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{z1::%player%} = 0
{z2::%player%} = 0
{z3::%player%} = 0
{z4::%player%} = 0
{z5::%player%} = 0
{z6::%player%} = 0
{z7::%player%} = 0
on rightclick with a paper:
if display name of player's tool contains "&a&l//&b&lELEMENT&a&l\":
remove 1 paper named "&a&l//&b&lELEMENT&a&l//" from player
send "&bbonus element kazandin!"
send "&b&m-|---|&c Elementlerim &b&m|---|-"
send ""
send " &bZeusKakasi &a%{z1::%player%}% &d&l+50"
send " &bposeidon &a%{z2::%player%}% &d&l+50"
send " &bSamHanda &a%{z3::%player%}% &d&l+50"
send ""
send " &7Sahte Odun &c%{z4::%player%}% &d&l+200"
send " &7Degersiz Elmas &c%{z5::%player%}% &d&l+200"
send " &7Kutsama Tasi &c%{z6::%player%}% &d&l+200"
send " &7Hades Kani &c%{z7::%player%}% &d&l+200"
wait 1 seconds
add 50 to {z1::%player%}
add 50 to {z2::%player%}
add 50 to {z3::%player%}
add 100 to {z4::%player%}
add 100 to {z5::%player%}
add 100 to {z6::%player%}
add 100 to {z7::%player%}
send "&c/element &6Yazarak hesabını kontrol et"
command /element:
send "&b&m-|---|&c Elementlerim &b&m|---|-"
send ""
send " &bZeusKakasi &a%{z1::%player%}%"
send " &bposeidon &a%{z2::%player%}%"
send " &bSamHanda &a%{z3::%player%}%"
send ""
send " &7Sahte Odun &c%{z4::%player%}%"
send " &7Degersiz Elmas &c%{z5::%player%}%"
send " &7Kutsama Tasi &c%{z6::%player%}%"
send " &7Hades Kani &c%{z7::%player%}%"
on break of lapis lazuli ore:
chance of 5%:
add 1 to {z1::%player%}
send "&7&l> &6Zeus Kakasi buldun!"
chance of 3%:
add 1 to {z2::%player%}
send "&7&l> &6Poseidon buldun!"
chance of 1%:
add 1 to {z3::%player%}
send "&7&l> &6SamHanda buldun!"
chance of 1%:
add 1 to {z6::%player%}
send "&7&l> &6Kutsama Tasi buldun! (YAKINDA)"
chance of 0.0001%:
add 1 to {z7::%player%}
send "&7&l> &6Hades Kani buldun!"
send "&cBulması baya zor tebrik ederim. :)) (YAKINDA)"
on break of 17 or 17:1 or 17:2 or 17:3:
chance of 1%:
add 1 to {z4::%player%}
send "&7&l> &6sahte odun buldun! (YAKINDA)"
on break of 14 or 15 or 56 or 129 or 57 or 41 or 42 or 133:
chance of 1%:
add 1 to {z5::%player%}
send "&7&l> &6Degersiz Elmas buldun! (YAKINDA)"
command /efsun:
open chest with 5 row named "&4Efsun sistemi" to player
format slot 0 of player with 405 named "&cZeusKakasi &a%{z1::%player%}%" to act unstealable
format slot 1 of player with 406 named "&eposeidon &a%{z2::%player%}%" to act unstealable
format slot 2 of player with 337 named "&b&lSamHanda &a%{z3::%player%}%" to act unstealable
format slot 5 of player with 17 named "&7Sahte Odun &a%{z4::%player%}%" to act unstealable
format slot 6 of player with diamond named "&7Degersiz Elmas &a%{z5::%player%}%" to act unstealable
format slot 7 of player with diamond block or gold block or emerald block named "&7Kutsama Tasi &a%{z6::%player%}%" to act unstealable
format slot 8 of player with 331 named "&cHades Kani &a%{z7::%player%}%" to act unstealable
format slot 18 of player with diamond helmet of protection 4 named "&c&lZeus" with lore "15 &3ZeusKakası" to close then run "esn %player% 15 zw1"
format slot 19 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 4 named "&c&lZeus" with lore "10 &3ZeusKakası" to close then run "esn %player% 10 zw2"
format slot 20 of player with diamond leggings of protection 4 named "&c&lZeus" with lore "25 &3ZeusKakası" to close then run "esn %player% 25 zw3"
format slot 21 of player with diamond boots of protection 4 named "&c&lZeus" with lore "5 &3ZeusKakası" to close then run "esn %player% 5 zw4"
format slot 22 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 5 named "&c&lZeus" with lore "55 &3ZeusKakası" to close then run "esn %player% 55 zw5"
format slot 23 of player with diamond pickaxe of Efficiency 4,Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3 named "&c&lZeus" with lore "45 &3ZeusKakası" to close then run "esn %player% 45 zw6"
