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James Hutton,  a Scottish physician and farmer look closely at geographical changes and made a theory about how the energy that was changing his farm (the landscape of course not the actual farm) were  also changing  the Earth's surface in the past
James Hutton also known as the founder of modern geology. He was born June 3rd 1726.(which is pretty cool considering that it was during the 17th century). His work and thinking took lots of time  since they were theories that he has to prove to make it true or at least close to true. (But once again it is a theory so we'll never find out if it's true until we have the technology to prove that it is true) One of his theories involved continental drifts. Continental drift is the movement of Earth's continents . (Think of 3 foam pieces on water together then moving apart slowly.)  The theory of continental drift came from Alfred Wagner,  Wagner looked at how the continents looked as if they were once together,  no one believed this theory because of Alfred lacked of explanation.(which is very important  if you're going to state a theory) But what about evidence? Evidence like that plants and (or) animals that spread across these continents? Well while Hutton was  looking at a rock he had theorized that it was made 600 years ago. And he said that the fossils that he found were spreaded around most of the continents. (Which gives evidence about Pangea and it being all continents being together) Hutton theorized that heat of some source caused these hot springs and volcanos.  He said that internal heat can cause mountains, hills, etc to form because the crust are getting heated making them to rise. It could rise like folds. Huttons other theory of uniformitarianism meaning that the rocks from today are still the rocks from long ago. Uniformitarianism is very very important when it comes to Earth's history.
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