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page 12 "lower jaw of a large deer" - Historian: It is clear that this is taking place in the stone age because usually you would not find an average person using every part of the deer as their life depends on it. But more generally speaking, you probably would not find a person eating a deer anyways.
page 13 "they communicated more with gestures and motions" - Historian: In this, Iza is talking to Creb about how she is going to allow the injured girl to recover. However, the author clarifies that they are not using a 'verbal language' but simple motions to represent what they mean.
page 14 " " - Historian:
page 15 " " - Author Expert:
page 16 " " - Author Expert:
page 17 " " - Author Expert:
page 18 " " - Author Expert:
page 19 " " - Author Expert:
page 20 " " - Author Expert:
page 21 " " - Author Expert:
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