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Use Green coloured chat when Training.
Don’t say what’s in red.
For the test, use your best judgement to decide whether it’s correct or not.

Hello and welcome to SWAT’s official training.

If I am going too fast please ask me to slow down.

I suggest you take notes as there will be a test at the end.

Do you have anything you would like to ask before we begin?

(Wait for everyone to respond)

Firstly we will go over the rules that need to be followed at all times. Please;

1. Do not ask for pay or promotions

2. Do not use colored chat

3. Do not dance or wear effects in base

4. Do not spam or use more than 3 bubbles of capital letters

5. Do not double job (i.e. work here and at another agency or army)

6. Do not self promote (i.e. steal someone’s motto or use a different rank)

Do you have any questions on what these rules mean?

(Wait for any questions)

We will now learn the commands you will need to know about.

FTF stands for Fill The Front.

Please fill one of the 6 front desks when there’s a vacant spot or if you’re asked to do so.

At FTF, it is your job to Recruit new members and let SWAT members in.

You should check they have the correct BUMP – Badge, Uniform, Motto and Profile.

Badge – They should have the badge on that looks like S¥T and is owned by jmmey321.

Uniform – The uniform is located on the mannequins or FTF gate. Members below HRA/THR need uniform.

Motto – Their motto should begin with [SWAT] and the motto for a new recruit is [SWAT] Recruit.

Profile – Make sure to check their profile for any agency/army badges, and ask them to remove them.

FTB stands for Fill The Back.

Here, you can AFK (Away From Keyboard) and wait for FTF desks to become free.

Please do not AFK in the hallway or on the front desks.

I will now show you where the FTF and FTB areas are.

(Go to the FTF area)

These 6 desks make up the FTF area.

(Go to the FTB area)

These 6 sofas make up the FTB area.

(Go back to training)

BTB stands for Back To Base. When asked, if you’re free, please come back to help out.

Attention – When a HR+ calls you to attention, please stand up, face them and say yes sir/ma’am.

AE stands for At Ease. When you hear this, continue what you were doing before.

We will now practice the Attention and AE commands.


(Wait for them to stand up, face you and say yes sir/ma’am)


Do you have any questions or want me to repeat any of the commands?

(Wait for any questions)

The last part of training will be a test so I hope you have been paying attention.

I will ask you some and you’ll need to whisper the answers to me.

Please whisper me “Ready” once you’re ready to begin the test.

If you cannot whisper me, click on my Habbo and type :whisper[Spacebar] along with your message.

(Wait for everyone to whisper you)

Please be sure to whisper your answers now.

For the test, ask the recruit any of the 2 easy questions and 3 difficult questions at your choice.

Easy questions:

E1. What does FTF and FTB stand for?
– Answer: Fill the Front and Fill the Back.

E2. What does AE stand for?
– Answer: At Ease.

E3. What does BTB stand for?
– Answer: Back to Base.

E4. What is the motto for a new worker at SWAT?
– Answer: [SWAT] Recruit

Difficult questions:

D1. What does BUMP stand for?
– Answer: Badge, Uniform, Motto and Profile.

D2. Where is the FTF and FTB area?
– Answer: The FTF area is located at the 6 front desks. The FTB area is located beside the Training area (the 6 sofa chairs)

D3. Is coloured chat allowed?
– Answer: No it is not.

D4. Who must all rank badges be owned by?
– Answer: jmmey321

D5. What rank must you be to no longer wear uniform?
– Answer: HRA or THR.

SWAT training has now ended; thank-you for your work and patience!

For those who have passed, I will whisper you your motto shortly.

For those who didn’t, please stay seated for a refresher course!

To those who have passed with 3 out of 5 questions correct, whisper their new motto to them.

Their motto should be: [SWAT] Offi. Agent I [your tag]

Welcome to the S¥T family! Please remember my username as you will need it to pass Security!

If you have any questions please ask any HR+ and they’ll be happy to help you.

I’m (your username) and thank-you for your time! Please go through the gate to your left.

