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Info about Bowman CIT

Apply to Bowman before November, apparently they check apps then.
Lilly from Nature said I would be a decent staff since they are looking for more because some staff are leaving this year.
Avery, the director for handicraft said I could sing pretty well when we did the Music badge.
Staff under 14 are CITS, and aren't paid but they do get service hours and also a really fun summer camp with squad.
Koyo was thinking about staffing at Bowman because he said it would be hype.
Cheon was also thinking about it.
Logan from Scoutcraft thought I was like the leader of the group when we were being taught the Camping badge.
Tom taught our group the Cooking badge and he liked how I contributed to the group.
I remember that all the staff at Bowman were hella friendly and really cared about their scouts.
At Olmsted the staff mostly kept to themselves while we were at our site. Same problem at Camp Freedom.
But at Bowman the staff were really open, fun and overall more excited about their job.
That's why it would be really amazing to be a CIT at Bowman next summer. (2018)
I need to apply before November because they check applications in December.
Anyway Bowman was really tight so it sounds really cool to become a CIT at Bowman
The camp director was cool and chill.
Sam from Scoutcraft thought I was mature for my age and also thought that I would be a good staff
I talked to Andrew at Scoutcraft (staff andrew) he talked about being staff and told me about how 14 yr olds could be a CIT.
The camp is pretty close to MD so the commute won't be too hard. I would stay for like 6 weeks.
It would be cool if 1212 came to Bowman when me and whoever else from the troop works there.

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