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"Okay so I first heard twenty one pilots around Christmas 2015 and they've helped me cope with things, they comfort me a lot and they inspire me so much. I think they deserve the success because they've been working so hard for it and they still are, their music is the best thing I've ever heard, the lyrics mean so much." Jada, 14, Minnesota.

"When I first heard of Twenty One Pilots, I listened to the song 'ride' which was in 2015. I listened to it over and over and then listened to the song 'Trees'. I was really moved by trees because I felt alone, my friend wasn't with me and I felt emotionally alone. I started listening to their songs more and then I got really moved by them because I was feeling the same emotions but this time knowing that I am not alone and letting Tyler singing the words I couldn't form or tell someone. He's exclaiming in one of his songs ('Not Today') that your happy on the outside but sad deep down inside which might sound cliché but I feel like that expresses me and a lot of other people." Mariah, 13, Kansas.

"I first heard of tøp (abbreviation) about a year and a half ago from some friends I met on Twitter, but I didn't become a fan of them until I started to really listen to music. I started with Ode to Sleep and slowly made my way to all 4 albums. Tøp has helped me realize that I'm important. Even if its to one person, I matter, and my insecurities don't define who I am, they're simply just a part of me and something I'm dealing with. I've had mixed emotions with the success this band has had recently. Whenever someone asks me this question I respond with 'I am really proud of them. Even though I know I probably won't ever be able to meet them, I know their music will always be written for people like me. Its written for their fans who have problems, and insecurities, and thousands of other things they need to deal with that's difficult to face or overcome.' I've found a connection with Twenty One Pilots because their their music conveys what I've been going through in my own life. It helps me know that even if I don't think anyone knows what I'm going through, I have this music to help me with realizing, there's at least one person out there that knows what I'm feeling. Their music is so abstract, in a sense. There's a lot of symbols in this music that you won't realize until you've listened to each song multiple times. Each of their songs mean something more than just a song. They mean hope, courage, understanding, and thousands of other things. These songs are modern day superheros. Its not exactly just for fun, its for battling the evil, standing up for what they believe in, knowing that you're strong enough for the fight, even if it feels like you're drowning. I love Twenty One Pilots because Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun have given me a purpose in this life. To stay alive, at least for them." Aislyn, 15, Oregon.

"I first heard of tøp back in 2015 and am beyond happy over how successful they got over the last year. Their music did help me. It distracted me, it made me feel free. The lyrics they create have helped me the most in this life. I just love the way Josh creates the rhythms, the beautiful yet depressing lyrics and the catchiness of the songs. Also they are my favorite because of [long pause] Just everything about them! Their music, their kind loving hearts, their love for the fans. Not to mention, I love how Tyler refuses to use profanity in his music, but rather search and search for the perfect in every sentence, little by little. It is quite beautiful actually. Tyler also gave me the motivation to sing again and got me into rapping!" Jocelynne, 13, Washington.
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