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Founded for corruption

On the very day of September 17, 1787, it was said that WE the people of the United States of America were guaranteed the right to be the ruler of the government. We were promised that the government would be run through us through the three branches of government. WE the people of America were promised the right of going out and making a decision based on what we see whether it is right or not. We were granted the right to be fooled into being corrupted. WE the people of America were granted the right to go out and make a decision that will be ultimately be disregarded when place in a higher level. We were granted the right to vote.

A document was once quoted in saying that where democracy is threatened, we as the United States of American will defend it, but what happens when it happens in our own backyards? What happens when the same country that was founded in 1776 solemnly on rights and liberties corrupts itself? What happens when democracy corrupts itself?

In the 2016-17-election year, our right to democracy was threatened dismantled and disregarded. Russian interference, minority dismissal, DNC Tampering! What’s Next? But what we don’t know is that secret interference has been happening the whole time. Some that has been discovered and some that will be discovered.

Every 4 years you walk up to your voting booths where it’s sectioned off to make sure that everyone is making there own decision because every vote so called counts. What if I told you, your vote didn’t make a difference like our founding fathers wanted it to do or your vote didn’t make a change. You would think non-sense; every bodies voice is going to be heard.

Sadly, you might be wrong.

Our founding fathers made our nation to be a just country in which everybody has an equal voice. This was thousands of years ago. Times have changed. There have been amendments
Made to it many times that has been very useful. These things were all issues that needed to be fixed and had to be rallied upon, and these things came about when there was an obstruction of justice.

This is why we have the 7th article of the constitution. It states how these mistakes in the constitution can be changed. Don’t get me wrong, the constitution is one of the most well written forms of government in the world, but it can always be changed. The constitution focuses on one main thing. It focuses on something that could ultimately bring our society together or tear it apart. It focuses on voting. In the past, voting was the best thing there was. That was until there were loopholes found in it.

People made a way to get around the justice that the founding fathers originally made to protect us. It was a way to protect us form corporate greed, political corruption and scandals.

I want to take you on a journey through the corruption of the so-called ideal government formed called democracy.

According to Jon Schwarz, a author who has worked for several major news company, it is proven that millions of Americans work on election day. Many have proposed that Election Day be considered a national holiday. The working class of modern America has been provoked but doesn’t even know it. The U.S government has made it easier for those who don’t have to work every day and are businessmen with many breaks to access voting with no problem. The working class of America is its base. It is the majority of our country, and it is the success of our country.

This is a huge corruption in our voting system that is supposed to allow us to be the government, but its not it.

According to the New York Times, Wyoming has 1 vote for every 135 thousand voters opposed . This is interesting in knowing the fact that California has 1 vote for every 411 thousand people. That means that Wyoming’s voters have a 3x higher vote than those in California. This means that where you live can make your voice less heard. The Electoral College was meant in the Connecticut compromise to be a way for all voters to be represented as a state, not for people in larger states to be given lesser of a voice just because of their specific views and geographical locations.

I know at this point you’re thinking but how, they told us that it was fair and those we had a voice, but sadly that can be proven wrong.

According to, 80% of votes that don’t come from swing states are absolutely useless. This gives presidential candidates the opportunity to cater to a couple of states and not have to pay any attention to other states besides those few.

Some people would think oh its not that serious, but soon if nothing is done about it, we can have a president of these swing states. We can have a president that can be completely decided by the minority of our country.

Additionally, according to the U.S national Archives, in 2012, if it wasn’t for the un democratic majority wins all electoral college, 16 of Texan votes would have gone democrat. Ad that’s not all. In the same year, 20 of California’s votes would have gone republican. This is a majority wins all Electoral College system. That means when you go to the polls and you go to your blocked off booth, if you disagree with the two people next to you, your vote will no longer count.

These days, Politicians come with a price tag on them. Anybody who can get close to the white house is considered a resource. At this point, the white house is a convenient store for lobbyist. For anyone who does not know what a lobbyist is, they are basically the people who decide your future congressmen, future presidents, and even more. They bribe political candidates to do their bidding.

According to Mike Collins, a former president and vice president of Columbia Machine in Vancouver Washington, the top 200 lobbying business accumulated a total of 5.8 billion dollars on federal lobbying and campaign contributions between 2007 and 2012. It is infuriating that these businesses are regulating the fates of your children, your family, and your friends. The thing is, it is all legal. You think you voted for your president, or do you think you voted for your congressmen who you say are these so devote and so loyal people, if you think so you’re wrong. All you did was vote for the lobbyist groups that funded them.

This is why what you want to get done in the government might never get done. According to a study conducted by Princeton University, is that the bottom 90% of America has no influence on congresses decision.

As you’ve seen, the concepts of voting and electoral college that was formed by the great men known as the founding fathers has been flawed and corrupted. I would tell you to go out there and vote to change things but then again that wouldn’t work. There are thousands of non-profit organizations out there that every day fights for the liberty of people. Because why should what you do or where you live or what you believe in be a hindrance to your right to vote?

But I know you’re thinking in your head, then how can I make my voice heard if my vote doesn’t count.

You can go out and make change right in your backyard. Metaphorically speaking of course, unless you want to plant a garden that would be pretty cool. There are many man made foundations made by people just like you and me. These are programs like the Boys And Girls Club of America and the international goodwill association.

If you go out in you go out into your community and speak out, you wont need the government to get your voice heard. Almost every major political movement started with a regular person who wanted to get something done. If so, we can make sure that this great country of America isn’t founded for Corruption.

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