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1) What was Thomas Malthus' theory?
His theory is the numbers of rabbits population would limit humans too so as population growing geometrically,food growing arithmetically all the people are gonna die of starvation.
2) What did Malthus get right in his theory?
He is somewhat right beacuse there's a very seductive logic to the idea that resources,especially food,are finite,that yes someday we will human will suck up all the resources because we only have a limit of arable land
3) What did Malthus get wrong in his theory?
Missed the value of knowledge and technology,assumed static amount of resources based on his time,underestimated how successful we would be at adapting to environmental constraints,and the role of technology and innovation could play in creating a world where more humans could live.
4) What did the Irish potato famine have to do with Malthus?
Many people died at the time when the Irish potato famine,a fungus that wipe out one strain of potato grown in Ireland.The poor population had access to many more varieties of potato .
5) What is carrying capacity?The maximum population that the environment and all of its resources can support.
6) Who is Ester Boserup?A Danish economist who specialised in the economics and development of agriculture.Argues that the challenge of feeding more people motivates people to improve their farming methods and invent new technologies to produce food.
7) Why do Boserup and the anti-Malthusian think he's wrong? Give at least 2 examples that support their theories.
They think he is wrong because people have to find out ways to keep them survive by creating technologies to convert it into food.In Big Picture they said that food production can and will increase to match the needs of the population.Aldo in the same text it states an example saying if a farmer has TWO more children,the pressure to produce more food frive him to build irrigation canals to bring water to make crop grow in drier ground for instances.These things can support their view on the population.
8) Who are the neo-Malthusians?
They are people who belive that ahead is some kind of population crash, perhaps triggered or exacerbated by environmental factors related to climate change causing people to starve till death.
9) Why do neo-Malthusians think he's right? Give at least 2 pieces of evidence that they use to support his theories.The neo-Malthusians thinks he's right because they are concerned that overpopulation may increase resource depletion therefore,population growth will increase at such a rate that eventually there will not be enough food for the population.On the website ''Neo-Malthusians believe we may still be heading for some kind of population crash'' the title gave us evidence that they support his theory.On the same web it also stated ''While better health care and medicine along with advances in food production and access to freshwater and sanitation have allowed us to feed ourselves and stave off many health ills'' meaning even though there are advanced heath services,you can not live without food.
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