format slot 27 of player with diamond helmet of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&e&lPOSEDION" with lore "25 &3POSEDION" to close then run "nsc %player% 25 ps1"
format slot 28 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&e&lPOSEDION" with lore "50 &3POSEDION" to close then run "nsc %player% 50 ps2"
format slot 29 of player with diamond leggings of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&e&lPOSEDION" with lore "45 &3POSEDION" to close then run "nsc %player% 45 ps3"
format slot 30 of player with diamond boots of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&e&lPOSEDION" with lore "30 &3POSEDION" to close then run "nsc %player% 30 ps4"
format slot 31 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 5, Knockback 2, Fire Aspect 2 named "&e&lPOSEDION" with lore "70 &3POSEDION" to close then run "nsc %player% 70 ps5"
format slot 32 of player with diamond pickaxe of Efficiency 5,Unbreaking 5, Fortune 3 named "&e&lPOSEDION" with lore "55 &3POSEDION" to close then run "nsc %player% 55 ps6"
format slot 36 of player with diamond helmet of protection 4, unbreaking 3, Fire Protection 4, Feather Falling 4 named "&e&l/&bKemiklerinCini&e&l/" with lore "55 &3SamHanada" to close then run "sct %player% 55 kc1"
format slot 37 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 4, unbreaking 3, Fire Protection 4, Feather Falling 4 named "&e&l/&bKemiklerinCini&e&l/" with lore "75 &3SamHanada" to close then run "sct %player% 75 kc2"
format slot 38 of player with diamond leggings of protection 4, unbreaking 3, Fire Protection 4, Feather Falling 4 named "&e&l/&bKemiklerinCini&e&l/" with lore "65 &3SamHanada" to close then run "sct %player% 65 kc3"
format slot 39 of player with diamond boots of protection 4, unbreaking 3, Fire Protection 4, Feather Falling 4 named "&e&l/&bKemiklerinCini&e&l/" with lore "45 &3SamHanada" to close then run "sct %player% 45 kc4"
format slot 40 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 5, Knockback 2, Fire Aspect 2,Looting 3 named "&e&l/&bKemiklerinCini&e&l/" with lore "160 &3SamHanada" to close then run "sct %player% 160 kc5"
format slot 41 of player with diamond pickaxe of Efficiency 6,Unbreaking 8, Fortune 4 named "&e&l/&bKemiklerinCini&e&l/" with lore "100 &3SamHanada" to close then run "sct %player% 100 kc6"
command /esn [<player>] [<integer>] [<text>]:
set {_price} to argument 2
if {_price} is greater than {z1::%argument 1%}:
message "&4HATA! &cYeterli ZeusKakasi olmak zorunda" to argument 1
stop trigger
subtract {_price} from {z1::%argument 1%}
if argument 3 is "zw2":
Give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 4 named "&c&lZeus" to argument 1
send "&c> &7Zeus item Satın Aldın!" to argument 1
if argument 3 is "zw1":
Give 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 named "&c&lZeus" to argument 1
send "&c> &7Zeus item Satın Aldın!" to argument 1
if argument 3 is "zw3":
Give 1 diamond leggings of protection 4 named "&c&lZeus" to argument 1
send "&c> &7Zeus item Satın Aldın!" to argument 1
if argument 3 is "zw4":
Give 1 diamond boots of protection 4 named "&c&lZeus" to argument 1
send "&c> &7Zeus item Satın Aldın!" to argument 1
if argument 3 is "zw5":
Give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 named "&c&lZeus" to argument 1
send "&c> &7Zeus item Satın Aldın!" to argument 1
if argument 3 is "zw6":
Give 1 diamond pickaxe of Efficiency 4,Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3 named "&c&lZeus" to argument 1
send "&c> &7Zeus item Satın Aldın!" to argument 1
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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