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Modern Europe stats map-game
There are Major powers, Minor powers and Lesser powers :
Major : France, UK, Germany, Russia, Italy and Turkey
Minor : Spain, Greece, Swedeen, Ukraine, Poland and Romania
Lesser : the rest .
Major powers get 600 gold every turn, minor get 300 and lesser 150 .
You can invest money into economy, one invest costs 100 gold and it gives 20 gold income .
After conquering a country, you get 30% of the country's income and oil .
Major countries must have a very good casus belli to start a war against a minor or lesser power .
To be able to build planes and ships you first need to build an airport/port which costs 100 gold and can sustain 15 units .
Countries can invest into oil refineries which costs 150 gold each and gives 20 barrels of oil every turn .
For a lesser power to become a minor power, it has to overrun the weakest minor power at income and army strenght . The same goes for the minor-major .

Now the units :
Land units :
-Infantry - 1/1 (damage/defense) - 10g
Artillery - 6/2 - 40g
Tanks - 8/5 - 60g
Naval units :
-Destroyer - 4/4 - 50 g
Submarine - 4/2 - 35 g
Corvettes - 6/4 - 60 g
Air units :
Interceptor - 4/4 - 50 g
Fighter - 8/8 - 80 g
Bomber - 8/3 - 55 g

UPGRADE 2 : No more unifications !
For a major and minor country to conquer another country which isn't player-controlled, they need to have at least 20 units stationed in the country . After two turns, they can retake these units and move them wherever they want . For the lesser countries, they need to have at least 10 units .
Wars are available since this turn .
After conquering a country, you get 30% of the country's income and oil .

Every turn, the units' oil consume is : Infantry - 1 oil per turn
Artilery- 2 oil per turn
Tanks -3 oil per turn
Destroyer-3 oil per turn
Submarines - 3 oil per turn
Corvettes - 3 oil per turn
Interceptor- 2 oil per turn
Fighter-3 oil per turn
Bomber-3 oil per turn .
For example, if you have 5 infantries and 2 tanks, you'll have to pay 11 oil every turn .
If you do not have enough oil for your army's maintenance you won't be able to use your army and build more army until you have enough oil .
When a country attack, the attack values will be sums up, and when it defends, the defense values will sums up . For example, Greece has 1 tank and attacks Albania which has 2 infantries . Greece will have 8 attack while Albania will have 2 defense . Obviously, Greece wins .
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