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Steam Name: bahoome

Steam ID (Required for white-listing): STEAM_0:1:63148652

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Age: 18

Role-playing Experience:

1.5k hours

How did you find our server and who can vouch for you?:

I'm already whitelisted but ok, I found it months ago before the server started and Katojishifu Tokijikushikato can vouch for me

- Second Part (Just some basic information.) -

Characters Name: Blistrox the unclean

Characters Original Universe: Warhammer fantasy and custom

Why did you choose this universe?: because it is great and has alot of stuff

Race: skaven, plague priest

Height: 1.8 Meters, but he has a hunched back due to the many plagues on him

Characters Age: 35 (more than a normal skaven would live)

Characters 'Moral' Alignment: Lawful Evil

Characters Equipment:

Plague Censer: This large, incense-filled flail disperses Warpstone incense smoke such that those struck by the weapon contract a supernaturally-enhanced disease. Though not contagious by normal means, the disease ravages the lungs and flesh of those it affects, leaving them choking upon their own clotting gore as they die(they have 2 ooc dies to find a modern doctor or beyond to heal the sicknes before dying, also due to the fact the weapon is made from warpstone and warpstone forged, it can block lightsabers attack but it still acts like a normal flail, not able to cut through metal, but rather smash)

Plague priest robes: normal ragged robes

book of pestilence: book full of his spells of lord of decay

Plague vials: bunch of plagues

Cooking accessory for plague cooking: to make plagues to poison the surface dwellers

skaven blowpipe: A skaven dirty metal blowpipe with warpstone magic at the tip to make the arrows and darts travel faster, can also be used a snorkle (has the power of a longbow)

Skaven poison darts: Causes the target to have strong itchy skin and an urge to vomit for 3-4 days unless treated

Skaven pipe arrow: It acts like a normal bodkin arrow but shot from a blow pipe

Skalm: The foul-smelling substance known as Skalm is smeared on wounds to unnaturally accelerate the healing process. Enough of the substance is even rumoured to prolong a Skaven's life (10 bottle, each bottle has 4 uses)

- Third Part (Required for characters that need a full application, E.G Character with magic, the force, heavy weaponry (Or weapons that don't use basic ballistics) and heavy armour.)) -

Characters Abilities(Magic, Force, Enhancements, etc.):

rat thrall: Summon a plagued rat wolf with the powers of the lord of decay

mothr: give them a blemish on their forehead. (a pustule with a mark of the great horned rat, passive rp mostly)

favour: Steal the luck of a Skaven.

Ghostly flame: Magic missle that is made out of a oozing chaos fireball, glows green and it's basically spewing out plasma, think of it as a ball that explodes into a shower of magic napalm. (power of a plasma pistol and explodes into a plague fire)

Vector: make a target become receptive to diseases, almost killing their immunity completely for 24 hours.

Wrack: send fourth a crackle of electricity that takes away 1/4 of their combat capability.

Now for PESTILENT magic Mantle of Contagion: Taint a piece of cloth with the disease known as kruts, anyone that touches or wears it will most likely contract the disease.

Musk of terror: Summon a demonic musk that will force all creatures to cower with terror within the range of 36 yards(scares npcs and makes them flee, Lowers players morale greatly)

Pestilent breath: Exhale a pestilent poison cloud at the enemy, a huge cone, you are immune to it but everyone regardless of armor that is hit by the creeping cloud will take quite decent damage from having their limbs contaminated with this vile cloud, people can TRY to dodge.

Plague: Infect one or more targets with greenpox, weakening them by 1/4th quite quickly as if they are instantly suffering the full effects, anyone that comes near them will have to contract it by normal means of the greenpox, that is not instantanious for them. (It first manifests cold-like symptoms of sneezes and shivering, on the 5th day it will show shows its true colours. The victim is usually bed-ridden by the time the first boils begin to swell, Over the course of ten or so days, the victim becomes studded with large, pennysized sores that weep green-coloured pus. A high fever rages, and a distinctive smell arises from the sufferer’s body. Should they survive the pox, the victim will be covered with large greenish-grey scars about the face, throat and shoulders. The Green Pox can recur at any point in the victim’s life from then on, increasing the density and brightness of the pox marks each time. Only heavy make-up can disguise the distinctive marks. The average duration is fourteen days, So they should seek a doctor or have very high chance of dying from the pox)

Poison pustule: Melee weapons covered with the pus of the pustle that you burst from your body will deal extra damage to enemies, like a quick acting damaging poison.

Toxic rain: Summon a cloud that rains posion on 36 yards and it will send the affected to a nightmare-filled slumber, the rain slowly kills them if they are not dragged out of it or manage to wake up and drag themselves up if they somehow manage to wake up. (Anyone in the cloud, even allies will be put into a slumber, they will need to roll above 75 to wake up without outside help, doesn't effect the user)

Putrefy: rot and decay food instantaniously which will cause the disease galloping trots if they eat it.

