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Close your eyes and think of five things that make you smile when you think about them. What are they? - my cats, sunsets, feeling accepted, jelly beans, and warm blankets
If your house was on fire and you had sixty seconds to leave, what would you take with you? - i would run in and save all my cats and hermit crabs before anything else
When you're alone in the middle of the night and you can't quite get to sleep, what do you think about? "Going to sleep" doesn't count. - i start to worry about what i'm gonna wear and panic about having to go to school
What is love to you? - God is love <3
What is the opposite of love? - lust
Is it possible to love someone if you don't love yourself? yeah, i love God & my family/true friend and i dont exactly love myself
Do you believe mutual attraction based on mutual hatred is possible? - yes, you could hate someone so much for being exactly what you want to be..
Is it better to have something amazing and lose it or to never have had it to begin with? it's better to have something amazing and then lose it because God gives you something even more amazing to keep forever
Do you focus more on the past, the present, or the future? - the past
Do you judge people for what they wear or how they express themselves? - no way, i admire people who aren't afraid to be them selves, im getting there
Do you believe in individuals over generalisations?
When you're very scared or worried, what do you think about or do to help you feel better?
How do you feel about what happens after death?
Would you rather live a hedonistic life full of good things that make you feel good even if they're bad for you, or a healthy life centered around treating your body like a sacred temple and watching your health as closely as possible? Or do you not care either way?
Do you think you can tell a lot about a person from the way they express themselves or answer questions like these?
Do you have any special or magical memories you'll always have with you?
How would you define yourself, without saying your name or giving a physical description of yourself or your obvious personality?
When do you feel truly at peace?
Do you like having your worldview or opinions challenged or questioned?
Do you believe happiness can exist without sadness?
Is there a reason for existence?
Do you think the world existed before you did?
Do you believe people need breaks from each other, even if they're deeply in love?
What do you find most beautiful in people?
Do you take questions like these literally or pick up on what they really mean?
Summarize your favorite song in a few sentences and why it's your favorite
Do you believe history repeats itself?
IF you could see just one thing in your future, what would you look at?
Would you rather spend the rest of your life regretting something you did or regretting that you didn't do it?
Have you ever given up on something important to you?
When was the last time you were dramatically relieved?
Describe an inanimate object that is significant to you personally
Do you have a hard time forgiving?
Describe your 5 favorite parts of your significant other, or describe 5 important traits you would look for significant other.
How do you try to live your life?
Do you search for the best in people or look at them more realistically?
What gets you through a rough day?(someone, a hobby, music,etc.)
Be loved by another and not love them in return? Or love another and not be loved by them in return?
How do you think is the best way to achieve happiness?
Are you worried currently? In regards to what?
What pushes you to be better?
What is your biggest goal or dream currently?How Are you working to achieve it?
What is your biggest passion?
Something or someone you couldn't live without?
Does the future scare you?
Does the past haunt you?
Would you break someone's trust if it ended up greatly helping them in the long run?
Do you believe in love?
Is there someone you desire currently?
If you were to run away where would you go?
What surroundings make you feel best (setting, weather, clothes)
where or when is your "happy place"?
28. If you could change yourself anyway, would you? How so?
what is something out of your control that makes you upset?
do you put other people's happiness before your own?
Do you trust easily?
what's your favorite day dream?
do you like the person that you are?
do you honestly and truly hate anyone?
Currently, are you overall happy?
What is something you’d like to say to your best friend?
What is your zodiac sign?
Do you read your horoscope?
What position do you usually sleep in?
Do you get into arguments a lot?
What is your favorite hot beverage?
Who is your favorite Pokémon?
Name a band you wish more people knew about.
What’s something that’s bothering you right now?
Do you consider yourself an honest person?
Are you currently in a relationship?
What kind of things could someone expect in a relationship with you?
What was your first word?
When was the last time you went on holiday? Where to?
Are you a people person?
Talk about the last book that you read.
Random facts about my siblings.
Random facts about my friends.
What is (one of) your favorite poem(s)?
What is something that you can cook really well?
What is a hobby that not many people know you do?
Do you usually text a people first?
Tell a ghost story/urban legend.
What’s your favorite kind of soda/pop/whatever you call it?
What was something important that someone said to you once?
Are you a clumsy person?
Do you enjoy singing?
Appearance-wise, what’s something that you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
What’s your favorite dinosaur?
What’s the last thing you regret doing?
Do you try to eat healthy?
What was the last thing you ate?
What was the last thing you watched on tv?
What size shoes do you wear?
How many books have you read this year?
Have you ever had detention? Reasoning?
What’s your relationship like with you parents?
How did you meet your best friend?
Do you know how to read music?
What is something you do out of habit?
Random lyrics.
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