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So preparations begin for their sea voyage, but nothing goes quite as planned.
Doctor Livesey goes to London to find another doctor to cover for him while he's away, and Squire Trelawney goes to Bristol to arrange for their ship.
Jim is left behind to imagine what the map is going to lead them to.
Finally he gets a letter from Squire Trelawney.
The letter is addressed to Doctor Livesey, but there's a note that says Jim can open it if Doctor Livesey is away.
Squire Trelawney has found them a ship. It's called the Hispaniola, named after the Caribbean island that's home to the modern states of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Unfortunately, in hiring this ship, Squire Trelawney has also told everyone in Bristol that he's on a treasure hunt.
Jim knows that Squire Trelawney's chattiness won't make Doctor Livesey happy.
Tom Redruth, one of the squire's servants, who is reading the letter alongside Jim, thinks Squire Trelawney should be allowed to do whatever he wants since he's a squire.
Jim reads on: Squire Trelawney has had some trouble finding a crew for the ship.
One day, Squire Trelawney got lucky: an elderly sailor with one leg approached him.
The man is a cook and wants to go out on one last sea voyage.
The man tells Squire Trelawney that his name is Long John Silver.
Squire Trelawney is impressed that the sailor has lost his leg in a British naval battle. He's sure that Long John Silver is honest.
Long John Silver helps Squire Trelawney find the rest of the necessary crew, all tough-looking guys.
In fact, Long John Silver is so very helpful that he convinces Squire Trelawney to fire two of the guys he had already hired because they seem to be "fresh-water swabs" (7.7) – in other words, bad sailors.
Squire Trelawney seems to be in a great mood. He encourages Doctor Livesey to come down to Bristol as soon as possible, along with Jim and Tom Redruth, the servant.
Squire Trelawney adds one small detail: his servant Blandly is going to send a search party after the Hispaniola if he doesn't hear from the squire and Doctor Livesey by August. It's now March.
All in all, Squire Trelawney seems to be regarding this whole thing as a kind of game on the high seas, and he's very excited to get going.
Finishing the letter, Jim is also thrilled. He's so excited that he despises the servant, Tom Redruth, for grumbling next to him.
The next morning, Jim goes (with Tom Redruth as a guard) to the Admiral Benbow Inn to visit his mother one last time.
Squire Trelawney has had the whole inn repainted, and his mother looks happy and comfortable.
The next morning, Jim sets out on his first real trip away from home.
Tom and Jim arrive at Bristol the following morning.
Squire Trelawney is staying at an inn near the docks.
The smell of the sea fills Jim with exciting dreams of sailors and voyages and distant places.
Squire Trelawney appears in front of Jim all dressed up like a naval officer.
He announces that they are going to set sail the next day.
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