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In the three pieces of literature, TKAM, Station 11, and Julius Caesar, one’s personality of justice, courage, and survival can affect his/her outlook on society. A character could use his/her free will to depict on their role in society or let fate decide for them. In For example, if one's personality is looked positively, it could result in a positive viewpoint on society and society upon him/her, whereas if one's personality is looked negatively, it could result in a negative viewpoint on society. Meaning a character's actions, qualities, relationships, could affect a character's choice of exercising free will or let his/her fate decide.

Thesis; The three studies of literature allow one to realise that characters and societies are closely related due to actions

A major influence on one's outlook on society and society's outlook upon one is their actions. In Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Caesar's close friend, portrays positive actions throughout the play. He try's to avenge Caesar by going against Brutus for inflicting Caesar and his becoming of a King ideals. This positive action resulted in change throughout the play causing a proper change to Rome with the use of ideas from Mark Antony and Caesar. Another character is Kirsten from Station Eleven who enforces her actions for the betterment of society. Kirsten’s caring personality makes her protect her friends throughout the novel especially when the Prophet’s men attack them in the forest. They then find their friends close to the airport and saves them from the Prophet. This positive action leads Kirsten to the airport and from there she sees the City of Lights which gives her hope that not all life is dead and there still is hope in society. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus's actions help him be recognised as a supporter. He strongly believes in eliminating prejudice against the coloured community in Maycomb, especially with his help to the Tom Robinson case. Atticus continues to fight for Tom’s innocence but the jury proves him guilty, where sadly Tom is then killed. This positive action of support to the prejudiced community in Maycomb results in the society of Maycomb to respect Atticus.

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