Veil of flies: Summon a swarm of biting flies that swarm around you in a large cloud that'll litteraly conceal you and make it hard for people to see/shoot at you, they bite and sting whoever gets close (the flies shield me from harm and bites anyone who try to get near, as I make my escape as a filthy rat that i am, also they can use flamethrower to burn all my bugs, but bullets wont do very well)

Vermintide: Summon a swarm of rats that will try to gnaw your enemies down, the swarm is huge.(Can't be used in battle more than twice, the rat swarm is with 10 rats of 1x1x1 feet size, they razer sharp and are filled with sickening plague that damages the enemy and makes him weaker,)

Weeping wounds: Anyone who is wounded can become infected with the spell that lasts for 7 days, they wont heal normally unless you give the extensive treatment like surgery to remove the diseased part, also their capabilities are halved during that disease period (has a cool down in battle, cannot be used than two times in battle, and the affected won't be able to use medicine to heal and will need a surgery)

Examples of your characters abilities in their universe(Preferably a wiki page):

mostly from here

and others are from table top

Character Strengths:

Iron hide due to the many plagues

Can't feel pain due to having pain all the time

Filled with plague which effects others, even the rats of his own species

Stronger than most skaven

Character Weaknesses:

Encumbered by the plague

Sucidal for his holy crusade of destruction

clumsy in melee. only smashing his flain around like a crazy zealot and basic counters

Backstory (Optional, not needed. Though a small paragraph of what your character was last doing before they got to the universe would be nice.)


1. What kind of rounds can this character's armour take, should they have any.

his plagued thick hide acts like a level III kevlar and requires 3-4 around the same place to penetrate and the skin will heal itself after battle like a normal skin

2. What kind of rounds does their weapon take? Should they not have said so.
only warpstone shall cut warpstone effectivly

3. What kind of damage can their weapon do against other armour?

It acts like normal heavy metal flail with warpstone and plague enchantments

It is a warpstone flail, it would do damage to all kinds of armor since it is a big metal thing hitting you and not a bullet

4. Make sure their abilities are all roleplayed out, preferably a sentence or two per ability.(AKA Roleplay examples of your abilities in use (About a small paragraph or 3-6 lines per ability):

Rat thrall: **The plague priest summons the calls of the lord of decay to summon his loyal beast, a smoke of plague appears infront of him and comes out of it is a plagued rat wolf

mothr: **The plague priest awards a loyal subject with the mark of the lord of decay on their forhead, marking their ascendance to clan pestilence

Ghostly flame: **the plague priest is cornered by a filthy surface dweller, so he says the foul words of lord of decay spells and
and a ball of chaotic fireball of green color and flies at the enemy burning him and exploding a hot fire on his face

Vector: **The plague priest hides behind his robes and stares at his enemy , chittering the words of the lord of decay at the surface dweller, the surface dweller well feel sickness gathering in him and starts having a cold quickly

Wrack: **The plague priest chitters the word of decay and sends fourth a crackle of electricity that weaknes his opponet combat abilities.

Mantle of Contagion: **The plague priest sneaks into the mediecal bay and starts grabbing the bandages and tainting them with disease of the krutz and puts them back where they belonged and sneaks out once more

Musk of terror: **The plague priest chitters the words of decay and asks for his strenght before hitting the ground with his flail polearm to summon a musk that resembles a giant demon with horrific marks and looks

Pestilent breath: **The plague priest is surronded by scoundrels who are too close together, so the plague priest takes a deep breath and lets out an awful breath of plague and decay at them, hitting them strong and making them sickly, thus the offenders takes off in fear of the plague powers

Plague: **The plague priest starts chittering the words of the lord of decay, and a green unholy energy starts creeping from him from below and going towards the offenders, the offenders will feel sick and weakened, they feel like they had caught a disease of some sorts, and their strength weakened

Poison pustule: **The plague warrior takes his hand over his pus and takes that glorious liquid and puts it over his blade to damage the enemy with sickness

Toxic rain: **The plague priest starts rotating his censer around the and chittering the words of decay while a green smoke starts filling the sky as clouds, the clouds start pouring toxic rains that puts anyone who isn't the spell caster to nightmare induced sleep by force, killing them slowly if they don't wake up soon

Putrefy: **The plague priest grabs the an apple and rots and decays it by mere touch, and he then throws the apple inside the community soup pot, causing them to have galloping trots if they ate it the soup

Veil of flies: **The plague priest seems to be losing the battle against his offender so he chitters the words of decay, and hits the ground with his stuff and his skin starts to move awkardly and suddenly a huge swarm starts coming out from his decaying rotten flesh, covering the priest in thick layer of flies concealing him and protecting him from harm as he runs to safety

Vermintide: **The plague priest sees three guards protecting a gate to biological weapon, He chitters into the ground and calls upon a tide of vermins to attack the guards with their sharp plagued fangs and the plagues suprises the guards while they are off guard trying fend off the rats and kills them with his flail, and then steals the biological weapon for his own twisted needs.

Weeping wounds: **The plague priest swings his flail at the man and cuts him with the spikes , and then he chitters the foul words of decay, then a smoke slowly comes out below him creeping to the man and touching the wound, making the wound and flesh around decay and unable to heal, and the man will feel alot weaker by the attack

5. What's their most powerful ability?

Weeping wounds:

6. Their weakest ability?

Veil of flies

7. What kind of characters from other universes would they equivalate their power to?

Holy magic users with ability to fight off disease with their magic, Air preasured hazmat outfits, Plagued filled creatures,

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