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File Author: Force
VCMP Base Script (VBS)

class CPlayer
constructor( account_name )
// This will store some basic information about this player so that we can access it at a later date.
local query = ::QuerySQL( database, "SELECT account_id, account_password, account_ip, account_level, registration_date, last_active, vehicles FROM registration WHERE account_name='" + account_name + "'" );

// If there was some data returned from the query, store it.
if ( ::GetSQLColumnData( query, 0 ) )
account_id = ::GetSQLColumnData( query, 0 );
account_password = ::GetSQLColumnData( query, 1 );
account_ip = ::GetSQLColumnData( query, 2 );
account_level = ::GetSQLColumnData( query, 3 );
registration_date = ::GetSQLColumnData( query, 4 );
last_active = ::GetSQLColumnData( query, 5 );
vehicles = ::GetSQLColumnData( query, 6 );

// And make sure we free the query, we don't want leaky servers now do we.
::FreeSQLQuery( query );

function register_player( pPlayer )
::PrivMessage( "[VBS] Congratulations! Your account was registered!", pPlayer );

local account_name = pPlayer.Name.tolower();

// Format the query to go into the database
local query = format( "INSERT INTO registration (account_name, name, account_password, account_ip, account_level, registration_date, last_active, vehicles) VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %i, %i, %i, 0)", account_name, pPlayer.Name,
account_password, account_ip, account_level, registration_date, last_active );

// execute the query
::QuerySQL( database, query );

// Now we need to get the players account ID
local query = ::QuerySQL( database, "SELECT account_id FROM registration WHERE account_name='" + account_name + "'" );
account_id = ::GetSQLColumnData( query, 0 );

::FreeSQLQuery( query );

function save_player_data()
local query = format( "UPDATE registration SET account_ip='%s', last_active=%i, vehicles=%i WHERE account_id=%i", account_ip, time(), vehicles, account_id );

// execute that query dammit willis!
::QuerySQL( database, query );

account_id = 0;
account_password = null;
account_level = 0;
account_ip = null;
registration_date = 0;
last_active = 0;
logged_in = false;
vehicles = 0;

registrations <- array( GetMaxPlayers() ); // Create the array big enough to hold MAX_PLAYERS info

function registration_initialize()
// All we are going to do here is connect to our database
database <- ConnectSQL( "Scripts/VBS/Data/vbs.sqlite" );

if ( database ) print( "[VBS] Successfully connected to the VBS database." );
else print( "[VBS] Unable to connect to the VBS database." );

function registration_add_player( pPlayer )
local id = pPlayer.ID, szNameLower = pPlayer.Name.tolower();

// Create a new instance of CPlayer so that we can easily reference this players account data as and when we need
registrations[id] = CPlayer( szNameLower );

// Check if the player already has an account on the server
registration_login_check( pPlayer );

function registration_del_player( playerid )
local pData = registrations[playerid];

// Make sure we save the data for this player if they are logged in
if ( pData.logged_in ) pData.save_player_data();

// Remove any reference of them from our arrays
registrations[playerid] = null;

function registration_login_check( pPlayer )
local pData = registrations[pPlayer.ID];

if ( pData.account_id )
// This person already has an account on this server, good to know!
if ( pData.account_ip != pPlayer.IP )
// The players IP has changed since he last joined, get them to login again.
MessagePlayer( "[VBS] Welcome back, " + pPlayer + "! Please login before you spawn.", pPlayer );
Announce( "~y~Login before spawning", pPlayer, 0 );
// This is the same IP that they used the last time they joined, automatically log them in!
MessagePlayer( "[VBS] Welcome back, " + pPlayer + "! You were auto logged-in to your account.", pPlayer );
pData.logged_in = true;
// They don't have one, attempt to get the player to register on our shiney new server! :D
PrivMessage( "[VBS] Welcome " + pPlayer + " - you can register your account with /c register <password>", pPlayer );

function registration_register_player( pPlayer, szPassword )
// Congratulations, if you are reading this comment then you are actually trying to figure out what this shit does
// and it's probably a lot more efficient and complex than the crap that you wrote before this!

// Grab the class instance for this player
local pData = registrations[pPlayer.ID];

// If you change this, fuck you, just fuck you. I don't want plain text password databases running around VC-MP noobs.
// I am putting this comment here so that you can't blame me if your password gets hacked because you changed this encryption function call.
pData.account_password = SHA1(szPassword);

pData.account_level = 1; // Set them as a registered player
pData.account_ip = pPlayer.IP; // Store their IP
pData.registration_date = time(); // This isn't really useful but fuck it, I'm storing when they registered, if you have a problem, tough shit!
pData.last_active = time(); // Once again, no real purpose, I'm just doing it!
pData.logged_in = true; // Oh yeh, might wanna tell the script that they are actually logged in :o

// Now we can store all this information to the database, yay o/
pData.register_player( pPlayer );

function registration_auto_kick( pPlayer, iReason )
// Convert the enum reason into readable text
switch( iReason )
Message( "[VBS] Auto-Kick: " + pPlayer + ", this player has failed to login." );

// Remove the player from memory
registrations[pPlayer.ID] = null;

// Kick them from the server.
KickPlayer( pPlayer );
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Regards; Team

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