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The Future of Innovation - By : Maximus Rafla

There is a new man on the rise that is the future of the world, and, believe it or not, it's not the founders of Starbucks.

Meet Elon Musk, the cofounder and CEO of Tesla. While Tesla is mainly known for its electrical cars, Elon is a pursuer of the concept of renewable energy itself. Elon Musk is the leading innovator when it comes to future of this world and benefiting humanity. He knows that soon the Earth will become inhabitable or overfilled, leading to creating a new civilization. This is where the idea of SpaceX, (see page **) a company in which he is the CEO and sole founder, came into hand. People criticize Elon for being uncompromising and demanding, and that he never takes no for answer. He sees a way, and has the money to back it up. In this world, (one Elon wishes to change), money means everything, and Musk has a ton of it. Elon’s greatest innovation yet however, isn’t the crazy cars or huge missiles. We’re talking about the little double AA battries that you buy, but with litum-ion guts that can power laptops. Not only that, but he is also the cofounder of PayPal and owner of SolarCity, a leader in the solar industry. Not only that but he has his own problem solving method. Here is how it goes:
1. Identify the problem you want to solve.
2. Make a list of all of the reasons you think you can't solve this pr
3. Make a list of any and all obvious solutions that you think would solve the problem, but that don't solve the problem adequately.
4. Ask yourself: "If the problem didn't exist and I could create a solution that was based on a desire, what would that solution be?"

If you ask if this works, look at Elon Musk now. Elon is one of the innovators of this century, and sooner or later, his ideas will become a part of everyone’s life.

Student Library Volunteers - Maximus Rafla

You know that place with the computers lined up all against the walls? There are some weird block things with paper in them. Yeah, those are called books. Now, you may be asking, “Why are books even in the same vicinity as computers?” That’s because that place used to be a library, but now nobody ever gets books or notices the books. That is why the Student Library Volunteers are for; To bring back the library to its former glory. They are thinking up ways and ideas for people to want to go to library and better use it for the books that are there. So go check out the LIBRARY, and check out some books, because there is more to life than shopping online.
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Regards; Team

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