Use Green coloured chat when Training.
Don’t say what’s in red.
For the test, use your best judgement to decide whether it’s correct or not.

Hello and welcome to SWAT’s official training.

If I am going too fast please ask me to slow down.

I suggest you take notes as there will be a test at the end.

Do you have anything you would like to ask before we begin?

(Wait for everyone to respond)

Firstly we will go over the rules that need to be followed at all times. Please;

1. Do not ask for pay or promotions

2. Do not use colored chat

3. Do not dance or wear effects in base

4. Do not spam or use more than 3 bubbles of capital letters

5. Do not double job (i.e. work here and at another agency or army)

6. Do not self promote (i.e. steal someone’s motto or use a different rank)

Do you have any questions on what these rules mean?

(Wait for any questions)

We will now learn the commands you will need to know about.

FTF stands for Fill The Front.

Please fill one of the 6 front desks when there’s a vacant spot or if you’re asked to do so.

At FTF, it is your job to Recruit new members and let SWAT members in.

You should check they have the correct BUMP – Badge, Uniform, Motto and Profile.

Badge – They should have the badge on that looks like S¥T and is owned by jmmey321.

Uniform – The uniform is located on the mannequins or FTF gate. Members below HRA/THR need uniform.

Motto – Their motto should begin with [SWAT] and the motto for a new recruit is [SWAT] Recruit.

Profile – Make sure to check their profile for any agency/army badges, and ask them to remove them.

FTB stands for Fill The Back.

Here, you can AFK (Away From Keyboard) and wait for FTF desks to become free.

Please do not AFK in the hallway or on the front desks.

I will now show you where the FTF and FTB areas are.

(Go to the FTF area)

These 6 desks make up the FTF area.

(Go to the FTB area)

These 6 sofas make up the FTB area.

(Go back to training)

BTB stands for Back To Base. When asked, if you’re free, please come back to help out.

Attention – When a HR+ calls you to attention, please stand up, face them and say yes sir/ma’am.

AE stands for At Ease. When you hear this, continue what you were doing before.

We will now practice the Attention and AE commands.


(Wait for them to stand up, face you and say yes sir/ma’am)


Do you have any questions or want me to repeat any of the commands?

(Wait for any questions)

The last part of training will be a test so I hope you have been paying attention.

I will ask you some and you’ll need to whisper the answers to me.

Please whisper me “Ready” once you’re ready to begin the test.

If you cannot whisper me, click on my Habbo and type :whisper[Spacebar] along with your message.

(Wait for everyone to whisper you)

Please be sure to whisper your answers now.

For the test, ask the recruit any of the 2 easy questions and 3 difficult questions at your choice.

Easy questions:

E1. What does FTF and FTB stand for?
– Answer: Fill the Front and Fill the Back.

E2. What does AE stand for?
– Answer: At Ease.

E3. What does BTB stand for?
– Answer: Back to Base.

E4. What is the motto for a new worker at SWAT?
– Answer: [SWAT] Recruit

Difficult questions:

D1. What does BUMP stand for?
– Answer: Badge, Uniform, Motto and Profile.

D2. Where is the FTF and FTB area?
– Answer: The FTF area is located at the 6 front desks. The FTB area is located beside the Training area (the 6 sofa chairs)

D3. Is coloured chat allowed?
– Answer: No it is not.

D4. Who must all rank badges be owned by?
– Answer: jmmey321

D5. What rank must you be to no longer wear uniform?
– Answer: HRA or THR.

SWAT training has now ended; thank-you for your work and patience!

For those who have passed, I will whisper you your motto shortly.

For those who didn’t, please stay seated for a refresher course!

To those who have passed with 3 out of 5 questions correct, whisper their new motto to them.

Their motto should be: [SWAT] Offi. Agent I [your tag]

Welcome to the S¥T family! Please remember my username as you will need it to pass Security!

If you have any questions please ask any HR+ and they’ll be happy to help you.

I’m (your username) and thank-you for your time! Please go through the gate to your left.

