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Animal cells
cell membrane-> controls what enters and leaves cell
cytoplasm-> organelles
nucleas-> contains DNA, control centre of cell
ribosomes-> responsible for making protein
mitochondria->production of energy
lysosomes-> breaking down bacteria
chloroplast-> responsible for making food(photosynthesis)
cellwall-> responsible for giving plant strength and shape(protection)
middle lamella-> cement plant wall together
large central vacuole-> storage of food ad waste,maintaining shape of plant cell,isolating harmful substance

plants can be divided into two groups monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous
Types of tissue in plants
dermal(epidermal)-> outter cover of plant it protects plant,in root it absorbs water, in leaves it secretes a waxy substance that prevents water loss
ground tissue-> supports,photosynthesis,storage of water and food
vascular tissue-> two types 1. xylem tissue-> transports water and dissolved minerals up to the aerial parts 2.phloem tissue-> transports food up and down plant or to whenever

two main systems
1. shoot system 2. root system
1. shoot system-> photosynthesis, reproduction,storage of food,support,gas exchange,transport
stem-> divided into nodes and internode, contains lenticels which are small pores where gas exchange happens
nodes-> point where new branches and leaves devolope
internodes->region between nodes where no branching occurs

Location of plant tissue in stem
monocots-> vascular bundles are scattered at random
dicots-> arranged in circles
tissue surrounding vascular bundles is called ground tissue, centre stem ground tissue is called pith, outter region of gorund tissue is called cortex

contains chlorophyll which captures energy insunlight to make foo, transpiration, loss of water

edge of leaf called leaf blade (lamina) leaf stalk (petiole) veins
two types of venation
1. parallel->nearly all monocots have

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