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Unnamed Story

Chapter 1

The smiling star gazed over all eight of his children endearingly. His gaze held so much pride and happiness that he found it difficult not to blurt out how much each and every one of them meant to him. Today was strictly business though, and he didn't need his family of planets to get off topic. It was their annual Solar System meeting. One was held every time that Earth made a full orbit around Sylvester. Erm, that's the Sun's true name. He still couldn't comprehend why the lovely little creatures on Earth still referred to him as "The Sun", for he had a name, as did Pheobe, Earth's lone Moon.
Sylvester was yanked from his thoughts by a loud chorus of voices that shook the room. Seems as if he had lost their attention. Mercury looked around nervously, his big gray eyes were wide, the sudden outburst had frightened the maroon Planet. He was easily distinguishable as the youngest. He was the shortest and most timid. Clumsy, yet quick. Mercury was the Sun's messenger; although, he was never sent too far away.
Next to Mercury was Venus, and she looked beyond annoyed. Venus was a stubborn and hot-headed young lady, and absolutely never took no for an answer. She was viciously protective over her younger siblings, being the third oldest, it was her solemn duty. She flashed Jupiter a warning glance with her narrowed emerald eyes as her fiery orange skin erupted into a redder hue. She'd never hurt him, of course, he was her "big" little brother (she was older, yet he was way taller) and her flames were just an intimidation tactic.
Ah, the fair Lady Earth, her white cloud-like hair drifted from her relaxed face in silent wisps and gentle curves. Her ocean blue eyes were patient and cheerful. She was always amiable. Earth was Sylvester's only life-bearing child- and arguably the most beautiful. It wasn't just her elegant appearance and sweet demeanor that other Celestial Beings admired, it was her undying love and loyalty to her Life. She cared for her creatures, humans and animals if you will, with motherly affection constantly. She worked with them, as much as she could, to maintain weather, keep them safe, and even gave her knowledge, even though it wasn't vast, about the surrounding Solar Systems.
Mars was the closest to Earth. They worked together most of the time. See, the Life on Earth was now colonized on both Mars and their Mother Planet. Yes, it had taken many, many years, the most determination, loss of Life, and both minor and major setbacks to achieve such a goal, but in the end, it was worth it. Over the countless decades, the human population had swelled to a whopping 27 billion, meanwhile the animal populations were completely decimated by the selfish humans, who believed they were most important. Since there were so many people on Earth, the people had begun to begin mass deforestation and underwater housing, sending the animal and plant life populations spiraling downwards. Earth was so heartbroken to learn about this truly terrible feat, so she had asked Mars to begin housing humans too. He had agreed. Even though Mars had begun to let people live on his Planet, the human population was still growing rapidly and so soon even Mars wouldn't be able to take care of them. Mars was a calm and quiet Planet himself. He cared deeply about his family and looked for any way to help them out in their time of need.
Sylvester sighed as he looked at his Gas Giants. They were a mess. Neptune kept yelling at Jupiter to stop being "an idiot" and pay attention while Uranus pulled at his icy twin's sweater sleeve and whimpered for him to "stop being mean". Saturn looked slightly disheveled by Jupiter's rambunctiousness.
Jupiter bounced around in his seat excitedly. Although the purple ball of energy was tall and lanky and seemingly the oldest, his playful personality hinted at otherwise. Ironically, Jupiter was the third youngest of the Solar Family.
He was certainly an interesting story. He was the largest Planet of his siblings, but the most immature. When other Celestial Beings were introduced to the Gas Giant, the first thing they would wonder was why he wasn't a Sun. He definitely had all the elements needed. Contrary to what others believed, Sylvester had sent Jupiter to an Academy to become a Star a long time ago. Jupiter had done fine at first, until he had gotten the news flash that if he became a Sun, he would have to move out of his home Solar System or he would end up swallowing up at least three of his siblings. So one day, out of the blue, Jupiter abruptly returned to Sylvester, in tears about how he dropped out and "brought shame" to his family and himself just so he wouldn't have to leave home. Sylvester told him it was his own choice, and he didn't have to become a star if he didn't want to.
The violet haired boy winked at Saturn with one of his ruby eyes and continued with his antics. Saturn's golden gaze turned to his brother in partial seriousness and partial amusement.
Saturn was a thoughtful and good natured older brother. Honestly, if you asked the Planet what he did with his time, he'd tell you that babysitting Jupiter would be a real time consumer. Saturn liked it that way though, and even though he would never admit it, he was extremely happy when Jupiter dropped out of the Star Academy. He wanted his baby brother to stay his baby brother for a long, long time. Although he knew that Jupiter would grow up some day and no longer need him, he was trying to postpone that day as long as possible. Saturn wore long cream colored robes. He was surrounded by a few yellow rings that always earned him some kind compliments. The golden haired boy was extremely modest and reserved, so words about his appearance never ceased to flatter and fluster him.
Neptune and Uranus were identical twins, more so when they were younger. Nowadays, Neptune had a sharp beard as well as a sharp temper. Neptune was the more pronounced of the twins, he was irritable, but sensible, and he was very protective over his wavy haired twin. You see, Uranus was a very soft spoken and submissive Planet. He was timid and a little too emotional. Regardless, both brothers were respectful and knowing.
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