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Once upon a time, there lived an old woman with her son, named Malin. They lived suffered and hanged in the orchard.

Mom : “Malin, come here son, help me to carry these firewood.”
Malin : “Yes mom, wait a minute.” (Malin helped his mother)
Malin : “Mom, Why we are always poor? I want something new that can make us become rich.
Mom : “I don’t know Malin, we must be patient and don’t stop praying to God.”
Malin : “Mom, I have an idea, would you let me go away to change my fortune? Who knows I will be a rich man.”

Malin and his mother came back to home, but his Mother just kept silent about his idea after they had arrived at home.

Malin : “Mom, how about my idea?”
Mom : “I think it’s not good idea my son, because if you go, who will watch me here, don’t you love me, Malin.”
Malin : “But mom, if I don’t change my fortune when will it last? I promise mom, if I could be a rich man, I would come back. Just relax mom, I will talk to Dayat, Dayat will watch you until I come back to home.”

Malin’s mother couldn’t forbid what Malin wanted. So, She agreed with Malin’s idea.

Mom : “Alright, if this is your decision, I will permit you to go Malin! But don’t forget me, and remember your promise.”

Malin went to Dayat house to ask him to watch Malin’s mother until he came back and asked Dayat his plan to go away to change his fortune. Dayat is best friend of Malin, and they are always together.

Dayat : “what is going on, Malin?”
Malin : “tomorrow I will go away to change my fortune.”
Dayat : “what? if you go, who will watch your mother here?.”
Malin : “for this I come to you, I want you to watch my mother until I come back, please.”
Dayat : “yes, certainly. My message for you, don’t forget us here, Malin.”

In the next day, Malin’s mother accompanied her son to the harbour…

Mom : ” Take care yourself, and you must hurry to come back!
Malin : ” Yes mom, please pray for me, so I can be a rich man. and you Dayat, Please take care my mother until I come back.”
Dayat : “Don’t worry Malin. I promise, I will take care your mother. Be careful.”
Mom : “good bye my son.”
Dayat : “Good bye, Malin.”

Finally, Malin went for sailing with a rich man. In the ship, the Captain gave him a job as crew, and Malin received it. The captain had a beautiful daughter. Malin worked actively. He worked hardly without knowing what tired is. Malin always thought the owner’s daughter. Her name is Ningrum. She is very beautiful.

Malin : “She is very beautiful. I like her and I must marry her. If that something happen, I will be a rich man.”
Ningrum : “hey, do you see my dad?
Malin : “ehmmmmm, I don’t know. Maybe he is in the kitchen.”
Ningrum : “thanks for your information.”
Malin : “you’re welcome.”

In the orchard, mom very concerned about Malin’s life. And mom was afraid if Malin didn’t come back.

Mom : “Dayat, where is Malin? I miss my son. I am afraid if Malin don’t come back.”
Dayat : “don’t be afraid, Mom. Malin will come back. He had promised to come back. Be patient, Mom. I’m here for you. Don’t be afraid.”
Mom : “yes, Dayat.”

One day, the captain called Malin, and he will rise Malin’s job become captain in that ship. A few years later, Malin has became a rich man.

Ship owner : “ehmmm, you work well, anything that you do is awesome. What is your name? How long have you been working here?
Malin : “my name is Malin sir. I have been working here for 2 years.
Ship owner : “it’s quite long. Ok, because work well here, I will raise your job become captain in this ship.
Malin : “are you sure sir? Thanks sir, thanks.
Ship owner : “okay, started from tomorrow you will captain in this ship, and now you must finish your job left.

A few months later, Malin wanted to get Ningrum, and he wanted Ningrum to be his girlfriend.

Malin : “now, I’m a rich man, I can buy everything that I want to have. Hahahahaha….
Ningrum : “is there something funny? Why are laughing?
Malin : “no, I’m just happy. Ningrum, may I ask you something?”
Ningrum : “sure, what do you want to ask?”
Malin : “emmm, do you have boyfriend?”
Ningrum : “no, I don’t have. Why did you ask so?”
Malin : “to be honest, I like you, but I don’t brave to tell it to you. Now I would like to ask you, would you like to be my girlfriend”
Ningrum : “really, why do you love me?”
Malin : “because you are the one who can make me feel how precious this life is.”
Ningrum : “but I can’t accept your love without permission from my dad."
Malin : “okay, you may ask your dad first.
Ningrum : “Dad, where are you?
Ship owner : “yes, darling. What can I do for you?
Ningrum : “dad, Malin wants me to be his girlfriend?, may I ?
Ship owner : “is that true Malin?”
Malin : “yes sir!, I love your daughter, and I want her to be my girlfriend.
Ship owner : “and you, my daughter, do you love Malin?”
Ningrum : “honestly, I love him dad.
Ship owner : “okay, you love each other, I will give you permission to have my daughter if you marry as soon as possible.
Ningrum : “really dad… Thank you so much.
Malin : “thanks sir, I will take care your daughter.”
Ship owner : “okay, tomorrow we will hold wedding ceremony in this ship. I will prepare it for my daughter and my son in law, and party will be held for seven nights, seven days.

