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Converting a single-player game to Unity Multiplayer
This document describes steps to converting a single player game to a multiplayer game, using the new Unity Multiplayer networking system. The process described here is a simplified, higher level version of the actual process for a real game; it doesn’t always work exactly like this, but it provides a basic recipe for the process.

NetworkManager set-up

Add a new GameObject to the Scene and rename it “NetworkManager”.
Add the NetworkManager component to the “NetworkManager” GameObject.
Add the NetworkManagerHUD component to the GameObject. This provides the default UI for managing the network game state.
See Using the NetworkManager.

Player Prefab set-up

Find the Prefab for the player GameObject in the game, or create a Prefab from the player GameObject
Add the NetworkIdentity component to the player Prefab
Check the LocalPlayerAuthority box on the NetworkIdentity
Set the playerPrefab in the NetworkManager’s Spawn Info section to the player Prefab
Remove the player GameObject instance from the Scene if it exists in the Scene
See Player Objects for more information.

Player movement

Add a NetworkTransform component to the player Prefab
Update input and control scripts to respect isLocalPlayer
Fix Camera to use spawned player and isLocalPlayer
For example, this script only processes input for the local player:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class Controls : NetworkBehaviour
void Update()
if (!isLocalPlayer)
// exit from update if this is not the local player

// handle player input for movement
Basic player game state

Make scripts that contain important data into NetworkBehaviours instead of MonoBehaviours
Make important member variables into SyncVars
See State Synchronization.

Networked actions

Make scripts that perform important actions into NetworkBehaviours instead of MonoBehaviours
Update functions that perform important player actions to be commands
See Networked Actions.

Non-player GameObjects

Fix non-player prefabs such as enemies:

Add the NetworkIdentify component
Add the NetworkTransform component
Register spawnable Prefabs with the NetworkManager
Update scripts with game state and actions

Potentially change spawner scripts to be NetworkBehaviours
Modify spawners to only run on the server (use isServer property or the OnStartServer() function)
Call NetworkServer.Spawn() for created GameObjects
Spawn positions for players

Add a new GameObject and place it at player’s start location
Add the NetworkStartPosition component to the new GameObject

Create Lobby Scene
Add a new GameObject to the Scene and rename it to “NetworkLobbyManager”.
Add the NetworkLobbyManager component to the new GameObject.
Configure the Manager:
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