsLoc[2][1] = -0.3;
spsLoc[2][2] = -0.22;

void loop()
// Updates state arrays of SPHEREs and items

if (game.getNumSPSHeld() != 0) {
// Code for placing SPSs
int spsHeld = game.getNumSPSHeld();

if (closeTo(myPos, spsLoc[3 - spsHeld], 0.08)) {
// If close to sps location, drop SPS and update SPS position array
// Large threshold used (8 cm) because precision not needed and
// takes too long to slow down
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { spsLoc[3 - spsHeld][i] = myPos[i]; }

if (spsHeld == 0) {
// Save assembly zone location if no SPSs left
float ass[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { assemblyZone[i] = ass[i]; }
} else {
api.setPositionTarget(spsLoc[3 - game.getNumSPSHeld()]);
} else {
// All SPSs are placed, docking and assembly code
// Iterates through the items that are already in our assembly zone,
// Docks with priority of large --> medium
// Small items excluded due to lack of time (most likely)

// TODO: Replace item selection with optimalItem function once it is complete
// Note: optimalItem probably requires moveFast -- correct me if I am wrong
int IDcount = 1;
while (game.itemInZone(IDcount)) {
if (game.hasItem(IDcount) == 1) {
if (IDcount < 0) {
IDcount = 3;


// MARK: Helper Methods

void updateState()
float myState[12];
// float otherState[12];

// SPHERE States
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
myPos[i] = myState[i];
myVel[i] = myState[i + 3];
myAtt[i] = myState[i + 6];
// otherPos[i] = otherState[i];
// otherVel[i] = otherState[i + 3];
// otherAtt[i] = otherAtt[i + 6];

// Item Positions
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
float itemState[12];
game.getItemZRState(itemState, i);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
itemPos[i][j] = itemState[j];

bool closeTo(float vec[3], float target[3], float threshold) {
float diff[3];
mathVecSubtract(diff, vec, target, 3);
return mathVecMagnitude(diff, 3) < threshold;

// TODO: URGENT -- complete this function
// Do testing in a different file
void moveFast(float target[3]) {}

// Sets attitude toward a given point
void pointToward(float target[3]) {
float vectorBetween[3];
mathVecSubtract(vectorBetween, target, myPos, 3);
mathVecNormalize(vectorBetween, 3);

// Checks if SPHERE is facing a target point with threshold of 0.25 radians (14.3 degrees)
bool isFacing(float target[3]) {
float targetAtt[3];
mathVecSubtract(targetAtt, target, myPos, 3);
mathVecNormalize(targetAtt, 3);
float theta;
theta = acosf(mathVecInner(targetAtt, myAtt, 3));
return theta < 14.3f;

void dock(int itemID)
float dockingDist = (itemID < 2) ? 0.154 : ((itemID < 4) ? 0.142 : 0.128);

// If you are holding the item, put it in your assembly zone
// TODO: Make sure you are facing the assembly zone while being dockingDist meters away
// Note: You do not have to stop/slow down to drop an item
if (game.hasItem(itemID) == 1) {
if (closeTo(myPos, assemblyZone, dockingDist)) {
else {
} else {
float vectorBetween[3]; // Vector between SPHERE and target item
float vectorTarget[3]; // Coordinates of target location to move to

mathVecSubtract(vectorBetween, itemPos[itemID], myPos, 3);

// Scale vectorTarget to the right length based on the docking distance
float scale = (mathVecMagnitude(vectorBetween, 3) - dockingDist) / mathVecMagnitude(vectorBetween, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
vectorBetween[i] = vectorBetween[i] * scale;
vectorTarget[i] = vectorBetween[i] + myPos[i];
vectorBetween[i] = vectorBetween[i] / scale;

// Checks if SPHERE satisfies docking requirements -- if so, docks
// TODO: Make sure SPHERE is not too close to item before docking
if (mathVecMagnitude(myVel, 3) > 0.01 || mathVecMagnitude(vectorBetween, 3) > dockingDist || !isFacing(itemPos[itemID])) {
} else {
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Regards; Team

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