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twitch was picked just 2 times in KR, and banned 2 times vs SKT
why? cause easy to play vs him?

vs FNC id say lets go for tower siege comp while removing their op engage

maybe lets try galio mid


I think Galio is good vs Fnc who like to burst on sidelanes
Kennen a good split+take away
check if dmg is enough with that comp

check afs vs kt game 3

fp priority vs fnc:
Kennen, Thresh, Shen l Galio, Twitch

Lee vs twitch good, cause anti invis + R
Alistar vs twitch for WQ combo once he opens up. plus good for dives if cait can push the lane
Braum vs twich cause can shield R
Maybe nunu as a meat shield with slows and R for zone+attack speed slow. works good in a siege conps too for warding/W/peel. maybe as sup

maybe even ban their camille support in 2nd phsae as it is an engage tool

damage control is poor in scrim 6 vs G2 and game 2 vs UOL
scrim game was won comp wise, but players kept looking for individual opportunities instead of playing around planned stuff and objecives

it feels like teams nowadays forgot how to stall.
in Korea too, games are pretty snowbally
maybe thats why no Twitch cause he sucks early to mid game

we just need more patiance on map when we are behind and in team fights

vs uol game 3 19:20
Kennen had to push on the same wave as the rest of the team, so just wait 10 more sec will our team starts sieging to see enemies

can you theoretically dodge all Fiora passives if know geometry? in theory you need to always turn 180 degrees to your current direction to dodge passive proc (given fiora angled her Q at your vital)
a year ago dodging a cass ult was considered an outplay.
now NOT dodging it is considered a missplay
Pros only current knowledge is how not to let fiora proc all 4 vitals by standing next to the wall

twitch dmg without Q is actually low, so make sure team is cautios of it and they ahve someone to zone/threaten twitch. then just kick his ass

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bring up that twitch not in pb in korea, cause loses early and objective after objective. siege comp into them is op

impatiance again. unneccessary deaths
learn to give up obectives and learn not be looking for a overkill on a play. play to your teamcomp

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