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[2:41 AM] The disciple: Hi :D Do you want to know how to receive the greatest thing ever?
1=Yes, 2=No, 3=You hate God
kenkade started a call.Today at 5:34 PM
kenkade started a call.Today at 5:35 PM
[5:35 PM] The disciple: Answer?
[5:35 PM] kenkade: yeah.
[5:35 PM] kenkade: yeah.
kenkade started a call.Today at 5:35 PM
[5:36 PM] The disciple: This short cartoon will tell you. I can explain it to you in words if you prefer. Enjoy.

[5:36 PM] kenkade: Also 1; sure man lel.
[5:43 PM] kenkade: That was... a joke when you sent that, correct?
[5:43 PM] The disciple: No.
[5:43 PM] kenkade: Welp man...I am an athiest TBH, dunno' how you found me lol.
[5:44 PM] The disciple: Happy Wheels server.
Will you obey God if He's real?
[5:44 PM] kenkade: Welp I am an athiest my man.
[5:44 PM] kenkade: If god is real, I go to hell rip.
[5:45 PM] kenkade: I am spiritual, however.
[5:45 PM] kenkade: And only like... 13.
[5:45 PM] The disciple: Incorrect. If you obey God you will not go to h**l.
[5:45 PM] The disciple: So what is your answer to my question?
[5:45 PM] kenkade: If I had concrete proof besides peole saying he's real, I will...
[5:46 PM] The disciple: You cannot have proof of a spiritual being.
Do you want to know why God undeniably exists?
[5:46 PM] kenkade: I've heard of people nearly dying and going to hell, they either A lied or B dreamt of it.
[5:46 PM] kenkade: Sure man.
[5:47 PM] The disciple: Can't believe everything you here. But you also can't dismiss what you here solely due to bias ;)
If the origin is not God the origin does NOT have free will. The origin is uncreated, which means it is eternal. We came into existence, which means we would have NEVER came into existence if the origin has no free will, BECAUSE the origin would have ALWAYS been doing the SAME thing it was doing for all eternity.
God is uncreated and eternal. But the reason why we can exist from God is because He has free will to DECIDE to create. Something cannot happen unless an action is taken. An action was taken, therefore God undeniably exists.
[5:49 PM] kenkade:'s this undeniable proof?
[5:49 PM] The disciple: I didn't say it was proof. It's reason/logic.
[5:50 PM] kenkade: How do I KNOW that there's a god? You said there is NO PROOF.
[5:51 PM] kenkade: Also pushing religion on a fucking gaming website like a door knocker is really disrespectul, especially if you fucking push after told I am an athiest. I do NOT intend on arguing with you; if you want, I can bring my athiest friend in also.
[5:52 PM] kenkade: Honestly man, it's really rude. You have your beliefs, I have mine.
[5:52 PM] kenkade: Also how can you prove that monkeys don't fly?
[5:53 PM] kenkade: Simple, you can see obviously.
[5:53 PM] kenkade: How do you knoow an asteroid won't strike the planet in 9 billion years?
[5:53 PM] kenkade: You don't. No proof for nor against. No reasonable proof atleast.
[5:58 PM] The disciple: Because you exist. That's how you know.

It's not rude. I'm trying to help you. And I asked you if you wanted to know before I even sent anything.
You said you wanted to know why God undeniably exists, so don't give me your excuses.

It's not rude, it's me trying to help you. You should have kept saying no for everything. But you're instead now getting mad for no reason. Your attitude is illogical.
[5:58 PM] The disciple: I'm done here.
[5:58 PM] The disciple: How are you doing today?
[6:01 PM] kenkade: Good...And I wasn't mad...I'm blocking you and sharing this ALL OVER social media lmfao.
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