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Hello? My son called here about 20 to 30 minutes ago. You just hung up on him. Please do not hang up on me, if you do i will be forced to lodge a complaint in customer services. I just want to say that we could not see
your parking meter. That was uncomfortable for me. I thought that customer comfort was your major point. Or is sucking
money from customers your point? Which is it? Don't you want your company to be more customer-friendly? Or does only
getting money from customers your only point?

/If they say "being customer friendly is our major point"-
Well it wasn't easy for me to find your parking meters. If you want your company to be more customer friendly then i
think you can first start with placing parking meters in a more visible space.
/If they say "None of our business"- well i will have to lodge a customer complaint about this.
/If they say "The parking meters are visible"- Well i could not see it, and if i can not see it i'm pretty sure nobody
else can see it either. If they are only visible to you, what are the point of them?
/If they say "Many other people see it too"- are you sure they do? are you sure there aren't more
people who got a parking ticket because they couldn't find the parking meter? or do you think that
everyone got a parking ticket because they just didn't pay?
/If they say "the point of it is that people pay on it"- You said that being customer friendly is your
major point but if we cannot find your parking meters, then we cannot pay, therefore getting a
parking ticket. Also, i could not find it, so how are you sure that other people can find it?
are you sure that none of the people who paid parking tickets could not pay the parking meter
because they couldn't find it?
/If they say "Getting the money out of customers is the major point of this company"- (wait a few seconds while starting recording) Your point is to just get the money out of your customers? You diamond parking?
/If Yes- (Finish recording)Thank you! We just recorded that! I will make that recording public
unless you have a deal for me. Do you? Or do i just post this on public? (Start bargaining)
/If No- No? but you said that getting money from customers was your major point. It's not?
If its not then you probably value customer comfort more than getting just money. It was hard for me,
so its probably going to be hard for other people too. Don't you think? Or do you think that if you just get
money none of that matters?
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Regards; Team

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