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Vincent made Emma's Dark replica, 'The Figure' because he wanted to get Emma because Emma is attractive and wanted to mhm her. No distractions. Get rid of the world. He wouldn't get away with this in The Creature's Realm, so he wanted to find a way to get her to the real world. He took advantage of the fact that she lived alone with her 9 year old sister, Soopy, without parents. Vincent had first met Emma when she lost her parents at 9 year old, New sci teacher at school by then fourth grade. Nobody knew how they died. "Emma, we'll be right back, take care of your sister." Vincent got her to the real world by kidnapping her whilst sleeping; injecting some stuff to keep her asleep. She woke up at like a bed and Vincent was there. He said Emma, the realm is falling, we have to go to the real world. He knocked her out and found a way to send her to the real world. When she was in the real world, he could now send Gugerth, his invention; a dark matter or something like that. Replicating her and trying to bring her to Vincent to do "IT."

So what happened with Vincent and his plan?
He didn't expect a human. Gugerth was a little delayed at wiping humans. So Nick, Emma and Felix had to go to the realm to find vincent and stop him destroying the world. Nick and Felix met Soopy in the house; story of loosing their parents; OH! I remembered who vincent was! They found him at the school she went when she was 9 (Vincent Gray was a sience teacher). They fought bc/ he was destroying the world. When police showed up, he ran to a secret place outside. He went into his base thing, but then BOOM gugerth paralized emma and nick and felix. Watch Emma while this and blah blah yk. I killed their parents. I wanted Emma all the time. I always saw potential in her in everything! Why did gugerth work now? Because they had exposure to it in the real world, so now he can controll them in the realm, he couldn't do that before.

Realm: It's mostly white, but it can be a city like any other. White buildings in general; very clean. The exit is a huge gate thing. It has history; before angels and creatures and stuff were able to go to the real world. But for some reason, it was closed and no one was ever allowed to leave again.
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