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<sec class="content-header">Main Divination</sec>
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<p align="justify">Divination is a branch of magic that involves attempting to foresee the future, or gather insights into future events, through various rituals and tools.</p>
<p align="justify">Witches and wizards who are born with the rare natural gift for prophecy are known as Seers, who can foresee the future with their Inner Eye. Non-Seers can learn divination methods, but their success varies. Divination is taught as an elective subject from the third year on at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.</p>
<p align="justify">Diviniation has been practised since ancient times. The earliest known method of human fortune-telling is the product known in the West as Chinese Fortune Sticks.</p>
<p align="justify">Learned wizards and witches seem to regard the practise of divination with scepticism. Hermione Granger once described it as "woolly" and "a lot of guesswork," Minerva McGonagall thought it was "one of the most imprecise branches of magic," and before he decided to take on Sybill Trelawney as Divination professor at Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore was inclined to scrap the subject altogether.</p>
<p align="justify">Silver lime wands had a reputation for performing best for Seers and those skilled in Legilimency.</p>
<p align="justify">Divination can be seen as a systematic method with which to organize what appear to be disjointed, random facets of existence such that they provide insight into a problem at hand. If a distinction is to be made between divination and fortune-telling, divination has a more formal or ritualistic element and often contains a more social character, usually in a religious context, as seen in traditional African medicine. Fortune-telling, on the other hand, is a more everyday practice for personal purposes. Particular divination methods vary by culture and religion.</p>
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<sec class="content-header" id="h_child_5">Moments</sec>
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<span class="bio-value"><a href="" target="_blank">Click here for a beautiful moments of my life. Or maybe just a piece of thread.</a></span>
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<sec class="content-header" id="h_child_10">Abilities</sec>
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<a href="" title="Dyslexia" class="fancy-image">
<center><img src="" title="Dyslexia" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></center>
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<center><strong>Ability: </strong>Dyslexia</center>
<center><strong>Description: </strong>a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.</center>
<center><strong>Info: </strong>he sees things and learning new language without learning. not a general humans language, fyi.</center>
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<a href="" title="Shape-Shifting" class="fancy-image">
<center><img src="" title="Shape-Shifting" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></center>
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<center><strong>Ability: </strong>Shape-Shifting</center>
<center><strong>Description: </strong>the ability of a being or creature to completely transform its physical form or shape. This is usually achieved through an inherent ability of a mythological creature, divine intervention, or the use of magic.</center>
<center><strong>Info: </strong>he rarely changes into his shapeshifter-shape, emergency call only.</center>
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<a href="" title="Disintegration" class="fancy-image">
<center><img src="" title="Disintegration" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></center>
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<center><strong>Ability: </strong>Disintegration</center>
<center><strong>Description: </strong>when one thing splits into parts or just ceases to exist. When something is destroyed, broken up into pieces, or falls apart on its own, without touching it.</center>
<center><strong>Info: </strong>he never use it actually. but when he do, he crushes the people that he don't like nor disrespectful.</center>
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<a href="" title="Precognition" class="fancy-image">
<center><img src="" title="Precognition" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></center>
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<center><strong>Ability: </strong>Precognition</center>
<center><strong>Description: </strong>prescience, future vision, future sight is an alleged psychic ability to see events in the future.</center>
<center><strong>Info: </strong>as a divination teacher, he use it when its necessary. if he use it too long, it can cause major blood-loss.</center>
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<sec class="content-header" id="h_kuroshi_dead">Profession</sec>
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<a href="" title="Professor" class="fancy-image">
<center><img src="" title="Professor" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></center>
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<center><strong>Profession: </strong> Divination's Professor.</center>
<center><strong>He </strong> doesn't know when to stop joking at classes.</center>
<center><strong>Loves </strong>this job more than anything. Well, after his wife, of course.</center>
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<a href="" title="Headmaster" class="fancy-image">
<center><img src="" title="Headmaster" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></center>
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<center><strong>Profession: </strong> Hufflepuff's Headmaster.</center>
<center><strong>He </strong> adores all of his precious child slash Hufflepuff student.</center>
<center><strong>He </strong>just want to cherish all of them and never let go.</center>
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<center><a href="" title="Chase the deadline!!" class="fancy-image"></center>
<center><img src="" title="Chase the deadline!!" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></center>
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<center><strong>Profession: </strong> Talk Hots' Crew.</center>
<center><strong>The crew </strong> would always chase the deadline until the end.</center>
<center><strong>Go invite them, go go go!!.</strong></center>
<center><strong><italic>Question of Life, anyone?</strong></italic></center>
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<sec class="content-header" id="h_adult">Mundane is Talking</sec>
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<p align="center"><strong>In Character</strong></p>
<p align="justify">Seorang Desmond merupakan seseorang yang receh dan ramah kepada tiap-tiap orang walaupun mereka tidak menyapa. Mohon maaf jikalau misalnya IC tersebut terlalu hiperaktif, tombol mute bisa digunakan. Dalam keadaan tertentu, tentu saja ia akan menjadi serius dan selalu melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya.
</p><hr width="1">
<p align="center"><strong>Out of Character</strong></p>
<p align="justify">Karakter seorang Desmond tidak akan memakai bracket, tetapi akan dipakai jika diperlukan. Hal ini karena, ia berada di lingkup Wynegard dan hanya follow Staf, Murid dari Asrama Hogwarts dan Durmstrang Institute. Termasuk juga untuk Wynegard Army.</p>
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<p align="center"><strong>Thankful Message</strong></p>
<p align="justify">Halo, ini mun dari karakter ini. Terima kasih sudah membaca tiap-tiap konteks yang ada dan tertera pada website keren ini. Terima kasih sudah meluangkan waktunya untuk melihat-lihat, walaupun tidak terlalu keren seperti harapan saya sendiri, yang penting ada dan berguna bagi masyarakat dan bangsa. YXGK.</p>
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<p align="center"><strong>Real Note</strong></p>
<p align="justify">🚀 Isi dalam biolbe ini murni dari pemikiran dan inovasi saya, serta bantuan-bantuan yang telah diberikan dari beberapa pihak.</p>
<p align="justify">🚀 Jika memang ada kesamaan atau apapun itu, saya minta maaf karena merupakan suatu ketidaksengajaan.</p>
<p align="justify">🚀 Semua konten gambar dan lain-lainnya merupakan milik pihak yang empunya.</p>
<p align="justify">🚀 Saya selalu available untuk di contact pada twitter.</p>
<hr width="1">
<p align="center"><strong>Appreciation</strong></p>
<p align="justify">🚀 Terima kasih kepada <a href="" target="_blank">My bro, Aaron</a> yang telah membantu saya dari tahun lalu hingga sekarang sampai titik darah penghabisan. WOKWOKWOKWOK. Maaf selalu mengganggu dan merusuh, you're very helpful and i'm grateful. Kadang memang skripsi tak indah. Lalu, <a href="" target="_blank">my Waifu</a> yang selalu mendukung untuk pembuatan biolbe ini. its ok its luv. Karena wanita hebat di belakang lelaki itu selalu ada.</p>
<p align="justify">🚀 To <a href="" target="_blank">Profesor Liam</a>, yang telah membantu saya, and it was very helpful! Dan, <a href="" target="_blank">Irene noona</a> atas coding awalnya di template biasa, lalu Be a Wax chingudeul yang selalu ada dan mengkritik biolbe ini untuk menjadi yang lebih baik.</p>
<p align="justify">🚀 Dengan ini saya pamit undur diri, semoga hari kalian indah.</p>
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