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5 Questions: Business Impact (5 Questions 18 Percent)
1. Business Process Model: allows us to see relationships among activities, this model can be used as blueprint for Information System
2. Fully Automated: everything is automated to the point inventory is even ordered automatically
3. Partially automated: mom and pop shop where have to count inventory to order new Goods, uses excel sheets
4. Totally manual: farmers market, even the cash receipt is written manually not even
5. Business Process Model
a. Circle, thin outline – represents the start of an activity, process, etc.
b. Circle, thick outline – represents the end of an activity, process, etc.
c. Rectangle (horizontal, with rounded corners) – represents an activity
d. Diamond shape – represents a decision point, from which 2 distinct paths may follow – a ‘Yes’ condition, and the other representing a ‘No’ condition
e. Vertical rectangle (similar to a ‘page’) – represents data
f. Solid Lines with arrows – represent control flow
g. Dashed Lines with arrows – represent data flows

6. Components of a Business Process
a. Activities change inputs into outputs and represent the action items in a process model.
b. Resources are items of value, such as suppliers, customers, or auto parts.
c. Facilities are storage areas, such as a warehouse that stores spare parts, tires, and other auto products. A database of stored data is also considered a facility.
d. Data flows represent the data that move between activities in a process.
7. 5 Forces Model (3 Questions 4.4 percent) (Gives Good View of the Industry)
a. Rivalry
b. Threat of substitutes
c. Customer Bargaining Power
d. Supplier Power
e. Threat of new entrants
8. Generic strategy (2 questions 3 Percent) (see what’s the best way to compete in industry)
a. Broad Cost Leadership
b. Broad differentiation
c. Narrow Cost Leadership
d. Narrow differentiation
9. Value Chain Model (3 Questions 4.4 percent)
a. Value Chain: helps has maximize provides by identifying inefficiencies and enchancing activities
b. Primary Activities:
i. Inbound Logistics
ii. Operations
iii. Outbound Logistics
iv. Marketing and Sales
v. Service

c. Secondary/Support Activities:
i. Procurement
ii. Technological Development
iii. Infrastructure
10. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) (3 Questions 4.4 percent) very Process oriented, phased, ridged approach to software Development.
a. Good for Large Projects
b. Increased Cost of Development
c. Gantt Chart: shows taks and dependencies in a matrix view
d. Different Phases of SDLC LifeCylce
i. Phase 1 Planning: we decide the scope of the project (COST, Organizational Scheduling, Techinal)
ii. Phase 2 Analysis: identity requirements and Procedures d
iii. Phase 3: Design
iv. Phase 4: Implementation (testing, conversion, training)
v. Phase 5: Maintenance (Bug Fixes)
Prototype (3 Questions 4.4 percent)
11. Prototyping: model of proposed finished system that enables users to test, refine and modify if so the end result is a usable and tested system
a. Prototype is not the final system
b. Iterative Process: continues improvement, repeating in cycles before the product is refined
c. Refine: the Porotype is continuously refined from the prototype received from end user
d. Prototype Advantages:
i. Development time and cost reduced
ii. Systems are likely to fulfill user requirements
iii. Easier Adoption by end users
e. ss
12. Polymorphism: ability to appear in different forms
13. Encapsulation: the act of storing data and procedures togather in an object
14. Inheritance: allows objects to inherit (gain)properties from objects in different classes
RAD (1 Question 3 Percent)
15. RAD (Rapid Application Development)
a. Quality is not the Best
b. Uses Visual Programming 80 Percent of the code is automatically generated
c. Component based Development
d. Iterations are made until the application is complete
16. RAD Advantages:
a. RAD can be used for Prototype Applications
b. RAD is used for Project Scopes that are Limited
17. RAD: disadvantages
a. Quality is not the best

Agile (2 Questions 6 Percent)
18. Agile Development: break tasks into small increments with minimal planning, iterations, short term planning, teams of 5 ot 9 members, each member needs to stand-up and do their jobs, more adaptive
19. Predictive: plans the future in detail, predictive teams have difficulty adapting to change
Extreme Programming (4.4 percent 3 questions)
20. Extreme Programming: customer driving, listening to customers, responds well to changing customer requirements
a. Main Identifiers for Extreme Programming:
i. Refactoring: frequent revise and edit to the overall code
ii. Testing is automated
iii. No Programmer has Code for longer than one day
b. Extreme Programming Phases
i. Planning
ii. Designing
iii. Coding
iv. Testing
v. Listening (Customer Feedback)
c. Extreme Programming (XP) Advantages:
i. Simple Design, good for smaller Systems, 2 programmers can work in this method
d. Extreme Programming Dis-advantages:
i. Zero to none documentations
21. Information Systems:
a. Make sure they don’t become obsolete
b. Maintain data integrity
Ethics (4 Questions 4 percent)
22. Ethics:
a. Informal Approach: addressing ethical issues as they arise
b. General written procedures and Policies in regards to ethids
c. Best is if we have Written code of ethics, ethics officer and a ethnic committee made of employees working at different levels
d. Some good examples include dealing with Ethics
i. Up-to-Date version of Organizations Policies and Procedures
ii. Examples of unethical behaviors and their resolutions
iii. Ethics Trainings
iv. How unethical behaviors are addressed by the organization
v. How Grievances (wrong cause) are a haer and addressed by organization
vi. Periodic update on policies
Disaster(5 8 percent)
23. Disaster Types:
a. Natural: Earthquake, Hurricanes
b. Human Threats (data entry wrong, installed wrong stuff)
c. Environmental Threat: High temperatures, chemicals
d. Physical Treats: flooding the area, cutting cables
e. Technical Threats: CPU malfunction, viruses (this one is unethical)
24. Types of Security:
a. Software: Software firewall, user authentication, malware protection
b. Data Security: encryption and make sure backups are made
c. People Security: check references and do background checks and ID Badges

Media (2 questions 3 percent)
1. Types of Media:
a. Optical: Cheap Good for Backups
b. Semiconductor: expensive, flash media
c. Magnetic: slow and cheap
d. Online (Cloud) Data Storage: unlimited storage no need for infrastructure
2. Disaster Recovery Plan:
a. Select team of individuals
b. Conduct ris analysis
c. Create Disaster Recovery strategy
Customer Relations Management
3. Customer relation management, makes things proactive and it reduces the number of errors and incidents
4. Problem Management Steps:
a. Record Incident
b. Categorize/classing the incident
c. Check the incident again known errors and problems
d. Track the progress toward resolution
e. Provide closure
5. Change Management Process
a. Acceptance and filtering: make sure the Change Request form doesn’t duplicate already open request
b. Classification: what is the potential Return on investment (ROI) and why this is being done
c. Formal Approval:
d. Building, testing and implementation
e. Post-Implementation Review
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