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# Prospega overview
- When loading randoms make sure you show all of the same Gemeinde underneath which makes matching faster
- Known issue you don’t show the ones with no nexigas only
- “Lade Daten…” is shown even after data is loaded
- PLZs are always 5 numbers, if it’s four only show a leading 0
- Show integers text align right in tables (that’s true for the column headers as well)
- Use the whole prosper column for the search results, not just the dropdown
- “morsbach” search has an empty search result at the very end
- When clicking on a prospega don’t show the same prospega as child when there is only one prospega but link it to the popup directly
- When there are children show them right away
- Mouse should be a pointer when hovering the table
- Remove the grey background for children, it gives them to much importance
# Prospega popup
- Instead if the title “Prospegas Nexigas hinzufügen” show zip (5 numbers, leading 0), Stadtteil and Ort . “ Nexigas hinzufügen”
- Once again in tables make number columns like Auflage and Haushalte (including the headers) align right
- Use more of the space for the popup (only keep a small margin)
- Loading of nexigas seems to work better in Chrome than Safari
- Zoom +/- is missing, increase standard zoom one or two levels
- Tooltips sometimes open all at once, loading of new nexigas doesn’t work reliably
- Changes for tooltip:
* Remove the columns after Haushalte and Prospega
* Show the zip before the Gemeinde and Stadtteil, make it 5 numbers (leading 0)
* It seems to show a prospega even if there is none
- Nexiga can’t be added, removed and added again
- Grey nexigas are used to show that they have no prospgea yet
- Total Auflage and Total Haushalte should be the calculated numbers instead
- PLZs should be “PLZ”, Stadtteill “Stadtteil”, remote “(PO)” and “(POT)”, don’t show a column header icon for the last column (irritating when there is no content yet)
- For the Prospgea search show all the available Prospegas with the same lager right away and make them searchable
- Update Prospega page after closing popup
- We should discuss you note “Nexigas with different lagers are not added”: A nexiga can’t have a lager, it’s a prospega thing
# Nexiga overview
- Not finished yet, we need a new testing deadline :-)
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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