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〔Bill Cipher ; Slytherin1 ― Muggle Studies Assignment〕

The wizards have their own money to pay with: gold coins, that are called Galleons, silver coins, that are called Sickles and bronze knuts. This money of the wizards and Witches is kept safely at Gringotts, the bank of the magic people. Gringotts is run by Goblins and it is the safest place in the world, expect maybe Hogwarts. In muggle world, muggles used their country currencies and barter system to get work done, also they developed ways to communicate easier and faster. As example, handphones, emails, internet and much more technologies. In the institutions aspect, Hogwarts is the best school for wizards and witches in the magic world and in muggle world, they have schools, university that teaches things for them to survive. Like, mathematics, science, languages, etc. At wizard world, only the best ones go to this school of witchcraft and wizardry. The pupils there have an ordinary schedule like pupils have in muggle schools but they have very different classes, like: potions, transfiguration, herbology, history of magic, defence against dark arts and flying lessons. Not only pupils from wizard families but also from muggle families can study there. When the pupils come to Hogwarts the first year, they are chosen to one of the four houses of Hogwarts: Gryffindor, where there are only the best, Slytherin, where the most dark wizards come from, Huffelpuff and Ravenclaw. Every pupil has to put a sorting hat on his head and this hat chooses the house where the pupils will be for the rest of there time at Hogwarts. At the school the pupils are able to play in one of their Quidditch teams. Quidditch is the the sport in the wizarding world, like for example football in the muggle world. Quidditch is played witch seven players on each side. Newspaper in wizarding world can smile at you, but they can also vanish to visit persons in other pictures. You can’t expect from the persons in the pictures that they look at you all the time. The wizards don’t know about telephone or regular post-offices in any way. To send information they send owls that carry their information. There are house ghosts living at school. Nearly Headless Nick is the house ghost of Gryffindor and The Bloody Baron is the house ghost of Slytherin. And there is Peeves, the Poltergeist. In the forest next to the school the strangest animals are living: werewolves, unicorns and centaurus. Meanwhile in muggle world, those animals considered not existed. The similarities between wizarding world and muggle world are they both used money to get on with lives, both working and need food to live, place to live, clothes as the basic stuff etc.
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