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War Veterans could get $1,000 in 1945 but people needed the money in 1930
Veterans from Oregon hopped on a train to go to DC others veterans joined in
Evictions were ordered and those in abandoned federal buildings but here was resistance
Situation had to be out of control to have troops step in
Hoover finally made troops circle veterans
Hoover wanted to use army as police force
Army general wanted more though
Veterans threw bricks and bottles
Hoover was increasingly concerned sending orders to not cross the river but MacArthur did it anyway
Veterans makeshift huts were burned
Louisiana governor Huey Long made things better in Louisiana but heavily taxed big businesses
Long made fun at himself and was nicknamed the King-fish
OK Alan complied with everything
The King-fish and FDR were bitter rivals
Huey Long ran for White House on third party ticket
Long was assassinated by man named Dr. Carl Weiss
Communism and Fascism were both threats
Stalin and Hitler swore to never fight on the battlefield
Economy was growing better because of War because people were put into jobs to produce war materiel
Great Depression was gone
War seemed to pull everyone including the economy, together.
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