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Factories are the base of your economy, main source of income. Each one produces 100 credits, each one costs 500 credits. There's no limit for factories, but always keep it realistic, small nations will have to depend on more developed countries for income as well as they cannot possess more factories/army than a larger country.

Taxes are the secondary source of income. The higher the tax, the higher possibilities of desertion and protests, which may lead to civil unrest or a Coup d'État.
0% tax - 0 credits
5% tax - 500 credits
10% tax - 1,000 credits
15% tax - 1,500 credits
20% tax - 2,000 credits
25% tax - 2,500 credits

Morale increases/decreases given each case; loosing battles causes your forces to loose morale, while if you win battles, morale rises. Morale is shown in battle description.
100-91 - Extreme nationalism
90-81 - Nationalism
80-61 - High expectations
60-51 - Minimal
50-31 - Low expectations
30-21 - Desertions
21-10 - Mutiny
9-0 - Surrender

~Infantry (1 soldier) = 1 credit
~Cavalry (1 horseman) = 10 credits
~Gunner (1 machinegun) = 15 credits
~Artillery (1 battery) = 30 credits
~Tank (1 unit) = 50 credits
~Battleship (1 ship) = 400 credits
~Cruiser (1 transport) = 300 credits
Submarines (1 sub) = 500 credits
Air Force
~Fighter (1 plane) = 150 credits
~Bombers (1 bomber) = 350 credits

National tier:
To maintain a fair game, each of you will be given a tier, tier 1 for the smallest countries, tier 2 for medium countries and tier 3 for strongest powers.
Tier 1:
Factories - 50 max.
Total army - 500,000 max
Total navy - 25 max
Total air force - 10 max

Tier 2:
Factories - 150 max.
Total army - 1,000,000 max
Total navy - 75 max
Total air force - 25 max

Tier 3:
Factories - 300 max.
Total army - 2,500,000 max
Total navy - 200 max
Total air force - 100 max
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Regards; Team

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