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ari - Today at 9:44 AM
Mura - Today at 1:27 PM
ari - Today at 1:28 PM
u carried her?
Mura - Today at 1:29 PM
Ask the real boosters
ari - Today at 1:29 PM
who are they
Mura - Today at 1:29 PM
You know who they are lol
ari - Today at 1:29 PM
but who are they
Mura - Today at 1:29 PM
y do u care lol
ari - Today at 1:30 PM
i have a problem with isa
and the whole boosting thing
Mura - Today at 1:30 PM
ari - Today at 1:30 PM
just makes the entire situatio even better
shes a typical egirl
she uses guys and then. throws them out
Mura - Today at 1:31 PM
thats the first time i see someone trashtalking isa
considering she has been like plat 6 seasons
ari - Today at 1:31 PM
i wish i could say the same
Mura - Today at 1:31 PM
thats what you call boosting?
ari - Today at 1:32 PM
i mean one of her very close friends told me it was a clear boost
and when i say close friends i mean CLOSE
Mura - Today at 1:32 PM
I know her friends
most of them are assholes
ari - Today at 1:32 PM
they really are
Mura - Today at 1:32 PM
But then again
it's her problem
not mine
idk why u make such a fuss about it
ari - Today at 1:33 PM
i dont mind at all i just find it hilarious
i tried being her friend and everything
shes fake as heck my man
Mura - Today at 1:33 PM
i find more hilarious that you trashtalk her behind her back
and it's not like you never got boosted
ari - Today at 1:34 PM
i never did?
i solo queue only
Mura - Today at 1:34 PM
ari - Today at 1:34 PM
youre one of the few who ive asked to play with
tell me
Mura - Today at 1:34 PM
Dude chill
ari - Today at 1:34 PM
who do i duo with?
im intruiged
Mura - Today at 1:34 PM
i got nothing against boosted people
ari - Today at 1:34 PM
since you know nothing
i mean everything*
Mura - Today at 1:34 PM
Im just not dumb
ari - Today at 1:35 PM
last time i duo'd was in season 5
with a guy named digital
and then no one else wanted to duo with me
so i solo queued
i duo on my smurf tho
its just like my main except i group up
i mean you can get mad at me and call me boosted, i dont mind lol
im not the one who got told off by isa
Mura - Today at 1:36 PM
gosh can you shut up for a while im trying to eat lol
literally i could care less about boosted mercy mains
at this point
ari - Today at 1:36 PM
i asked a simple question
and you went off
is it because i made fun of your crush xDD
Mura - Today at 1:36 PM
trashtalk her all you want
i could care less
ari - Today at 1:37 PM
nah i was just seeing if i could get anything out of you
Mura - Today at 1:37 PM
since your opinion is irrelevant to me
ari - Today at 1:37 PM
obviously i couldnt
how does she feel about you again
Mura - Today at 1:37 PM
ari - Today at 1:37 PM
didnt she tell you off
Mura - Today at 1:37 PM
i honestly don't know how she feels about me
ari - Today at 1:37 PM
well good luck with her
youre gonna need it
i hopeit works out
Mura - Today at 1:38 PM
damm you mercy mains and your drama
ari - Today at 1:38 PM
Mura - Today at 1:38 PM
smh get something better to do
ari - Today at 1:38 PM
im not even
ok buddy
just wondering
dont you duo LOL
Mura - Today at 1:38 PM
Im a fucking tank main that only solo queues LOOOL
since s2
ari - Today at 1:41 PM
so could i
Mura - Today at 1:41 PM
i didn't want to duo with you at the start of the seasons since duoing with a mercy main is like the biggest burden
ari - Today at 1:41 PM
it really is
i understand completely tbh
its gross
Mura - Today at 1:42 PM
ur gross xD
ari - Today at 1:42 PM
ik i am
im a mercy main
i can barely play dva or moira
Mura - Today at 1:42 PM
im gonna go
so bye
ari - Today at 1:43 PM
have fun
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