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; Octal switch on PORT E 0-2 (returns compliment of values
; so use complement command comf).
; Board LEDs on PORT B 0-3.
; Green pushbotton on PORT C pin 0, Red pubtn on PORT C pin 1
; Control pot on PORT A pin 0
; Solenoid should be connected two output pins on PORT D (set rest to inputs)
; Connect to protoboard using a ribbon cable from JP1 (pin 1-8 of ribbon
; correspond to pin 0-7 of PORT D
; One of PORT D's input pins will be connected to a sensor (top of pg 8)
; Use TRISD register to define PORT D's pins
; Program Tips
; Two memory addresses set up: State and Count (can also set up and Octal or Mode
; address as well.
; 4 leds on port b will display the mode of the program
; Init will initialize the ports and sf registers. Then is will wait until the
; green button is pressed. Then the indicators on PB will read 0h or 0000b
; Octal switch on port E will be read when green button is pushed and released.
; then desired mode will begin. Fault will be indicated by the 4 LED
; PORT B pin 3 going on (mode 0, 4-7 and faults).
; After a fault, the green button will no longer work. Must reset the board to
; resume opperation
; After a code completes, the green button can be pressed to read the octal switch
; and change mode.
; The state of the program, including current mode, should be stored in the "State"
; register. (not required to function, but makes debugging easier)
; EXTRA CREDIT: make the port B lights flash on and off every second for faults.
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Regards; Team

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