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1.) this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure and abdicated [given up power]. Practices of the 10 unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.

2.) Roosevelt's strategies attempted to address the causes of the Depression. One of the reasons the economy was stagnant was because there was no stimulation. By putting people to work, Roosevelt was hoping to stimulate the economy by putting money back into circulation rather than worsening inflation by printing more money.

3.) According to Herbert Hoover, the New Deal op­posed traditional American values by promoting a socialistic society in which the government had a direct role in the economy. This directly opposed the free market economy that Hoover was such a fan of. He was also afraid of centralizing power too heavily in the federal capital.

4.) Roosevelt and Hoover differed in their responses to the value of economic freedom in that Roosevelt felt economic freedom stemmed from the ability to provide for oneself while Hoover viewed economic freedom as the ability to do whatever one wants. Hoover was a strong supporter of laissez-faire economics, which was a philosophy that advocated for very little if any government interference in the economy. Roosevelt, on the other hand, recognized that one of America's most central values was the ability for people to make themselves through hard work, and so he cared more about putting people to work than giving them the ability to support themselves in whatever way they could find.

5.) Roosevelt and Hoover differed in their responses to efforts to centralize control of the economy in that Roosevelt directly the involved the government in its citizens' economic lives whereas Hoover attempted to prevent exactly that. Roosevelt had all levels of the government directly hire people in order to ensure that as many people as possible could work. This gave the government great control over the economy, which Hoover strongly opposed. He tried to keep control of the government in the hands of the people by keeping the government as far removed from the economy as possible.


1.) I strongly agree that the critical problems created by the Great Depression justified intervention in the economy by the federal government because Hoover's administration proved that the Depression wasn't a problem that would sort itself out. Free market philosophy states that the economy will balance itself out at all times because self-interest will actually benefit everyone, but this idea didn't work at the time because there was no economy to speak of. With basically no stimulation happening, the only logical thing for the government to do was interfere.

2.) While it's fact that the New Deal stifled people's individual freedoms, I disagree with the idea that the programs of the New Deal were opposed to traditional American values. Some of the main provisions of the New Deal called for people to work on infrastructural projects and ensured that everyone was able to provide for themselves and their families. The "American Dream" was one in which people made names for themselves through their own hard work, and giving people the opportunity to work and earn their own livings rather than give them charity stayed true to this aspect of American culture. The expansion of infrastructure went with the idea of American expansion and progress; we're always trying to better our quality of living, and better roads, bridges, dams, etc. was certainly one way to live up to this.

3.) I disagree that America's business leaders are generally public-spirited and responsible in the guidance they give to the U.S. economy. Big business only has an obligation to maintain its own profit for the benefit of its shareholders. It cares about the economy only in regards to how the economy is affecting itself and even today will make ethically dubious decisions in order to maximize its profits

4.) I agree that In today's highly complex society, regulation of American business by the fed­eral government is necessary to avoid dangerous economic fluctuations. If left to their own devices, business will do whatever it takes to make themselves more wealthy, including put public health and safety at risk. Were it not for the FDA guidelines, for example, there would be no way to tell whether labels like "organic" or "gluten-free" actually applied to the foods they described.

5.) I agree that The economic and social legacy of the New Deal has been generally beneficial to the United States because it's led to an awareness that the government needs to have at least some presence in the economy in order to ensure stability.
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