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Name: Prince Olivier Beaulile
Nickname: Prince
Age: 20, Immortal
Birthday: 14th October
Occupation: Mage
Height: 181 cm/5 feet 11.26 inches
Weigh: 131 lbs
Sex/Gender: Male (Genderless/Sexless at Birth)
Pronouns: He/Him/Himself, They/Them/Themself
Sexuality: Bi w/ Feminine Preference
Race/Nationality: White/English
Languages: English, French
Species: Demon
Voice: His voice isn't necessarily feminine, but it's on the higher end for pitch. His voice is very clear and very expressive.

Physical Description

Oliviers body is lithe but strong, with slightly long, slender legs usually accentuated by stockings and high heels. His waist is slim and his fingers are long and "elegant" with sharp claws. His face is feminine, with pouty lips, long eyelashes and eyebrows raised in constant pity.

He's always dressed up and spends a lot of time on maintaining his appearance. He mainly wears black and other darker colours, accented by reds and purples. He favours stockings, garterbelts and ridiculously high heels!


As a Demon, Olivier was born an entirely blank slate, sexless and genderless. The Demon species as a whole is inherently without gender and sex, and each indivicual Demon develops their own identity. Demons only start forming whats considered ''sexual characteristics '' during puberty, or as soon as they themselves discover what they identify as. This makes the Demon species a vast array of genders, sexes and sexualities, with Demons who remain sexless and genderless through their entire life, to Demons with several different sexual characteristics .

Olivier's sexual characteristics settled pretty quickly during puberty. He developed a, and his chest remained flat. His face is androgynous with a rather androgynous voice, but it leans toward a bit masculine-sounding. He identifies as masculine.


At first glance, Prince Olivier gives off the impression of a warm and welcoming young man. He's very charismatic and good at making people feel ease in his presence; this makes it all the more easy for him to lure his prey into a false sense of comfort. Truthfully, Prince Olivier is a vain hedonist who cares little for others, traits that are quickly revealed once you get close to him. He thrives off attention, adoration, and fear equally, and his flamboyant attitude makes it easy for him to garner attention.

He is very much a sadomasochist, and gains pleasure from inflicting pain on others and receiving pain. He is merciless when scorned and doesn't take lightly to betrayal. He's been known to become exceptionally cruel to people who oppose him, and does little to hide this fact... And as a rich, high-standing Demon, he doesn't really need to.

Olivier has lived a life in luxury, and so he's rather insensitive towards other peoples struggles. He has a tedency to wave off peoples problems and is rather bad at listening. The struggles of humankind don't bother him in the slightest; he considers himself far superior and couldn't care less about humans. More than anything, he considers them cute playthings to pass time with, as well as his rightful prey.


Attractions Torwards Him: Unknown
Attractions From Him to Others: Bonnie

Sexual/Intimacy: 68% (Very Sexual)
Affection: 100% (Overly Affectionate)
Romance: 100% (Overly Romantic)
Obsession: 100% (Very Obsessive)
Jealousy: 100% (Overly Jealous)
Control/Dominance: 70% (Very Dominant)
Public (Likes to show off affection/intimacy publicly.): 100%
Turn-Ons: Clean-ness/Tidiness/Neat-ness, Physically Feminine, Submissive Attitude
Turn-Offs: Dominant Attitude, Bright Clothing Choices, Happy-Go-Lucky Personalities


- Prince has studied magic since a very young age, and is now an experienced mage known for his flashy spells and runes. When he channels his magic, his sclera turns black and his iris turns an icy cold blue. He specializes in manipulating his trident, and is able to summon multiple copies of it. He uses his magic to launch the tridents forward at his enemies so he doesn't need to lift a single perfectly manicured finger. That bi***.

- Prince has a huge crush on fellow Demon Bonnie, verging on obsession, and he does everything in his power to win Bonnie over. He'd do anything for Bonnie, but since Bonnie expects rather little and is very easy to please, he settles for buying him chocolates and plushies every time they meet. He genuinely cares so, so much for Bonnie, but his way of expressing his love is rather off-putting. He'll often remind Bonnie just how much he loves him, to the point of wanting to eat him alive and lock him up in his mansion. Bonnie isn't very impressed.

- He is an extremely picky eater and will only eat souls he deems to be of the highest, most worthy quality; meaning he rarely actually eats souls. Instead, he favours blood, which is always easily accessible in his mansion. He has a gross blood fetish that involves drinking the blood of his partners, either through the assistance of syringes or plunging his canines directly through their skin like a vampire. He enjoys draining his immortal partners to the point of them fainting.

- He lives in a huge, gothic mansion he inhereted from some rich distant relatives. This is where he hosts his most grand Banquets, filled to the brim with blood and red wine and high-society bloodthirsty Demons. He's famous for his over the top galas, banquets, and his excellent hospitality!

- He has a strange fixation with cute dolls and plushies, probably because they remind him of Bonnie!

- He can play the piano and violin pretty decently, but not anything special.

- He's very fond of dancing. Slow dancing, tango, anything. He thinks dancing is attractive in general.

- Prince has a slightly seductive and sensual air to him. You might just catch him making bedroom eyes at you from across the room, slipping down his shirt to expose his neck with a sensual sigh... He enjoys flirting with people.
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