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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
I groaned and put my hand out aimlessly not opening my eyes, trying to shut off that dreadful alarm. My hand hit the button cutting it off. I groggily open my eyes just to close them from being blinded by the sun’s harmful rays. I opened them more slowly and sat up. Glancing at the clock I saw it was six-thirty. I frowned at it, why am I up at six-thirty in the morning? I thought then I slap my hand up to my forehead; it's the first day of high school duh, I can’t believe I forgot.
Even though I didn’t want to get up I couldn’t help but feel excited. With a sigh I pushed my blanket off of me and stood up stretching my hands up over my head. I walked over to the door that connected my room to my sister's room and knocked. I waited and when I got no respond I open the door and walked in.
I looked at the sight in front of me and let out a chuckle. My sister was on the floor with the covers tangled around her and drool coming out her mouth. Her pillows were thrown around the room and her alarm clock was going off loudly by her head.
I shook my head at her, how was it possible that she was still sleep, I thought.
Her long black hair covered her face like a curtain and she was snoring very loud.
I picked up the closest pillow next to me and chucked it at her. It hit her in the head and she jumped snapping out of her sleep. Her hand went up to her mouth and wiped away any drool that might have been there.
“Huh? What" she said looking around, sleep still in her eyes.
Her blue eyes settled on me and anger clouded over the sleepiness “what the heck, Mickey”
I raised my hand to my mouth stifling a yawn and then grinned, slighting jumping from sudden excitement; it was the first day of high school. No longer would I have to endure idiotic middle school boys hitting on me at every given moment and teachers treating us like kids "do you know what today is?”I asked. She pulled herself off the floor and pulled her red tank top down. She pointed her finger at me “ I swear to god if you woke me up just to tell me it's hump day I will shave you bald" she growled, though not looking very intimidating.
I rolled my eyes at her, the last time I did that to her she threw her math book at me. I watched her pick her covers off the floor and put them on her bed before I spoke “it's the first day of high school, sis.”
She twirled around as realization came on her face then she let out a high squeal that made me want to cover my ears.
“Oh my god I can’t believe I forgot. First day of high school can you believe it? The beginning of our lives”
I scoffed at her “screw the beginning of our lives, it’s the beginning of high school boys” she picked up the closest thing to her, which was her pillow, and chucked it at me which I caught with ease.
“That’s all you think about. Boys, boys, and boys” she said walking to her other door that lead out into the hallway.
I shrugged my shoulders, I couldn’t help that I wasn’t a book nerd like her. I barely made it through middle school; the only thing I had an A in was gym. Everything else was a B or lower.
Nikki turned to me with an evil smirk on her face.
“What are you smirking about?”I asked then realized it before she had a chance to speak.
“ oh no you don’t” I said taking a step toward her but she was already gone, racing down the hall to get to the bathroom before I did.
I chase after her, she had a head start but I was faster than her. I sped past her and stopped in front of the bathroom door. I turned around and stuck my tongue out at her before stepping in the bathroom and closing the door just as I heard something hit the door with a bang.
10 minutes' later I was in my room putting on my school clothes after dodging an angry Nikki. I slid my pants on then my school shirt, red shirt and black pants. My two favorite colors.
I walked over to the mirror and I couldn’t help but admit that I was looking killer today. Most people might say that I was vain but I say if you can’t admire yourself who you can admire. My hair was still wet from the shower, making it look black instead of its natural color red. I didn’t really have time to dry it because if wanted to have breakfast and make it to school on time I was just going to have it leave it be.
I pulled my hair into a quick ponytail and left out my room. As I came out my room I sniffed the air and frowned. Mom usually makes a big breakfast but now there was no smell of her cooking in the air.
I made my way now the stairs and to the door that lead into the living room. I stepped in and stopped at the sight of my mom pacing back and forth, with an angry and scared look on her face as she argued with someone on her cell.
She didn’t see me, so I stepped back out. Instead of going around the other way into the kitchen I decided to stay and see what made my mom upset. As I pressed my ear up against the door I couldn’t help but to feel bad about eavesdropping on her conversion but I also didn’t like seeing her upset so I ignored the guilt and focused on her talking.
“I don’t care if they are coming. I can handle them if they find me and I’ve been safe for this long without the guardians” She paused for a few seconds as the person of the other end talked. I slightly frowned as I wondered who were they and who were the guardians. Mom didn’t have many friends since she didn’t really like being around and talking to people. I wish I could hear the other end of the conversion, I thought. Then suddenly I could.
A fog came over my brain making me feel dizzy and my ears popped like I just took off on a plane then I was tuned in to the person mom was talking to.
“Miraina, you’re talking like a fool. You might have been safe in the past when there was only a few scattered out in Idaho but now there’s more now than ever, they’re grouping together for some reason. You need to come back” a deep fearful voice rumbled out.
I didn’t ponder over how I could hear his voice, all I could think about the name he called mom. Miraina? I thought who the hell is Miraina? My mom’s name is Jane. What the hell is going on?
“R.J. you know better than anyone why I can’t go back to court, and even if I did come back they would treat me worse than they did before. I’m sorry but I refuse to go back and be treated as a common criminal!”
“Rain” he sighed in a way that made m think that they might be or may have been lovers. I quickly dismissed that thought from my mind; I did not want to think about my mom having a lover.
“Why must you be so stubborn? You know if you stay there you will not only be risking your life but also the lives of your children!!” he yelled with a bit of an accent coming out.
Mom let out a sigh “I just don’t know what to do R.J. I want them to be safe but I don’t want them to endure those terrible things at the court just because they’re my children.” She let out a small sob.
Just as he was about to reply I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I let out a small gasp and spun around immediately going into a fighting stance. I relaxed when I saw Nikki staring at me with a surprised look. She opened her mouth to speak but I quickly put my finger up to my mouth motioning her to be quiet.
I turned my head back to the door and tried to pick up what they were saying again “um, what’s going on? Is mom in there with a man?” I whipped my head around so fast I’m surprised I didn’t get whip- lash “what did you say” I asked.
She gave me a weird look “what? All I said is mom in there with a guy.”
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