Malin’s mom very missed her son. Mom tired for waiting Malin’s comeback. Dayat always gave support for Malin’s mom that Malin will come back and be a rich man.

Dayat : “Don’t be sad, Mom.”
Mom : “I am tired, Dayat. I am tired for waiting Malin’s comeback. We never get any news about Malin.”
Dayat : “I trust mom, Malin will come back and be a rich man.
Mom : “are you sure, Dayat?”
Dayat : “yes, mom. Don’t be sad again mom.”

After Malin has become a rich man, Malin married with the captain’s daughter, Ningrum. They were very happy, and were romantic couple.

Malin : Hello, my honey, what are you thinking about?
Ningrum : My husband, shall we go on trip to an island for honeymoon?
Malin : That’s good idea my wife, how about Dua Angsa Island?
Ningrum : Okay my husband, I agree with you!
Malin : Okay! If you agree, we will start tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Malin and his wife sailed to Dua Angsa Island. On their way, Malin’s ship stopped in an island to refill their fuel supplies. Fortunately, that Island was Malin’s village. When arrived there, Malin went out from his ship. And Dayat saw Malin at the harbour.

Dayat : “ Malin… Is that Malin? Yeah, that’s Malin. I must tell it to his mother.”

Dayat went to mom’s house to tell her about Malin’s cameback. Dayat was very happy about Malin’s comeback. If Mom knew this news, she would be happy.

Dayat : “Mom…Mom…”
Mom : “I’m here Dayat.”
Dayat : “Mom, Malin is coming back. He has become a rich man now!”
Mom : “Are you sure that the person whom you look is Malin?”
Dayat : “Yes, I’m sure mom, impossible if I forget his face. I still remember his Face.”
Mom : “If you are right, please accompany me to go there.”

Dayat accompanied Malin’s mother to her son. When reached there, Malin’s mother met her son.

Mom : “Malin… Malin my son! Malin….”
Ningrum : “Who is that old woman, my husband?”
(Malin can’t answer Ningrum’s question)
Ningrum : “who is she, my husband?”
Mom : Malin, who is she? Is she your wife? She is very beautiful, come here…!
Ningrum : “argh, don’t touch me!”
Malin : “Don’t touch her! You are dirty, her skin can be dirty too!”
Ningrum : “Who is that old woman? Is she your mother? She is very dirty.”
Malin : “I don’t know, my wife…!”
Mom : “Malin, my son. Do you remember your promise? I’m your mother!”
Malin : “Who are you poor old woman? I don’t know you. My mother isn’t dirty like you…!!
Mom : “Malin… I’m your mother. I have revealed and raised you. Malin… Malin…!”
Ningrum : “Hei you, go away now.”
Mom : “Malin… Malin…!”
Malin : “Go away… Go away now!”
Dayat : “MALIN! Do you forget your mother? Do you forget me, your best friend? This is your mother, Malin.”
Malin : “I don’t know who are you and the old woman. I don’t have best friend like you.”
Dayang : “you’re evil. You are disobedience child.”
Mom : “can you remember me, son? I am your mother.”
Dayat : “remember your mother, please. She always waits you to come back. Remember your promise, Malin.”
(Malin dragged his mother be rude until his mother drop down)
Malin : Don’t call me as your son, dirty old woman…! come on, my wife. We must go out from this place.”
Ningrum : “yes, my husband.”
(After pushing his mother away, Malin came back to his ship)
Mom : Malin… Malin… Don’t leave your mother Malin…! My God, how could you say that? I can’t take his anymore. I curse you… Turn into a stone…!!!

After that, suddenly the storm is coming and destroying Malin’s ship, flash of lightning coming to his body.

Malin : What’s happening? My body… I can’t move! Mom… I’m sorry mom… I’m sorry…!!!
Ningrum : What’s happening…?? What’s happening to you, my husband? Why…??!!MALINNNNNNN!!!!!

And Malin become a stone when he was begging to his mother. Ship, crew and his wife sunk down to bottom of the sea. That’s result if we rebellious to our parents
especially to our mother.
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