Use Green coloured chat when Training.
Don’t say what’s in red.
For the test, use your best judgement to decide whether it’s correct or not.

Hello and welcome to SWAT’s official training.

If I am going too fast please ask me to slow down.

I suggest you take notes as there will be a test at the end.

Do you have anything you would like to ask before we begin?

(Wait for everyone to respond)

Firstly we will go over the rules that need to be followed at all times. Please;

1. Do not ask for pay or promotions

2. Do not use colored chat

3. Do not dance or wear effects in base

4. Do not spam or use more than 3 bubbles of capital letters

5. Do not double job (i.e. work here and at another agency or army)

6. Do not self promote (i.e. steal someone’s motto or use a different rank)

Do you have any questions on what these rules mean?

(Wait for any questions)

We will now learn the commands you will need to know about.

FTF stands for Fill The Front.

Please fill one of the 6 front desks when there’s a vacant spot or if you’re asked to do so.

At FTF, it is your job to Recruit new members and let SWAT members in.

You should check they have the correct BUMP – Badge, Uniform, Motto and Profile.

Badge – They should have the badge on that looks like S¥T and is owned by jmmey321.

Uniform – The uniform is located on the mannequins or FTF gate. Members below HRA/THR need uniform.

Motto – Their motto should begin with [SWAT] and the motto for a new recruit is [SWAT] Recruit.

Profile – Make sure to check their profile for any agency/army badges, and ask them to remove them.

FTB stands for Fill The Back.

Here, you can AFK (Away From Keyboard) and wait for FTF desks to become free.

Please do not AFK in the hallway or on the front desks.

I will now show you where the FTF and FTB areas are.

(Go to the FTF area)

These 6 desks make up the FTF area.

(Go to the FTB area)

These 6 sofas make up the FTB area.

(Go back to training)

BTB stands for Back To Base. When asked, if you’re free, please come back to help out.

Attention – When a HR+ calls you to attention, please stand up, face them and say yes sir/ma’am.

AE stands for At Ease. When you hear this, continue what you were doing before.

We will now practice the Attention and AE commands.


(Wait for them to stand up, face you and say yes sir/ma’am)


Do you have any questions or want me to repeat any of the commands?

(Wait for any questions)

The last part of training will be a test so I hope you have been paying attention.

I will ask you some and you’ll need to whisper the answers to me.

Please whisper me “Ready” once you’re ready to begin the test.

If you cannot whisper me, click on my Habbo and type :whisper[Spacebar] along with your message.

(Wait for everyone to whisper you)

Please be sure to whisper your answers now.

For the test, ask the recruit any of the 2 easy questions and 3 difficult questions at your choice.

Easy questions:

E1. What does FTF and FTB stand for?
– Answer: Fill the Front and Fill the Back.

E2. What does AE stand for?
– Answer: At Ease.

E3. What does BTB stand for?
– Answer: Back to Base.

E4. What is the motto for a new worker at SWAT?
– Answer: [SWAT] Recruit

Difficult questions:

D1. What does BUMP stand for?
– Answer: Badge, Uniform, Motto and Profile.

D2. Where is the FTF and FTB area?
– Answer: The FTF area is located at the 6 front desks. The FTB area is located beside the Training area (the 6 sofa chairs)

D3. Is coloured chat allowed?
– Answer: No it is not.

D4. Who must all rank badges be owned by?
– Answer: jmmey321

D5. What rank must you be to no longer wear uniform?
– Answer: HRA or THR.

SWAT training has now ended; thank-you for your work and patience!

For those who have passed, I will whisper you your motto shortly.

For those who didn’t, please stay seated for a refresher course!

To those who have passed with 3 out of 5 questions correct, whisper their new motto to them.

Their motto should be: [SWAT] Offi. Agent I [your tag]

Welcome to the S¥T family! Please remember my username as you will need it to pass Security!

If you have any questions please ask any HR+ and they’ll be happy to help you.

I’m (your username) and thank-you for your time! Please go through the gate to your left.

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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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