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Knows and need to knows:
1. Make computers for those in need
2. Using I Fix It tool kits
3. We will be using our own computer parts
4. Doing this in Groups
5. We are making hard drives
6. We are raising money for parts
1. How do we come up with computer parts?
2. What is the Operating System?
3. What is the Due Date for this project?
4. Will we be able to choose our groups?
5. How to assemble the computer parts?
6. Computers and/or Peripherals?
7. Computer Safety tools?
8. What are the tools in the toolkit that we have?
9. How do we get the money and how to sell the computers?
10. Who will get the Computers?
11. How many computers will we be making?
12. Should we use bulk pricing?
13. Should we use Brand pricing?
14. Do we want to make our own design?
Problem Statement:
How do we as computer engineers build computers to help people in need?
Driving Question:
How can we build computers cheaply and reliably that fits anyone's needs?

External Hard Drive Knows and Need to Knows:

1. We are trying to sell our old hard drives for profit so we could have external hard drives
2. they are coming from our old laptop hard drives
3. We are trying to make and sell external hard drives
4. We need to make as much money as possible
5. We spent ten dollars per hard drive enclosure. ten times fifty-five equals five hundred and fifty dollars spent on these.
6. We took a loan on these
7. We took a risk
Need to knows
1. How do we build an external hard drive?
2. How do we sell them?
3. How much should we charge them?
4. Do hard drives need software?
5. How do hard drives work?
6. Are we selling the USB wires?
7. Where are we going to sell them?
8. Are they Bluetooth compatibility?
9. Should we target Buyers?
10. Should we do an auction for it?
11. Should we do a sponsorship from Zee?
12. What is the storage capacity of the hard drives?
13. could Garon's dad who works at google sell the hard drive?
14. Could Eli's dad have a spot to sell the hard drives?

Problem Statement:
How do we as entrepreneurs make a new functional hard drive so that we could make as much money as possible?

Driving Question:
How can we make external hard drives and raise as much money as possible?
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