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Tactical_Bacon7 : Then why are you ranting and clearly moaning, as well as having a panic attack from talking to someone you haven't spoke to in over 6 months
RegencieX : closure
Tactical_Bacon7 : You want my closure? I don't care about anything
Tactical_Bacon7 : I have no full opinion on anything ever
Tactical_Bacon7 : I don't care if you hate me or love me, I'm just hanging around for the fun
Tactical_Bacon7 : If trolling in chats if fun, then you can guess that I'll be there
Tactical_Bacon7 : I don't care about anything
Tactical_Bacon7 : Whether I get raped or I win the lottery, nothing affects me and ever will because I don't let it
Tactical_Bacon7 : For example, if I was asked to rejoin your ts, I would, because I don't care anymore. It's over and words have been said
Tactical_Bacon7 : It's like when I have fights with Jack, I don't care the next day and nor does he because he knows the things that were said weren't true
Tactical_Bacon7 : You think that I mean all the things I say
Tactical_Bacon7 : How could I know that you're a whore when I haven't seen you in probably like 6 months
Tactical_Bacon7 : Get over yourself, everyone has the same problems.
Tactical_Bacon7 : To put it in perspective, I'm more angry about Goose hating me than you or Cat hating me, because I liked Goose. And even then it's only a mediocre anger because it was so long ago
11/10/2016, 05:25:14
RegencieX : Clearly, since you blocked her.
RegencieX : It wasn't like I sullied your name, she just read what you had to say.
RegencieX : So no fault but thyne own.
RegencieX : If I am being quite frank, I'm glad that you are doing what deem to be fun. Just don't rain down on someone else's parade. Though everyone is going through the same thing, experiences are unique to individuals. So don't just assume you know what someone else is going through. I can assure you more often than not - you're wrong.
RegencieX : Cheers.
11/10/2016, 14:45:30
Tactical_Bacon7 : If you can get rained on, by someone you haven't talked to nor should care about for 6 months, then you've some problems there love. I'll stop insulting and I'll not troll sure, so be it that's fine I suppose. Tbh that troll sesh was the first time in over a month that I've even uttered your name or Cat's, the fact you got worked up over it is saddening but I see your justification. It's more a situation where you shouldn't give attention or show that you're getting worked up over it, they'll just get more attention and want to do it more.
Tactical_Bacon7 : But sure, I'm over it
Tactical_Bacon7 : Oh and I didn't block Goose, I just unfriended her because I was under the impression she was simply there to listen to me moan and then go and tell you about it. Which by the way is manipulation of trust and very heavily frowned upon, but oh well.
11/10/2016, 15:37:04
Tactical_Bacon7 : And if you ever want something, take it. Sure I trolled and moaned lol, but I NEVER received any personal word that you wanted it to stop nor cared. If you want something done do it yourself
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