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Generally, theists will admit to faith and the lack of scientific empirical evidence for god. So they will rely on philosophical arguments. the theists has 4 main arguments for his faith : ontological, morals, fine tuning (with multiple variations) and first cause and its multiple variations. Heres why I think they all fail.

The ontological fails hard because it begs the question. The ontological argument proves that god exists using god's definition. Using the traits in god's definition to prove he exists is literally defining god into existent. This definition of god is what you are trying to prove exists so you cant use it as evidnce. I can include in the definition of leprechauns simply "exists" or "neccessary" and use this definition to prove leprechauns exist.

Moral argument fails because objective morals do not exist because morality is subjective. Morals have been very different at different places at different times. For example, slavery, authority of men over women and racism and homophobia was common and was prevalent 500 years ago. Nowadays, the opposite of these actions is widespread. Even nowadays morality differs very widely. In middle east, homosexuality is punishable by death but in the west, homosexuality is legal and homophobia is punishable offence. Beating your wive is legal in Russia but illegal in western Europe. Polygamy is ok in india and encouraged arabia but punishable in the west. Murder of non-believers, apostates and gays is okay and fine in arabia but definetly not okay in the west. Morality is subjective and differs hard. Even if morality was objective, idk if we should get it from a women-oppressing (1 corinthians 14:34, ephesians 5:22) baby-killing (1 Samuel 15:3, Isaiah 14:21, Exodus 12:29-30) , slave condoning (Ephesians 6:5-8, 1 Timothy 6:1-2) and homophobic ( 1 Corinthians 6:18, Romans 1:27, leviticus 20:13) (just to name a few) god.

"Fine tuning"

"Fine tuning of our environment"

The earth nor thr universe are by any means friendly to life. There have been 6 major extinctions on earth and 99% of all species that lived are extinct now. Most of the earth is inhabitable and the habitable parts are filled with diseases, predators, natural disasters, fluctuating climates and scarce resources. Our only source of energy gives us cancer. Most of the water on earth is unpotable saltwater. The earth nor the universe is fine tuned for life, we are fine tuned for the universe. We evolved to fit the environment we live in and to adapt to our surroundings. Our adaptations make it look like the environment is helpful but it was useless then we adapted to make it useful. Evolution by natural selection only allows the adapted organisms or the fit organism to survive and reproduce. Evolution makes it seem like the environemnt fits life while in reality the organism evolved to fit the environment. The polar bear developed fur to adapt to the cold climate, the elephant has big ears ro prevent itself from overheating in the environment. Camouflage allows animals to escape predators.

And if the universe existed differently or had different laws, evolution and natural selection would still produce organisms that are adapted to their environment or the different universe/physical laws. It would probably look different than the life we see right now but it would still be life capable of reproduction, growth, responding to stimuli, metabolism and producing waste. The vast majority of this universe is inhabitable and not fine tuned for life. Life is most likely possible on some other planets too... the earth including us are not special in any way.

If the universe had different laws and different constants or different properties, then thats all it is, we will have a different universe. Not impossible but very imaginably different. And life will still evolve to fit the laws of thr new universe. Life will just emergy and adapt to the new universe and it will still think the universe is adapted to it. Some of the constants proposition are just ridicolous. Like gravity. No if gravity was different, planets and life will still exist. Look at earth vs. Neptune. Both have completely different gravity forces since one is gaseous and one is solid yet they both exist. They both could inhabit life if they both existed in the goldilock zone.

The constants of this universe are definetly not fine tuned to allow this universe to exist. The constants have been radically different over the hsitory of the universe. This proves that those constants do not need to be a certain value for the universe to exist and the universe will exist (just differently) regardless of the values of the constants. For example, during the big bang, the cosmological constant was much much higher than it is now. There are obviously other examples but they are too many for here.

And one final thing. Even if fine tuning is true and the universe is adapted to us. Well of course you live in a fine tuned universe, where else would you expect to live? Did you expect to live in a non-fine tuned universe? Thats the miracle. The miracle is lofe existing where its impossible (non fine tuned universe) it is no miracle nor special to find life where it is expected to be.

"First cause"

Too little of a space to address each variation but the biggest hit to all variations collectively and the strongest is the fact that the first cause could perfectly be the naturalistic viewpoint of the big bang cosmology which has tons of more evidence than superbatural entities. The origin of this world could be explained like this. The current state of this universe as we know it "started" around 14 billion years ago in a massive explosion called the big bang. The big bang happened to the initiap singularity when the higgs boson particle broke the symmetry of the singularity. [1] The singularity is all of the matter and energy of this universe compressed into an infinitely dense point. The singularity is most likely eternal. When the higgs boson broke the symmetry of the singularity, the big bang happened.

The evidence for big bang cosmology is rife. I will name 4.

1- CMBR : after an enormous explosion the size of the big bang happens, you would expect to find the "afterglow" or the leftover energy from this violent explosion. The CMBR is exactly that and it proves that something very small exploded and caused the current universe and left over lots of energy from this violent explosion or "bang".

2- Dark matter and expansion of the galaxies. The redahift of galaxies and the observation of galaxies by the hubble telescope have independelty made the discoveries that all galaxies are moving apart and that the universe is expanding. If the universe is expanding, this means (assuming science and uniformity of nature) that working our way backwards into the distant past, the universe must have been confined and restricted to a very small space that the universe expanded from.

3- abundance of primordial elements like hydrogen and nucleosynthesis. The ratio of primordial elements to other non primordial elements nowadays is exactly what you would expect to find if the universe was once very hot and acted like a furnace (had lots of energy and heat from explosion from big bang) and was fusing hydrogen into helium and other elements.

4- Some even claim to have found to observe old enough light from the inflationary periods of the big bang [2].

Big bang contradicts all acounts of gods in all religions because in big bang cosmology, the universe is 13.8 billion years old and the earth is only 4 billion years old. According to the genesis in the bible and surah 41 : 9-12in the quran the earth came before the universe meaning the earth is older than the rest of the universe.

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The theists are left with a complete lack of philosophical, scientific, logical and empirical evidence for god. God becomes a supernatural claim with no evidence just like unicorns, fairies and leprechauns. The only reason all unicorns and fairies died are because they demand control and rhey dont promise to send you to hell when you die.

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