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There are 7 kids that you have chosen for 2 months are Emily Clay Ja'Rod Shelby Cameron Romeo and Jierh so lets meet the kids here is Emily from Butler GA and to remind you that all of these kids are from the area range butler and now lets meet Clay who turned down Emily in the fourth grade now they are pasted that and there are two more who just came in Marcal and Matthew who are great friends with Clay and Ja'Rod now lets meet the rest Ja'Rod who is best friends with Clay had a crush on Emily in the fourth grade Emily: Julie lets get done so we can go into the big brother house already. Julie: OK now lets meet Romeo who has the best grade point avrenge in he's class now lets meet Jierh who is best friends with on of the most popular girls in school. Now there is one more and that is Cameron he is Emily's cuison and they will not form a allianice and now there's one more thing the person who wins HOH give to HOH for the whole two months and there will be a VETO comp. every week so lets get in the house. Shelby: Emily come here can we form an allanice together and can we have Cameron in with us Emily: Sure.
After the HOH comp.
Jierh: I can't believe Emiy won HOH are plan is ruined Romeo what are we going to do.
Romeo: NO it's not Jierh listen me or you could win VETO.
After VETO comp.
Cameron: I can't believe I won VETO'
Emily: I'm proud of you.
Shelby: Cameron do want to be in an allianice with me and Emily.
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Regards; Team

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