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Running through my head
You put them here like no one else could
Wait a second just wait
Last I checked you were with me
Not that bitch
Who i thought was my friend
Now you going to her house
But I ain't invited
I'll just let you walk all over me
I mean thats what im best at
Ain't i right
I mean i should have known
You always on the phone with her
One day i was at school
The both yall came back
You came back for me
But we all know she came back for you
It was right after my surgery
You was there for me but where was she
She was out there fucking those dudes i bet
She was always complaining
Saying she was ugly and fat
Saying no one liked her
But yet i can name 5 people
Still to this day she hasn't changed
She was always a slut
I should have known
I had people telling me don't be her friend
Don't talk to hee don't go near her
Me being me i didnt listen
But i let her walk all over me
Then the day you went to her house
She mist have been all flirty
She might have even showed you her chest
I mean that wouldn't surprise me
But you were there for hours
Not even one text from you
But when you got home
You act like everything fine
And that was a sunday
Then you broke up with me on a Monday
Why can i still remember that 6 months later
Why am i still thinking about this
Why am i still hurt
I dont love you no more
Maybe it cause you said you'd
Love me for fucking ever
That you would never leave me
That you would care for me
But than you came to me saying
You don't know anymore
That uf your feelings aint back tomorrow
You'd be saying goodbye
After that i didnt get over you fast
It took a long ass time
Then you got mad when you found out
That i was kissing up on another dude
We had been broken up for 2 months
Why was you mad
And i still wonder to this day
But then you was gone from my life
You was gone for a while
Then you decided to show up again
Fight after fight you would leave
But than come back
Like nothing ever happened
Now your gone
Hoping you'll stay gone
Knowing you you'll be back soon
Just waiting till that day
I aint excited for it
One last thing
Tell that bitch she made me stronger
Tell her that i said
Dusis bitch
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Regards; Team

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